The face that was always calm was finally stained with a bit of anger.

Xuan Qin's face was pale, his eyes were like ashes, and his once charming face lost all color.

He withdrew his arm and smiled weakly: "I did it by accident."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

He raised his head and looked at Shen Chen cautiously: "I won't do it in the future."

You don't want me.

Don't abandon him again.

Shen Chen ordered Jinchuang medicine to be delivered, took his hand personally, and put the medicine on his arm.

Look at the deep bone wound.

Shen Chen bandaged him gently.

"During this time, your identity has been leaked by someone."

"The ministers don't agree with me marrying you."

"You need a shield."

Shen Chen paused: "He is the prince of Longxi, his identity is more sensitive than yours, no one is more suitable than him."

"When the house is dark, when you want to open the window, no one will agree, but when you want to take the roof down, they will be willing to open the window again."

Xuan Qin looked up at her.

Shen Chen cut off the excess gauze that had wrapped his wound, and continued.

"I don't like him, and I won't want you for him."

Xuan Qin threw himself into Shen Chen's arms, sobbing.

His crying was very ugly.

Shen Chen touched his head: "Fool."

"If you have any unhappy things in the future, don't keep it in your heart, just tell me directly."

"I am always here."

"I won't be impatient, I will always be with you."

"You can't hurt yourself next time."

She remembered that for Xuanqin's anxious attachment, she had to say everything clearly, encourage and obey.

Otherwise, he will always be suspicious of himself.

Shen Chen comforted him in a low voice for a long time.

Finally, Xuanqin's mood gradually calmed down.

He sobbed for a while, and brought out a box very preciously.

Inside was an ugly, twisted piece of dough that looked like a small animal.

Shen Chen didn't see what he was doing, so he could only pretend to praise: "This dog is so lifelike."

She took a sip and let it cool down a bit, but the taste wasn't bad, but it wasn't much better.

Xuan Qin looked at her with a hoarse voice: "This is not a dog, it's a rabbit."

He pointed to the two invisible noodles on the dough: "This is rabbit ears."

Shen Chen was very appreciative and ate another one: "It's delicious, is it made by Aqin? Aqin is really amazing."

Xuan Qin smiled. He watched Shen Chen eat what he made, picked up the handkerchief and coughed lightly, but it pulled the wound on his arm.

He tentatively hugged Shen Chen again.

Shen Chen didn't dodge, but put his arms around his waist.

Xuan Qin glanced at Shen Chen delicately: "It hurts."

Shen Chen found that the white gauze was oozing blood again, so he could only bandage him again.

He stuffed the few dough balls that Shen Chen hadn't finished eating into his mouth, because Shen Chen had been forced to feed them during this time.

A little flesh finally grew on Xuan Qin's face.

He asked Shen Chen to make a mask for him, covering half of his face.

He secretly went to Hengyu's palace and saw him lying on the bed half dead.

Just glanced at it and left.

He has nothing now, and there is nothing Shen Chen can dream of, so she has no reason to lie to him.

But he still couldn't help it.

It seems that only by seeing Heng Yu with his own eyes can he really feel relieved.

Shen Chen stayed with him most of the time, but he released the news outside that he wanted to make Heng Yu the male queen.

As expected, all the ministers were against it.

Heng Yu is the prince of Longxi, how could he become a male empress.

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