Chapter 339 Tyrant 29
Her gentle and shallow voice was like countless hot sharp knives, piercing fiercely into his chest.

It smashed his heart into pieces.

She said, "Ayu, you finally came to pick me up."

He saw a crystal teardrop running across her smooth little face, she looked very pitiful.

Xuan Qin clutched his chest, leaning against the plum tree in pain, the cold plum scent from the tip of his nose couldn't cover up the surging blood in his throat.

She doesn't want him anymore.

In other words, she never gave him a place in her heart.

He always felt that the years were long, as long as he continued to treat her well, one day, she would forget about Heng Yu and turn around and fall into his embrace.

But reality slapped him hard and woke him up.

He saw that the man's eyes were also red, and he hugged Shen Chen tightly.

"Sorry, Chen'er, I'm late."

He didn't ask her why she married someone else, or say anything else.

I just hugged my lost and recovered lover tightly.

"I know, you must have difficulties."

Shen Chen's tears rolled even harder.

Xuan Qin's fingertips dug deeply into the rough plum tree, he didn't seem to feel the pain, and let it drip with blood.

At this moment, a group of men in black received the order and rushed out from the darkness one after another, surrounding Heng Yu.

The weapons in their hands attacked Hengyu. Hengyu's martial arts were superb, but these people were all the best masters in the world cultivated in the palace since childhood.

Hengyu was quickly defeated.

When the knife was about to pierce Heng Yu's chest, Shen Chen suddenly stood in front of him.

The man in black's pupils constricted, he drew his knife sharply, and slashed to the side.

The other men in black looked at each other, wanting to make a quick decision, and at the same time slashed at Heng Yu. Shen Chen pushed him away, but he subconsciously pulled him away, and the two fell into the icy water in the cold winter months. middle.

"Chen'er." Xuan Qin exclaimed.

The hidden guards faced each other and knelt in front of Xuanqin: "Your Majesty."

But Xuanqin didn't have time to pay attention. Shen Chen and Hengyu fell into the water and disappeared immediately. Xuanqin took off his cloak and jumped down.

He was very flustered.

Huaqing Pool in December can kill people.

Huaqing Pool is running water.

Those who do not know water are quickly washed away.

He clearly ordered that he only kill Heng Yu, and must not hurt Shen Chen in the slightest.

But what he didn't expect was that Shen Chen stood in front of him.

To her, is that man that important? He can even make her disregard her own life.

Xuanqin panicked, he floated frantically in the water until he was exhausted and lost consciousness and passed out, but he couldn't find Shen Chen's shadow.

After he was sent back to the dormitory, he had a high fever for three days and kept calling Shen Chen's name.

Occasionally awake, he propped himself up and wanted to continue looking for Shen Chen.

It's been a night.

He sent countless people to look for Shen Chen.

But the two of them seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

On the second day, he got the news that Heng Yu was rescued in the lower reaches of the river.

But Shen Chen was still missing.

Hengyu's people are also looking for Shen Chen.

Impossible, Chen'er will be fine.

On the third day, his men only salvaged a female corpse bitten to pieces by fish at the bottom of the lake.

She was about the same height and build as Shen Chen, and she was wearing the clothes Chen'er wore the day he fell into the water. At the same time, the female corpse also had a small scarlet mole behind the ear, just like Shen Chen.

But Xuan Qin looked at the rotten female corpse.

His vision was a little blurry, but he couldn't believe it, it was Shen Chen.

At noon that day, she was still alive and kicking.

Xuan Qin's face was pale, a stream of blood spewed from his mouth, the blood stained the pale neck of the female corpse red.

He fell straight down.

(End of this chapter)

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