Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 291 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 49

Chapter 291 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 49
But they didn't take this opportunity to praise Gu Beizhuo, but asked him to accept some commercial performances or relatively bad scripts.

Or launch a newcomer to go on the show with him, and take advantage of his popularity.

Gu Beizhuo was burdened with huge liquidated damages, he had no choice but to follow the company's arrangement.

At that time, he had just entered the society, was young and ignorant, and worked in a milk tea shop. Because of his amazing appearance, he happened to be discovered by this small company.

Because his younger brother was seriously ill at the time, he was in urgent need of money, so he signed a ten-year contract.

It's only the second year now.

Although the script given to him by the company is not good.

But his outstanding appearance and excellent acting skills can still make people shine.

The daughter of the company boss also watched variety shows online.

She came to look for Gu Beizhuo again, but he still rejected him indifferently.

If she can't take care of her, she will become a little angry from embarrassment.

Isn't he just an actor, with a little fame, what arrogance.

Gu Beizhuo didn't pay much attention when he saw the back of her leaving angrily.

Now the heat on his body has not dissipated.

Even if the boss of the company dotes on his daughter, he will not continue to hide himself for the time being.

In the face of absolute interests, everything else can be left behind.

Gu Beizhuo likes filming.

Only when he is immersed in filming, he will devote himself wholeheartedly.

In order to temporarily forget the figure in my mind.

She is married, he shouldn't bother her anymore.

After the director finished his work, Gu Beizhuo went to the backstage to remove his makeup. The manager handed Gu Beizhuo a bottle of water, saying that he might be required to attend a dinner party tonight.

The banquet was full of big names in the industry, and the company managed to win him over.

Let him cherish this opportunity.

Gu Beizhuo took the water and took a few sips unpreparedly.

The manager saw Gu Beizhuo's throat rolling, and the water bottle was half empty, his eyes dimmed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After changing clothes, Gu Beizhuo sat in the car on the way to the dinner party.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong with the road.

There were also strange sensations coming from his body, and the picture in front of him began to become blurred. His mouth was a little dry, and his face and body were extremely burned, as if there were countless burning ants climbing on his body.

He is not a simple fool, he is in the entertainment circle, how could he not guess what it is.

Gradually, the abnormalities in the body became more and more obvious.

He looked at the manager coldly: "Stop!"

Damn it, it must be that glass of water just now.

He didn't expect them to be so frenzied.

The manager realized that he had noticed something strange, and quickly took his hand.

The young lady said that no matter what, I will send Gu Beizhuo to her room today.

Who made this Gu Beizhuo so ignorant of flattery.

Miss is young and beautiful, it is his honor to see him.

He dared to refuse.

Gu Beizhuo struggled, but because of the medicine, he couldn't exert much strength. Fortunately, his time of taking the medicine was not long.

Haven't completely lost my mind yet.

He saw that the car had already driven into the villa area. When the car slowed down and turned, Gu Beizhuo bit hard on the manager's hand.

The manager shook his hand away in pain.

Gu Beizhuo slammed into the car window.

In the nick of time, he jumped out of the open car window.

His body fell heavily on the ground, and Gu Beizhuo rolled on the ground a few times, the pain in his body made him wake up a bit.

It was getting late, and the setting sun was like blood.

Regardless of the pain in his body, he stumbled up and fled towards the nearby bushes.

Seeing that Gu Beizhuo jumped out of the car, the agent hurriedly asked the driver to stop, and brought his assistant and the driver to arrest him.

This kid has really good physical strength.

Drinking Miqingsan can still be so sober.

Hope to be able to toss like this when it comes to the lady's bed.

(End of this chapter)

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