The Xuanqin of this world is sick.

Although Shen Chen felt that he had tried his best to restrain himself, it still made Shen Chen feel uncomfortable.

By Shen Chen's side, there are people following him 24 hours a day.

It sounds like protection, but it is actually surveillance.

The court ladies and eunuchs around her were even afraid to say a word to her in fear.

Xuan Qin treats her like fragile colored glaze, and rides high in the golden cage-like harem, allowing her to touch and rely on him alone.

Shen Chen is very fond of enjoying, and the food and clothing in the palace are all the best.

But Xuanqin's obsessive possessiveness made it more difficult for her to complete the task.

Although he kept talking, he didn't want to make the palace, the capital and the position of the empress her a cage.

I don't want to cut off her wings.

However, Shen Chen only had to leave his sight every time, even if he was sleeping.

He would send someone to secretly record when and how long she slept.

Her food, work and rest, and every move are all under his airtight surveillance.

He is very kind to her, but this kind of kindness is what she disdains to accept the most.

Shen Chen doesn't hate paranoid love, she hates the thorns derived from it piercing her.

She gave him many chances and stayed by his side for several months, but Xuan Qin didn't seem to notice her displeasure at all.

Then I can only let her come and pull out these thorns with her own hands.

If he wanted to stay by her side, he might be bleeding from pulling out the thorn, but as long as he wanted to leave, Shen Chen would never stop him.

After all, the freest thing is the human heart.

[Ding, system testing...]

[The hero has arrived in Yanjing. 】

[Please the host to complete the task, and said to the hero with tears in his eyes, Ayu, you finally came to pick me up. 】

[The host is asked to complete the plot task, all relatives will die tragically]

[Please host to complete the plot task, the country will be destroyed]

[The host is asked to complete the plot task, a pillow for thousands of people with jade arms]

When the male and female protagonists are far apart, the system's task release will not be triggered.

It's like the network is disconnected.

And when the hero and heroine are on the same map plate, the mission will be triggered accordingly.

Shen Chen looked at Xuanqin, who seemed to be sleeping very restlessly, and whose eyelashes kept trembling.

He raised his hand to wipe away the fine beads of sweat secreting from his forehead.

Xuan Qin woke up suddenly, his eyes were scarlet and fierce, and he looked like a ghost crawling out of hell.

After seeing Shen Chen in front of him clearly, he narrowed his long eyes lightly, and rolled into Shen Chen's arms.

Hugging Shen Chen tightly, his voice was hoarse and magnetic, with a bit of grievance.

"why are not you sleeping."

Shen Chen gently kissed his forehead.

"Suddenly woke up."

"Have you had a nightmare?"

She suddenly felt that the cloth on her shoulders was wet and a little hot.

Xuan Qin's body froze for a moment, and he quickly returned to normal: "No, it's late at night, let's rest."

He didn't want to say it, and Shen Chen didn't ask too much.

She stroked his thin back comfortingly: "Okay."

The next morning, when Shen Chen woke up, Xuanqin had already gone to court.

She was served by a maid and changed her clothes. After eating, she went to the zoo. She killed all the adult beasts, and only a few young animals shivered in the corner, looking good. Pitiful.

This animal garden was not built by Xuanqin. Raising ferocious beasts has been a traditional hobby of Emperor Yanchi throughout the ages.

It's just that like Xuanqin, he is the only one who feeds live people every day.

Because Xuan Qin disliked the zoo, the zoo looked rather desolate.

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