Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 274 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 32

Chapter 274 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 32
The footsteps slowly stopped in front of Shen Chen's door, and then there was a light knock on her door.

Shen Chen didn't respond, and the footsteps sounded again, gradually drifting away.

Immediately, there was another knock on the door next door.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shrill scream.

The air seemed to have condensed, and there was a terrifying aura. Shen Chen's back was chilly, and she sighed softly.

From the moment they entered the cabin, the game had already begun.

Shen Chen opened the door.

I saw that the long corridor outside was empty, only the green safe passage was lighted faintly in light green.

The scream just now seemed to be just a decoy.

Induce people to come out.

The darkness is like a giant beast, waiting to devour everyone.

Shen Chen walked through the long corridor and pushed open the wooden door at the end.

Realization suddenly brightened in front of her eyes, and several people waved to her in horror, signaling her to stop and go back quickly.

But Shen Chen was directly pushed out by a huge force.

Go back again.

The wooden door has long since disappeared, and there is only a fireplace that is still burning with a raging fire.

Shen Chen glanced at 45 people.

There should be five more obedient, even if they heard knocks and screams, they didn't come out.

The picture in front of me looks like the interior of a nobleman's castle in the Middle Ages, full of splendor and splendor everywhere, huge oil paintings hanging high on the walls covered with simple and simple patterns.

Forty-five people, the fireplace was never turned on again.

Jumping flames writhed and crackled like maggots, and the air wafted the stench of decay.

Tian Tian saw Shen Chen and hurriedly pulled her over to explain the situation to her.

It turned out that both she and Liang Rou came out when they heard the knock on the door, and were pushed into the castle by a thug.

Everyone looked at the weird castle in front of them, and they all gathered together, like a herd of sheep, looking for a little sense of security.

Some people shouted for the program group, and some people explored around in the castle.

But after searching for a long time, except for 45 of them, there is no human habitation.

And the program group also disappeared without a trace.

Some courageous people searched the entire castle, but did not find a camera.

All of them heard knocking or screaming.

out the door.

Came to this weird place.

Tian Tian moved closer to Shen Chen's side, looking at the very sexy Liang Rou in pink silk pajamas with teary eyes.

"I'm so scared."

Liang Rou reached out and touched Tian Tian's head.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay."

At this moment, melodious music sounded in the castle, which was the dance music of medieval nobles.

The thick, huge and incomparably gorgeous curtains slowly slid towards the two sides, revealing the overwhelming sea of ​​rose flowers outside.

The sky outside is foggy, making it difficult to see the distance clearly.

Shen Chen looked at the sea of ​​roses.

Finally, I knew what the old man meant when he said that she only needs to rub a few shots.

The protagonist of this game is not her.

Instead, the remaining 45 people who signed the agreement.

The music sounded louder and louder, and the sea of ​​flowers outside the window seemed to dance gently with the music.

Slowly, the other people in the hall disappeared.

Only Shen Chen, Tian Tian, ​​Zhou Yimo, Liang Rou, great god Wei Ziyou, actress Lou Ying and heavenly king Chu Baiqiu remained.

Tian Tian grabbed the corner of Shen Chen's clothes nervously.

Shen Chen patted her shoulder reassuringly.

The lights in the entire hall went dark in an instant.

And the beautiful and elegant woman in the oil painting seemed to come alive.

Her smile looked a little weird under the dim light, and the roses around her seemed to have gradually faded and turned extremely pale, while the cup next to the woman was bright red.

(End of this chapter)

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