Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 277 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 35

Warriors who strayed into the castle, please find the hidden lover for Earl Oriste and fulfill the earl's wish.

The Earl will personally open the castle and see you off.

Everyone has no choice.

Can't get in touch with the program team at all.

There is no one in such a big castle, it is full of monsters, where can I find the Earl's lover.

No one knew how long it had been.

The sky outside was still foggy, and it was impossible to tell whether it was day or night.

The roses seemed to be able to see everyone, and they bloomed in the direction of the castle, carefully watching everyone.

Lou Ying grabbed her seaweed-like hair, and she was on the verge of collapse, but she didn't dare to move or vent, for fear of provoking monsters.

Everyone was panicked, only Shen Chen remained expressionless.

Pick up the letter and observe.

She only participated in the initial research and development, and she didn't watch the construction and filling of the follow-up world plot.

The earl's lover.

Marry her when the roses bloom.

And where everyone didn't notice, the identity cards that some people originally distributed by the program group had changed.

Zhou Yimo also discovered that his identity card had changed.

Status: Earl's steward.

The mission: to bury the dirty truth while helping the warriors escape the castle.

After his task card, there is a short plot introduction.

When the roses were blooming, the earl married the countess.

However, two years later, the Countess mysteriously disappeared.

He vaguely saw that the night before his wife disappeared, she met a young and beautiful man.

The man was suspected to be the lady's lover.

At this moment, Tian Tian exclaimed.

She said her ID card had changed.

She became a maid of the old castle, responsible for serving the Countess every day.

Her mission card said so.

After the earl and countess got married, they treated each other as guests, very sweet.

But since giving birth, the countess seems to have suffered from postpartum depression and shed tears every day.

The Earl returned home less and less often.

The identity cards of the others have all become warriors.

They are all explorers who strayed into the castle.

The task is to help the earl find his lover.

The restaurant lights flickered on and off.

Suddenly there were whining cries and a woman's vicious cursing in the castle.

Tian Tian trembled while holding her ID card.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was pushed open.

But nothing appeared.

Even the monsters are gone.

But the wooden door couldn't be closed.

It wasn't until a group of people screamed and fled into the restaurant in panic that the door was closed again.

The gate was closed and after confirming that there was no danger, they slumped on the ground, all of them with more or less scars.

through their narration.

Shen Chen and others knew that when the music sounded, they were teleported to different places in the castle.

Some were sent to the garden, some to the church, and some to the library.

There are murderous intentions hidden in the entire castle manor.

Roses that can eat people, ghosts in churches, ancient books with eyes and fangs.

What Shen Chen and the others experienced can only be regarded as a simple model.

The others were desperate to survive, and fled back to the castle according to the prompts of their identity cards.

From the original 45 people, there are now only [-] people left.

And the others are all dead.

The death was extremely tragic.

The rest of the people were terrified. They watched their companions get their heads bitten off by the bloody rose, or were torn apart by the ghosts, or their heads were eaten by the ancient book.

It seems that only this restaurant is safe for the time being.

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