Chapter 313 Tyrant 3
But two years later.

The war broke out again, Hengyu was about to flee back to Longxi, he came to find Shen Chen, told his love, and told her to wait for him to come back to marry her.

For the sake of his beloved, Shen Chen stole his father's token and helped him leave.

Originally, Shen Chen's move was to implicate the whole family of Shen's family.

It may be that the halo of the heroine shines.

On this night, Yan Chi's most disregarded Ninth Prince Xuanqin took advantage of the chaos to launch a palace coup and seized Yan Chi's power.

The capital was in chaos for a moment, and the fact that Heng Yu escaped by relying on Shen's father's token was not exposed.

After Xuanqin came to power, he had a tyrannical temperament. When the emperor was angry, millions of corpses floated away.

If something goes wrong, kill people to vent your anger.

There are no less than a hundred dead bodies carried out of the palace walls every day, and all the ministers are trembling when they go to court.

After the tyrant came to power, the courtiers were in power, and the people were in dire straits.

But the tyrant is only greedy for his own enjoyment, and doesn't care about the life and death of the people at all.

But Yanchi had a lot of conflicts with the Longxi border, but a month passed without any fight.

The Yanchi country is rich and rich, and the wars are planned for a long time, consuming the country's strength and manpower.

Longxi has just returned from cultivation, now fighting Yanchi is like hitting a stone with an egg.

They made moves at the border just to let the prince escape while taking advantage of the chaos.

After all, the battle between the princes in Longxi has also entered an incandescent stage.

When a tyrant comes to the throne, he naturally has to fill the harem. If there are girls of the right age in every official family, they have to send a girl into the palace.

Being able to enter the imperial palace, even if the emperor is cruel, is always attractive, and naturally there are countless girls flocking to it.

However, the first batch of girls were sent into the palace, and within half a month, all the corpses were carried out.

Shen Chen's cousin was also among them.

Shen Chen took a look quietly, her cousin's entire face seemed to be bitten by something, and her body was also bloody.

I heard that the tyrant threw some concubines into the Colosseum for fun.

Want to see them wrestle with wild beasts.

The outcome is predictable.

The 30 people who entered the palace were all tortured to death.

After Shen Chen saw his cousin's body, he vomited it out on the spot.

After returning home, she fell seriously ill.

Since then, the tyrant has left a deep shadow in her heart.

Soon, the second batch of draft picks began.

After this incident, no one dared to send their daughters into the harem, but because of the tyrant's power, they had no choice but to tearfully abandon their daughters in exchange for a moment of peace.

The Shen family escaped the first draft.

But he couldn't escape the second time.

It was supposed to be Shen Chen's sister, Shen Lan, who entered the palace, but Shen Lan begged Shen Chen bitterly, Shen Chen finally couldn't bear the death of Shen Lan, and finally entered the palace instead of Shen Lan.

She couldn't wait for her young man.

She broke their agreement and married another man.

On the eve of entering the palace, she threw the token into the pond of the Shen family.

After Shen Chen entered the palace, he watched the concubines around him die face to face one by one.

She also began to feel anxious every day.

What she didn't expect was that the stern-faced big devil tyrant imagined in her mind turned out to be a handsome boy.

The second batch of show girls were all dead, and she was the only one left.

The boy smiled and threw her into the pond full of piranhas.

Seeing her struggling inside, the tyrant smiled very happily.

Fortunately, she is the heroine.

Even climbing up by herself, the tyrant saw a flash of interest in her eyes.

Since then, he began to torture Shen Chen slowly.

But Shen Chen is like a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

You can't die from poison, you can't be bitten by wild animals, you can't freeze to death in the snow.

Shen Chen became the only survivor of the two groups of show girls.

(End of this chapter)

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