Chapter 316 Tyrant 6
Later, after learning about Shen Chen's situation, Shen Lan didn't explain it.

It's wrong, it's wrong.

Now that the chaos is set right, she will fall into a situation where she will never recover.

Heng Yu thought she was Shen Chen and treated her extremely well.

Having enjoyed everything, it is even more impossible for her to return Heng Yu to Shen Chen.

Even, Shen Chen was tortured for more than ten years, and Shen Lan never pleaded for Shen Chen.

She and Shen Chen grew up together.

It is not particularly difficult for twins to imitate each other.

And she used to have a good relationship with Shen Chen, and Shen Chen would tell her anything about himself, so she was familiar with every detail of Shen Chen and Heng Yu's experience.

Playing Shen Chen for a long time.

Even, Shen Lan felt that she was the one who met Heng Yu by chance when she went out to wander the rivers and lakes, and later made friends in the capital.

She even lied to herself.

She is Shen Chen.

It wasn't until Shen Chen was dying and she went to see her that Shen Lan suddenly woke up.

She robbed her sister's lover and stole her life.

But everything can't be turned back.

After all, Heng Yu loves Shen Chen so much, doesn't he also recognize their difference?
No matter how much one person impersonates another person, in the end it is just an impersonation, and there will always be flaws.

It's just that maybe he had already found out.

Just like her, she was deceiving her ears and stealing her bells, she just didn't want to admit it.

After all, how could a majestic emperor admit that he had identified the wrong person, and even push his beloved to other men to play with.

They pretended to be deaf and dumb, whitewashed the peace, and maintained this misplaced "love".

The wine had a lot of stamina, Shen Chen yawned, and walked back to his yard with the flagon in his hand, looking for memories.

Lying in bed, drunk.

When he woke up the next day, Shen Chen rubbed his head and sat up leaning against the edge of the bed.

The girl's room is furnished in a simple and elegant way, with long whips and daggers hanging on the wall.

These were all given to her by her grandfather to play with when she came to Beijing.

in the plot.

Shen Chen wrote to his grandfather, begging him to help Hengyu compete, but after Hengyu defeated Yanchi.

The foreign family was reduced to abandoned sons.

It also ended up with a male family copying and beheading, and female family members being sold as prostitutes.

Shen Lan has always disliked her grandfather's family.

I feel that they are extremely vulgar, they are all a bunch of big bosses, and my grandfather's family is partial to the younger sister and ignores her.

In order not to offend Hengyu, she pretended not to know anything.

Shen Chen took off the long whip. The red whip was made of python skin, with bright luster and cold tentacles. The whip was covered with thin barbs, which could be stretched and retracted.

The hook was safely kept in the brocade box next to it.

Shen Chen shook, and the whip was thrown out in the air, breaking through the air with a crackling sound, and the tail of the whip hit the floor in front of the pink embroidered shoes, splashing countless dust.

Shen Lan let out a low cry in fright.

Backing back again and again, he accidentally bumped into the door, losing his former dignity.

Tears welled up in her eyes quickly.

Usually, when the original owner saw this appearance, he would definitely go up to comfort her, make funny faces to coax her for a long time, and Shen Chen would only heave a sigh of relief when she laughed out of tears.

Shen Lan was timid since childhood.

Extremely easily startled.

Shen Chen took back the snake whip, chuckled, and hung the whip back on the wall in a very precious manner.

Preemptively complaining in his mouth: "Why did my sister come to my room without saying a word, it shocked me."

"I thought it was some kind of thief with ulterior motives, who almost hurt my sister."

Shen Lan squeezed the handkerchief tightly, a little surprised by Shen Chen's reaction.

There seemed to be something in her words.

But Shen Chen has always been straightforward, not the kind of person with a curved gut.

(End of this chapter)

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