Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 293 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 51

Chapter 293 The Virgin of the Entertainment Circle 51
Gu Beizhuo opened his eyes, and the heavy curtains covered the bright sun.

He looked around and was startled when he saw the unfamiliar environment. He lifted the quilt and saw that his body was covered in red marks and his face was pale.

The abnormality in his body reminded him of what happened last night.

He gripped the quilt tightly, and his fingertips lost color.

The memory gradually came back.

It seems that he was drugged by the agent and tricked him out in the name of attending a dinner party.

He seems to vaguely remember.

In a moment of crisis, he fell out of the car window.

Then he pulled over a car, and he had no recollection of what happened afterwards.

So, he was taken back by his manager?

Gu Beizhuo's glass-colored eyes glowed with frightening hostility.

He will not let go of any of these people who plot against him.

The whole room was filled with a sweet smell, and when Gu Beizhao thought about what happened, he felt so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe.

He is not clean.

There is no chance for him and Shen Chen.

How could he be worthy of her like this.

He rinsed his body in the bathroom, rubbing the red marks on his neck vigorously, wishing to rub off a layer of skin.

He picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on himself one by one, as if picking up his dignity that had been smashed to pieces one by one.

His eyes are cold.

Just then, the door opened.

He saw a woman come in.

She glanced at him casually, with a lazy expression on her face, like a well-fed big cat.

"woke up?"

She sat on the small sofa in front of the bed, pressed the button, and the electric curtains moved to both sides, the midday sun shone in, and the whole room instantly lit up.

Shen Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Throw the bag in your hand on the bed: "Your clothes were dirty yesterday, wear this."

When Gu Beizhuo saw Shen Chen, he froze in place.

It took a long time for him to react. Looking at the messy bed and the bags on it, his cheeks were instantly stained red.

Is that person Shen Chen?

He raised his eyes again, and the long and narrow eyes sparkled: "We were last night..."

Shen Chen looked at him indifferently, and put the check in his hand on the table.

"Just change your clothes and leave. Be careful in the future."

Gu Beizhuo bit his lower lip, the tip of his tongue still hurts, is she going to drive him away?
What did she think he was.

Want to give him money to send him off?
He is not out to sell.

Gu Beizhuo suddenly remembered that she was already married.

Therefore, to her, he was just a mistake of infatuation.

Realizing this, he lowered his head, and the look in his eyes suddenly dissipated.

There were bursts of sore pain at the tip of his heart.

He didn't want to meddle in her marriage.

He just, just wants her to focus on him a little more, that's all.

At the same time, a crazy idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

Why, that person can possess her alone.

And he can't.

He won't rob her with that person, he just wants to stay by her side.

Even if it's just for a moment.

He lowered his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse, like the rustling of green leaves rustling in the wind in the forest: "I'm sorry."

Hear his voice.

Shen Chen suddenly felt an itch in his heart.

He barked very nicely last night, but when he woke up this morning, his voice was hoarse.

Shen Chen looked at him.

His discovery was still wet, standing there like an innocent drowning puppy, looking down at his bare feet.

Shen Chen sighed and stood up.

"I'll have someone bring you a new pair of shoes."

(End of this chapter)

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