Quick wear: The villain made the male protagonist cry again

Chapter 358 Rebirth in the Last Days, Young Master Shen’s Sweet Pet Work 3

Shen Chen also began to figure out some rules.

As long as he pretends to love Lu Qianyue very much.

He will not be controlled.

He began to follow Lu Qianyue not far or near, pretending to be affectionate.

Lu Qianyue is like a bright mirror in her heart, but she still enjoys Shen Chen's kindness to her, pretending that she doesn't understand anything.

When the power that binds Shen Chen disappears, he will run away.

Can he afford to provoke or hide?
He started to go out to do tasks, and he did it for a month.

Sure enough, after leaving Lu Qianyue, his world will be much freer.

However, what he didn't expect was that.

For the last mission, Li Changkong actually brought Lu Qianyue here.

Li Changkong was still having an affair with a woman in front of Li Qianyue.

It directly drove Li Qianyue crazy.

Her facial features twisted and she wanted to hit Li Changkong and that woman.

But they were pushed into the group of zombies.

Li Qianyue died, and Shen Chen was completely relieved.

Before he was happy, he was charged again. He actually hugged the woman's bloody corpse bitten by zombies.

Just kissed it.

Shen Chen almost vomited out the overnight meal.

But he couldn't control his body. He watched him kill Li Changkong and the woman with his own hands.

Originally, he thought that everything was finally coming to an end.

But never thought.

All this is just the beginning of a nightmare.

Everything started all over again, he was sucked in by the weird red light on Lu Qianyue's chest.

He returned to three months before the end of the world.

And that woman Lu Qianyue suddenly began to be courteous to him, calling him husband with her shameless face and coy tone.

Shen Chen felt that all this was worse than letting him kiss her dead body.

Help, who can come and save him.

Shen Chen began to try to commit suicide, wanting to escape this disgusting cycle.

However, even if he succeeds in committing suicide, he will still return to three months before the end of the world.

Shen Chen was completely heartbroken.

He saw that his body began to follow Lu Qianyue like a dog in the previous life.

Be a tool for her pretense.

Man, he came to kill.

work, he will do it.

Name, she comes to enjoy.

Shen Chen discovered that the woman Lu Qianyue had also been reborn, and not only that, she would sometimes disappear for no reason.

when it comes out again.

It was as if her whole body had been reborn.

The dull facial features began to glisten, and the rough skin was like a shelled egg.

She also makes some strange things for him to drink.

His ability is like a rocket going up in a frame.

But Shen Chen was not happy at all.

He is just a tool, a tool responsible for pampering Li Qianyue.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the shackles of fate.

Later, he lay flat.

How about love.

He was like a bystander, watching his body doing all the domineering and pampering things.

He starts an infinite cycle.

Repeating mechanical movements, carrying the memory of every life.

He is willing to give all his soul power, just asking her to give him a happy time.

Let him die, he doesn't want to hear the name Lu Qianyue again.

It was a nightmare he could not get rid of.

Shen Chen's handsome eyebrows and eyes slowly frowned, as elegant and beautiful as an old European nobleman.

The behavior of the male and female protagonists is not evaluated.

It's just that Shen Chen doesn't want to sleep with women.

The time she passed through was still early, before the second heroine was reborn.

Now, the hero doesn't know Lu Qianyue yet.

Just tonight, the hero will start to become addicted to food.

Shen Chen could feel the deep longing in her heart, she wanted to live in that presidential suite tonight.

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