Chapter 129 I Was Abrupt

Now that she is no longer sleepy after all the fuss, she stood up from the bed, put on her shoes, opened the door and walked into the yard, washed up and put on her coat, the two of them in the house were still asleep, she walked lightly After closing the courtyard door, he walked out of the village. At this time, many elderly people had already woken up, and now they were walking up the field ridge with a hoe on their shoulders. When they met Xie Sining, everyone stretched out their hands to greet him.

Xie Sining also responded with a smile one by one.

When we arrived at the gate of the village chief's house, the sun had slowly risen, and the sky was full of rays of light, which was very eye-catching. He knocked lightly on the door of the village chief's house, and there was a sound inside.

Then there was the sound of footsteps, and the door opened with a creak, "Hey! It's the lady of the Gu family!"

Seeing the person coming, the mother-in-law of the village head's family couldn't help laughing and said to the inside.

When the people in the room heard the voice, they all came out slowly.

Xie Sining also bent his eyebrows to respond when he saw someone.

"It's the little lady of the Gu family..."

([-]) The village chief's slightly aged voice sounded, and then he saw someone slowly walking out of the house dragging a polished crutch.

Xie Sining let out a sigh, and then said with a smile: "Morning, Mrs. Village Chief."

"Hey! Look at this sweet little mouth! The old woman is just a country woman, how can she afford to say Ma'am?" She said so, but she still closed her eyes with a smile.

"The little lady of the Gu family came to the door today, what is the so-called?" The village head had already sat down on a small bench in the yard, and spoke directly without being too polite.

The village head's wife's face collapsed, and then she glared at her old man, and then turned around to see him, with a smile on her face again.

"You talk, you talk, I'll go to the stove and make tea for you." She walked back as she spoke, and drove a few grandchildren who were secretly hiding in the corridor and eavesdropping into the house.

Only then did he carry the tea-burning stove and re-enter the kitchen.

When there were only the two of them left in the yard, Xie Sining smiled and said, "Go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. This sudden visit must be for you."

The village head had expected it a long time ago, snorted from his throat, picked up a handful of melon seeds, stuffed one into his mouth, and then spoke slowly.

"What's going on here? If there's anything I can do for you, little old man, for the sake of helping the village, just ask me, and I'll help if I can."

Xie Sining listened to the village chief's words, and when he finished speaking, he shook his head slightly.

"Did you come to me for something?" Seeing her twitching her head, the village chief thought about it, and then sat up slightly: "That's it?"

"Seeing that spring is about to begin, there has been no rain for many days, and the ground is very dry. Although spring rain is as expensive as oil, there is no sign of rain at all. The spring plowing may have to be postponed..." Xie Sining thought before Good rhetoric, say it first.

The village chief smacked his mouth when he heard her words, and sighed with emotion: "What's the big deal? We didn't rain before, and we grew vegetables in the winter. It's so abnormal, it's what God gave to our village Good luck!"

The village chief's voice was full of complacency. During this period of time, how many people from the nearby villages begged him, and that was really a lot of money.

"I've inquired about it. Other villages heard that we can grow vegetables in winter in our village, and all of them squeezed their heads to grow vegetables on the ridge of the field. It's been half a month, and the dry land has not even grown a seedling. !"

Seeing the village head sitting on the bench with his raised feet swaying, the morning sun is just right, that looks very pleasant.

What Xie Sining said earlier was just a test, but what she didn't expect was this reaction. She paused for a moment, and all the words she had prepared before were overturned at this moment.

Looking at the comfortable old man in front of her, she couldn't help but slightly curled her lips into a smile, and now she doesn't beat around the bush, instead she speaks out the matter directly.

"I went to the county government yesterday."

Hearing about the county government, the village head was shocked!He quickly sat up straight and looked over, only to hear Xie Sining continue to speak.

"My lord heard that food can be grown in our village, so he made a deal with me."

His expression became serious, and he listened more seriously: "And then?"

"After planting the grain, sell it to the county government for nine copper coins per catty."

"Nine copper coins a catty." The village head hissed, his mind was spinning, and then he felt a pain in his flesh.

In Taiping years, nine coppers a catty would be a really good price, but now it is a famine year, and their village is so favored by the heavens, people grow food in winter so it is not easy to collect money, isn't this... …

Thinking of this, the village chief's heart skipped a beat!Looking at Xie Sining in front of him, there was a bit of complaint in his eyes: "Do you not understand the current market or what? Such a low price... No, no, or you can go to the county government to discuss with the adults and give the price to you. I mentioned it a little bit, for the sake of the officials in the government... I don't have to say anything, I agree with the old man."

Xie Sining looked at the old man in front of him and asked, "Then, village chief, what price is suitable?"

"Well... I don't want too much, how about thirty copper coins a catty?"

When she heard the price, she sneered in her heart, she really wanted to take advantage of the fire, glanced at the old man in front of her, and finally took a deep breath, "Thirty copper coins a catty, this is unlikely."

The village chief's face turned black!Getting ready to speak.

"Hey! Let me tell you, Mrs. Gu, don't be stubborn! Our village is now, as they say... blessed! It's the first time in the world to grow food in winter. How many villages are jealous." Old Jiang was holding tea. , walked into the courtyard beamingly and said, she is now also radiant and sought after by others.

When he looked at Xie Sining again, there was inevitably a bit of disgust in his eyes.

"You don't know how many people came yesterday and wanted to discuss with my old man about planting another batch of grain. The price has been raised to [-] copper coins a catty. My old man said to reconsider this price, let alone nine copper coins. Yijin Old Jiang sighed as he spoke, "Oh, to be honest, it's not anyone's fault, it's just this old genius who caused the famine. We don't charge prices randomly, but we can't suffer too much, right? "

As she spoke, she glanced at Xie Sining.

Xie Sining looked at the two people in front of him and was silent for a long time, "It's too bad?"

She couldn't help laughing out loud, she had heard the fat aunt say it before.In the past years, they worked hard to grow food, and after paying taxes, there was not much left. After leaving enough rations, they dragged them to the town to sell.

The grain store in the town suppressed the price so badly that they only gave four copper coins for a catty of grain, but now nine copper coins are too little.

Xie Sining let out a deep breath. When he talked about this price earlier, he was happy for the villagers, and it was a good thing for the people, but he never expected that the most fickle thing in the world is the human heart.

Looking at the faces of the people in front of me, all of them are greedy for profit, why don't they just take the price randomly?It is clear that the price has not met the psychological expectations!
"Isn't it a disadvantage? If you don't say I don't agree with this price, you can go out and ask, go around the village and see who can agree to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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