Chapter 103 Where have you been?
But under her gaze, he lowered his head a little guilty.

Seeing his dusty body, Xie Sining took a deep breath, stepped forward and licked his ears.

"Pi Hou, have you finished your homework? Why did you run out again?"

She only pinched it lightly and then let go. The little guy didn't seem very angry when he saw her, his eyes rolled and his expression became extremely exaggerated!
He covered his ears and whimpered: "Father only let me go out to play after I finished my homework... Mom, take it easy, it hurts!"

Seeing his aggrieved face, Xie Sining smiled angrily.

Is he still wronged?The two walked towards the house together, Xie Sining said: "Next time you go out to play, if you come back dirty, you don't have to go into the house, go to the river to soak yourself before coming back ".

Gu Ye stuttered behind Xie Sining.

After entering the room, Gu Ci heard the voice and came out. He saw this scene, saw Gu Ye's body covered in mud, and knew what was going on when he thought about it.

"Okay, don't be wronged and follow along. I'll boil water for you and let your father take a bath for you."

In the winter, people would freeze to death in the bath, but Gu Ye also knew that he made a mistake today, so he nodded obediently.

Seeing his appearance, the two adults looked at each other, and then walked into the kitchen one after another.

No, it should be said that Gu Ci followed Xie Sining into the kitchen.

She poured water into the pot, and when she looked back, she saw the person standing at the door.

Gu Ci came over and sat in front of the stove to start a fire.

She raised her eyebrows, "What's the matter, the son made a mistake, and the father came to atone for it?"

Hearing her mellow smile, Gu Ci added a piece of firewood to the stove before saying, "Wrong."

"The son made a mistake, and he will make it up for himself tomorrow, and his father... just loves the child and his mother, so he came to help with the work."

The kitchen was dark, only the fire was burning in the kitchen.

The fiery red light shone on his face, bringing warmth to everyone.

Xie Sining looked at the man in front of him, why has this man suddenly opened up since that day?She suppressed the corner of her mouth that was about to rise, and lowered her head to add water.

But the brilliance in those eyes still betrayed her.

Looking at her like this, Gu Ci didn't necessarily want to get a reply. Looking at the slightly darkened stove, he twisted another piece of firewood into it.

The atmosphere of the Gu family was peaceful and peaceful, boiled the water and asked Gu Ci to bathe the little guy, the whole family dealt with it casually, and they all went to bed to rest when it was getting late.

The next morning when it was still daylight, Xie Sining got up, probably because she had a good rest yesterday and she was in good spirits, so she was going to go to the ridge to have a look.

After changing clothes and walking out, I saw an aunt in the village.

She greeted people as usual, but the aunt saw Xie Sining's expression was a little weird, she nodded indiscriminately and then walked away quickly, but she still looked back at her from time to time.

His gaze swept up and down her body, this gaze made people very uncomfortable, Xie Sining couldn't help but frowned and looked at the direction where the aunt left, full of doubts, what's the matter?
As the sky gradually dawned, more and more people became active in the village. Seeing that Xie Sining had changed from his previous enthusiasm, all men, women, and children all had strange expressions, and they turned sideways and covered their mouths and muttered to the people around them.

She walked in the village like a strange person. This feeling was very uncomfortable. They didn't know what happened, and they couldn't ask about it with this attitude.

For a while, I lost my thoughts on going to the field ridge and turned around and walked home.

When passing the big camphor tree at the entrance of the village, I saw Hao Xiu'er looking at herself with a smile on her shoulders.

Seeing her despicable appearance, Xie Sining thought about it in an instant, and was able to confirm in almost an instant that everything that went wrong today was related to the person in front of her.

The eyes of the two women met in the air, Hao Xiuer saw that Xie Si Ning seemed to understand something, the surprise flashed by, and then she puffed up her chest a little, waiting for her to lose control and come to find her.

But what she didn't expect, Xie Sining only took a look at the side, and then left without looking back.

Hao Xiu'er couldn't believe it, then stomped her feet resentfully, turned her head and left.

Facing the strange stares of the villagers, Xie Sining walked home without changing his expression until he met the anxious fat aunt on the village road.

Seeing Xie Sining, her eyes lit up, and then she quickly walked towards her, held her hand, and said anxiously.

"Ning girl! I was going to your house to look for you, why did you come out?"

Immediately, seeing Xie Sining's face, she knew that she might have heard the wind, so she let out a snort.

"I don't know who killed Qiandao, but it was rumored in the village that you were having an affair with the policeman in the town! What did you say that your family's life has been better recently, and it's all money that that wild man gave you!"

Aunt Fat was indignant, she swept the surrounding villagers while speaking, and then raised her voice.

"I don't know which one, but I can even believe such words!" She said while looking at Xie Siding worriedly.

When the people around heard what the fat aunt said, although they also hesitated in their hearts, they all believed what they wanted to believe, and laughed disdainfully.

"But if she didn't do this kind of thing, then why don't so many people in the village spread the gossip, but she, Xie Sining's old lady, who had melon seeds on her mouth, raised her voice, and in a few words, she slammed back what the fat aunt said .

The fat aunt choked, and for a moment she didn't know where to start. This open-mouthed woman used to be a thorn in the village, and she used to pick things up and gossip about each family. It's so rare to have something exciting to watch, so how can you let it go so easily?

Fat Aunt didn't know where to start for a while, she just looked at Xie Sining worriedly.

But the other party was quiet, with an appearance of not being affected by these things at all, and she gave a general overview of the matter to the fat aunt, thinking of Duan Zihan who met yesterday, and Hao Xiu'er who was going to town in a carriage.

He probably understood what was going on in his heart, and now he turned his head coldly to look at Aunt Fang who was kowtow melon seeds to watch the fun, and slightly raised the corners of her lips.

"Everything should be based on evidence. Have you ever seen me flirting with wild men?"

The man looked a little hesitant, and was about to say that the girl from the Hao family saw it, but was interrupted by Xie Sining!

"Since you don't, just shut your mouth!"

There was a fierce and dangerous light in her eyes, and Aunt Fang was stunned by the sudden momentum around Xie Sining when she said the words that came to her lips!Before she could react, the person had strode away.

Aunt Fang was bluffed by her before, but now she couldn't bear to hide her face, so she gave a loud pooh at Xie Sining's back!
When Xie Sining returned home, he happened to bump into Gu Ci coming back from the outside at the door, and saw that his face was gloomy and his body was full of chills.

She felt a little cold in her heart.

Judging by the cloudy look on his face, he obviously heard something.


He walked up and was about to speak, but after sitting down at the dining table, he slammed his hand on the table.

Xie Sining was taken aback, and immediately wanted to explain.

"Listen to me explaining to you, it's not what they said..."

"Who actually spread such rumors? It's really disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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