Chapter 377 The End Times 22
As he said he was about to untie his pants, the man with glasses hurriedly dodged there, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly: "No need, I don't want to be inconvenient."

Soon, the four vehicles continued on the road.

All the way was safe and sound, and no accidents happened.

Shen Chen was sitting in the car, beside him was the man she had captured.

The man looked extremely thin, with no emotion in his gray eyes, he quietly looked down at the book in his hand.

The car was extremely quiet, and no one spoke.

The car quickly drove into City C.

Outside C City, Ben could still hear a few roars of zombies.

But after entering City C, there was deathly silence.

The city was very empty, with a few flying birds hovering in the sky, only a little blood on the wall and the road indicated that not long ago, there was a tragedy in this city.

The man put down the book, and looked at the empty city indifferently with his eyes without any emotional fluctuations.

There was very little blood.

Proof that there should not be many people who died.

There is not a single zombie, but there are traces of burning.

What a failed lonely city.

The people following the off-road vehicle have been worried all the way since they entered the city.

There must be a monster.

How could a city be so quiet in the last days.

But until the car drove into the base, what they were worried about never happened.

But seeing the base in front of them, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Rather than saying that what they just saw was City C, they are more willing to admit that this vibrant and orderly city in front of them is the real City C.

The huge base is intricately hovering under a towering mountain, and the early morning clouds and mist cover the broken bridge, brightly lit, simple and solemn.

The base on the opposite side of the broken bridge was notified early, and a huge roar came from below the broken bridge. The high-tech bridge body was quickly assembled and raised, and it was built here.

The off-road vehicle drove onto the high-tech bridge without stopping, followed by the truck behind.

The people in the carriage could only hear the sound, but they never dared to open the carriage to watch.

Only the old mayor and the driver in front stared in disbelief.

At the entrance of the base, Ji Yu jumped out of the car and registered.

I don't know what I said to a few people in uniform who guarded the city.

The gates of the base opened layer by layer.

The crowd held their breath.

The convoy drove into the base.

The base in City C seems to be no different from the city before the end of the world.

Scattered pedestrians were walking on the side of the road, avoiding the moving vehicles, and Shen Chen looked sideways at the man.

The man also raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Shen Chen smiled at him: "Dr. Gu, welcome to Sun Valley Base."

Gu Yan also smiled gently at Shen Chen: "Mr. Shen's way of inviting people is quite special."

Shen Chen got out of the car, and soon her butler, who only said that the young master hadn't smiled for a long time, came up to greet her.

Shen Chen said lazily: "Special people need a special way of welcome."

"Uncle Li, arrange a residence for Academician Gu."

The housekeeper replied respectfully: "Yes, young master."

Immediately, Shen Chen didn't talk to Gu Yan too much, several men in black uniforms holding guns brought Gu Yan down.

Gu Yan didn't struggle, but just took a deep look at Shen Chen.

Shen Chen took a shower and rested lightly for the night.

When she just woke up, her hair was a little messy and scattered on her forehead.

She flipped through the official affairs that had been accumulated for a long time and had not been dealt with.

Desk looked up.

It hasn't been long since the base was established, but it has already formed an operating system and formulated corresponding rules.

Therefore, there has not been any major disturbance during this period of time, but there are still many trivial but important things that need to be dealt with by Shen Chen.

After she held three or four regular meetings, all the official affairs were handled.

The sky has turned dark.

Shen Chen asked the housekeeper to call the person in charge of the Sun Valley Research Institute.

The person in charge is a gray-haired and bald old man, but his sporadic hairs are neatly combed, fluffy like cotton candy, pasted on the Mediterranean Sea.

The old man rolled his eyes when he looked at Shen Chen.

"Do you know how busy I am, and now the serum is at a critical stage of research."

(End of this chapter)

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