After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 126 Let's Have a Good Rest

Chapter 126 Let's Have a Good Rest
What she said is the truth, if the prefect can't even listen to these, then he is really in vain as the official of the parents of the people.

After hearing these words, the eunuch's face darkened, but he didn't get angry with Xie Sining, he just walked in front of her with his hands behind his back.

He nodded approvingly.

"You girl, you are quite courageous. No one has ever dared to tell me these words in person. You are the first." He pointed his finger.

"The women are from the village, so what they say is naturally unpleasant, but they can't tell lies."

After hearing what she said, the eunuch turned around and walked a few steps, with an old tone in his tone.

"The truth is always bad, but it is ten thousand times better than a lie."

Xie Sining frowned.

"Master Taishou, what do you mean...?"

Listening to the prefect's words, she suddenly felt that this person was not what she thought.

Is there another reason?

At this time, the prefect had already sat on the chair prepared in the courtyard.

He casually picked up the teacup on the side and took a sip of hot tea, then looked at the person in front of him, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Do you know why you were called here?"

Hearing him talk about this, Xie Sining opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it that you want to ask clearly, how to grow food regardless of the season."

The prefect nodded, and then asked her: "Then you know, why do I have to find out the reason?"

After hearing this, Xie Sining was silent for a while without speaking, and finally seemed to understand something, but he was not sure.

Seeing her delay in answering, the eunuch didn't necessarily want to hear her answer. He stroked his beard slightly, and let out a sigh along with his frown, shook his mouth slightly, and sighed.

"The rich man's wine and meat stink..."

Hearing these words, Xie Sining raised his head slightly as if he understood something, then heard the eunuch continue.

"Nowadays there have been years of famines, the people's harvests are extremely poor, and the taxes paid by various places are also..." The prefect's voice suddenly stopped, and the dimples on his weather-beaten face were all wrinkled together, and there was an indelible worry between his brows.

Xie Sining understood, frowned slightly, and looked up at the eunuch.

"The upper and lower levels of the prefectures are exploited layer by layer, and the taxes cannot be paid, so the prefectures lie to the upper and lower, and the coaxing sage ordered to collect grain and tax!"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and after she finished her words with a dignified aura, even the eunuch couldn't help but look sideways.

The county magistrate standing next to him was already terrified, this lady of the Gu family was really daring, she dared to say anything!Who is standing in front of her?This is the prefect.

The county magistrate began to breathe unsteadily as soon as he thought of this, fearing that it would hurt himself, and was about to open his mouth to scold him—but at this moment a pair of hands stopped him.

The prefect raised a pair of cloudy eyes and looked at the woman standing in front of him. He obviously just raised his mouth, but the person in front of him could think about the matter closely.

This person is clearly wearing ordinary cloth clothes, but the awe-inspiring aura between his brows is impressive.

The prefect grinned suddenly, and sighed: "What a lady of the Gu family who cares about the country and the people." He smiled while stroking his beard.

Xie Sining looked at the prefect who was sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard, as if he had passed his destiny, and the previous anger on his body had subsided.

After the eunuch finished laughing, he started to look at the person in front of him again, but he said to the county magistrate next to him: "You go down first, I have something to discuss with this little lady from the Gu family."

After hearing this, the county magistrate first looked at the prefect, and then looked at the lady of the Gu family who was standing in the same place and felt a little headache.

If the lady of the Gu family can't speak and offends the prefect, then the lord will vent his anger... How can he, a small official like him, stand up?
For a while, he stood still, until the magistrate impatiently waved his hand, and then the county magistrate stared at Xie Sining, and then slowly backed away.

For a while, there were only the two of them left in the inner courtyard.

Only then did the magistrate pick up the teacup again, and the smoke curled up, he took a sip, moistened his throat before putting it down, looked at Xie Sining who was still standing, and said.

"The years of famine have caused the people of Yuzhou to suffer unspeakably..."

"The situation in other states and counties is basically the same. I found you because I heard that you can grow food in winter. As for why you must find out the reason... I think you should already know."

After finishing the words, a pair of cloudy and shrewd eyes looked directly at Xie Sining who was standing there.

The words have already been said for this sake, so there is no reason for her not to understand.

"My lord wants to know how I grow it, so as to benefit the common people."

Xie Sining said these words calmly.

Seeing that the lady of the Gu family was really a wonderful person, the eunuch smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"That's the truth."

Looking at the prefect sitting in front of him, the other party's eyes were full of smiles, Xie Sining suddenly realized that this is not a prefect who bows to the people as much as he can, he is clearly a cunning old fox.

The meaning of the previous words was not exhaustive, and it was clearly inviting me to speak out along the topic, and test myself by the way, to know how much I know about the affairs of the current dynasty.

Thinking of this, Xie Sining couldn't help thinking back to his previous answer, if he was really a country woman who didn't understand anything, then what would be facing him would not be a smiling face, but a cold butcher's knife.

Thinking of this, Xie Sining looked at the person in front of him and his breathing became a little heavy. Seeing that he was still smiling, he couldn't help cursing inwardly, what an old fox!
After thinking about things clearly, it is not polite to speak now, stand up straight and start talking about conditions.

"To be honest, when growing food in winter, it is a handicraft handed down by the family." Seeing the suspicious look on the face of the person in front of him, Xie Sining paused, and then added: "At that time, you can also grow some radishes and cabbage. , and the amount that comes out is small, so the parents will cover it so that no one will know."

As soon as these words were finally said, the prefect showed a clear look on his face.

"It's still these years. After I got married and had nothing to do at home, I figured it out on my own, so I can start planting on a large scale."

After hearing her explanation, the eunuch understood: "Miss Gu, not only understands righteousness, but also has ingenuity."

He opened his mouth and laughed.

Xie Sining also bent his lips in response to the situation, but said on his mouth: "The peasant woman is just a farmer's girl, how can I take an adult's words of righteousness?"

The prefect froze at Xie Sining's words, and looked helplessly at the person in front of him.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of..."

"The women know what the adults want, and the adults want to know how I grow food in winter and harvest it quickly, right?"

The prefect nodded slowly.

The corner of Xie Sining's mouth twitched slightly, "Even though women are worried about the common people, they still have their own small family to take care of. If you want to directly hand over the method to the adults, you may... have difficulty."

She didn't beat around the bush, she directly pierced the mind of the person in front of her, and she was outspoken.

(End of this chapter)

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