chapter 35
Later, he found out that the child belonged to him and Shen Chen.

How could his child be raised by other wild men.

He took the child to him.

But she never thought that the person who was always by her side was the truly vicious person.

Knowing that his daughter was allergic to peanuts, Shi Yaming deliberately gave her peanut butter. He rushed to the hospital with his daughter's dying body in his arms on a rainy day.

But still a step too late.

He has always trusted Shi Yaya and never doubted her.

Unexpectedly, she was the one with a heart of snakes and scorpions.

Pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud, he checked and found that Shi Yaya was so vicious, she had been deceiving him all along.

At that time, she went abroad just for vanity, but he was her spare child. Later, she returned to China to find him, but it was also because her noble husband abroad went bankrupt.

She was also behind the scene of Shen Chen's miscarriage in the first car accident.

Later, when Shen Chen disappeared, she was also sold abroad. Even when she accused Shen Chen of kidnapping her, all of them were directed and acted by herself.

How could he be fooled by such a femme fatale woman.

He was furious, and returned to her all the things she had done to Shen Chen, and let her suffer the consequences.

And Shen Chen was the most innocent one, he regretted it too much, and hurriedly rescued her.

But she had suffered so much in prison, and when she looked at him again, her eyes were dimmed.

She watched him trembling, she avoided his approach, she cried and begged him to let him go.

She said she was wrong, and she never dared to ask for his love again.

She just hoped never to see him again.

Looking at her like this, his heart was pierced like a knife.

However, only after experiencing all this, did he fully recognize his own heart.

He has always loved Shen Chen, he has already fallen in love with her deeply, she is his salvation, and he can't do without her anymore.

He begged her forgiveness.

But she doesn't seem to love him at all.

He is in great pain.

Until one day, he happened to meet her being kidnapped.

Regardless of his own danger, he rescued her from the pervert who liked Shen Chen.

At the same time, he was also stabbed by that pervert named Gao Yang and sent to the hospital.

He left a lot of blood, Shen Chen thought he was going to die, she hugged him and cried heartbreakingly, she said she was willing to forgive him.

In the end, they reconcile as before.

He proposed to Shen Chen, and she agreed to him.

He knew that she still loved him.

She has loved him for more than ten years, and it has already penetrated into the bone marrow, how could it be so easy to let go.

they got married.

He thought everything would be fine.

But that's not the case.

After Shen Chen married him, she didn't feel safe sleeping next to him. She would always be awakened by nightmares, and when she woke up in the middle of the night, she would be terrified when she looked at his face.

He dared not touch her again.

She was afraid of him, she was afraid of him from the bottom of her heart.

Shen Chen donated a kidney to Shi Yaya, but she was wronged and imprisoned before it was recuperated. Her body was already sick and dilapidated.

He tried his best to remedy it for her, but the physical injury could be repaired, but the psychological injury could never be repaired.

One morning.

He seemed to see Shen Chen from before, she was wearing a white skirt, sitting on the window sill, her black hair was blowing behind her head with the autumn wind, she squinted her eyes to feel the first ray of sunshine, the pure beam hit Her body made her look like an angel who had fallen into the mortal world.

For the first time, her porcelain white and thin face gave him a beautiful smile.

She said, "Fu Sirui, I regret meeting you so much."

She stood up slowly, opened her arms, turned and fell back facing the sun, she closed her eyes with a smile, like the last leaf in the autumn wind pounced on the embrace of the earth.

His eyes were red, and he rushed over at the fastest speed in his life, but he didn't even grab a piece of his clothes: "No!"

(End of this chapter)

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