Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 286 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 44

Chapter 286 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 44
Shen's is already one of the best companies in Xia Country, and I'm afraid it will be improved to a higher level.

He didn't expect Shen Chen to have such a talent.

That innocent and happy girl has grown up.

But he feels that this calm and wise girl is also very tempting to him.

His keen business sense let him know that the Zhou family must board this big ship, or they may be eliminated by the times in the future.

I don't know if she knew the answer in the game.

But now these are not important.

Shen Chen refused expressionlessly: "No need, I have some things to discuss with Director Sun."

The expression on Zhou Yimo's face was still gentle, even if she directly rejected him, he didn't show any sullen expression.

"it is good."

He looked at Shen Chen apologetically: "I apologize to you for my parents' abrupt offense last time."

"Parents will also regret it very much. They always want you and Yi Bai to come back for a meal and say sorry to you in person."

For such a long time, the Zhou family's parents have ignored Zhou Yibai, and if they say that they have suddenly awakened, no ghost will believe it.

Shen Chen said: "If we have time, we will go back."

Zhou Yimo faintly felt Shen Chen's irritability.

He didn't bother too much anymore.

There is ample time.

Old man Sun expected that Shen Chen would come to him.

He had already dismissed everyone, and sat alone in the car waiting for Shen Chen.

After Shen Chen got into the car, old man Sun handed the breakfast to Shen Chen with an amiable face.

"Haven't had breakfast yet, come, try it, I ordered someone to buy it."

"I heard from your father that you like to eat their buns the most."

Shen Chen looked at the steamed bun he handed over, but didn't take it.

"Uncle Sun, you have crossed the line this time."

Old Sun's face had just been medicated, and now half of his face was hidden in the dark.

He smiled wryly: "I knew you girl would come to me."

"Are you going to tell me next that the cooperation between the Shen family and the Sun family ends here?"

Before he made this decision, he had already anticipated the consequences.

He cut it first and played it later because he knew that Shen Chen would definitely not agree to him using this unreleased game as a variety show.

Moreover, if everyone knows that this is just a game.

The effect of variety shows will be greatly reduced.

So, he chose to hide it.

Hid everyone.

He took out a document from the car and put it in front of Shen Chen: "5% of Shen's shares."

Shen Chen looked at the document in front of him.

Old man Sun continued: "Now the game is about to be launched, and the cooperation between the Shen family and the Sun family cannot be terminated."

"This share was given to me by your father back then."

"Now, I have returned the property to the original owner."

A simple black gel pen was spinning and flying at Shen Chen's fingertips, and she looked at old man Sun and smiled.

"As a junior, I naturally support Uncle Sun's hobbies."

"It's just that it was agreed at the beginning, I just came to take a few shots."

"I hope that when it is broadcast, you won't see too many shots of me."

Old man Sun was a little confused.

He pursued the ultimate perfection, but Shen Chen had already given in.

I'm afraid that if he doesn't answer, it really can't end.

Old man Sun smiled on his fat face: "Naturally."

Shen Chen picked up the black pen and signed his name on the document very neatly.

In fact, Old Man Sun's matter can be big or small.

Both pros and cons.

His program will indeed become popular if it is broadcast, and it will also bring a wave of publicity to the game.

There is just risk.

Shen Chen put away the documents, and saw Gu Beizhuo standing alone by the roadside with a suitcase.

Under the dappled sunlight, wearing a simple black sweater, he narrowed his slender eyes slightly, and raised his hand to block the sunlight.

He has no way to go back to the city now, and has to wait for the program team's car to pick him up.

(End of this chapter)

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