After congratulating the sick seedlings, I have twins

Chapter 142 Joining the Army for Her Husband?

Chapter 142 Joining the Army for Her Husband?

Gu Ci shook his head, when Xie Sining went out just now, the village head and the old couple came to the house to persuade him for a while, but ignored them.

Let them talk excitedly, but just looked at them coldly, as expected, they couldn't continue speaking after a while, and walked away in despair.

"You are the mistress of the family, so it is up to you to decide how to distribute the property in the family." Gu Ci's words were extremely natural, as if this was the case, and it was taken for granted.

Even though Xie Sining never took it seriously, he couldn't help but smiled and asked, "Is it really up to me?"

Gu Ci said without hesitation, "Seriously."

Seeing that he replied so definitely, Xie Sining nodded, and then said.

"After we go to the town, the village will definitely not come here often. The fields will be abandoned if left unattended. Why don't we plant them for Fat Aunt and the others? With this arrangement, the land that can grow food now is not a waste of money."

I had already guessed that she would make such an arrangement, and it is not surprising now, "It's all up to Madam."

Xie Sining's crisp smile echoed in the study.

Seeing that two days passed in a flash, the grain in the field was harvested neatly and piled up in one place.

After packing up the things to be moved at home, Xie Sining took some time and took the villagers to the county government office to hand over food to the prefect.

In the backyard of the county government office, the prefect stroked his beard and marveled, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be stopped, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"I was worried about whether you would be able to do it before. People in the county thought I was crazy, and I actually believed in a yellow-haired girl. Facts have proved that people can't be judged by their appearance!"

Xie Sining, the yellow-haired girl herself, couldn't help but see three black lines slipping down her forehead when she heard this, she touched her nose and said, "Of course I won't disappoint the prefect."

"Since the cooperation went so smoothly this time, after that..." the prefect paused, implying something.

Xie Sining naturally understood what he meant, and nodded: "Of course the contract can remain the same, but it may not be run by me."

Hearing her words, the eunuch was slightly taken aback?

"My husband-in-law and I plan to move to the town, and it will be inconvenient to take care of the property back home. If the prefect doesn't mind, we can continue to cooperate. The fields will be taken care of by a special person, and food will be delivered every three months as scheduled."

Hearing this, the worry in the guard's eyes dispelled a lot, and he asked again with a smile.

"Madam Gu, I'm naturally relieved when I open my mouth, but I don't know this special person..."

"My lord, don't worry. Since I can entrust the matter to them with confidence, I can trust them enough."

Looking at the woman standing in front of him, who was neither humble nor overbearing, calmly and calmly, the prefect nodded secretly.

"Then since Mrs. Gu has said so, I naturally have nothing to worry about, so let's follow the previous instructions."

Hearing that he said to follow the previous share, Xie Sining understood that this person still had some concerns, but she was not in a hurry and took things slowly.

So he nodded, and after getting the new documents in his hand, he was very satisfied.

After that, he was personally sent out of the government office by the magistrate.

After arriving home, many people had already gathered in the yard, and everyone was very nervous when they heard the sound of horseshoes.

Finally saw Xie Sining appear.

The fat aunt leaned forward anxiously, and asked, "How is it, you didn't think anything happened?"

While talking, his subordinates looked at her.

Feeling concerned, Xie Sining shook his head lightly, expressing that it was fine.

As soon as he got off the horse, Xie Sining took out the bank note from his sleeves as he met several pairs of eager gazes.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw the banknotes she held in her hand, and Xie Sining smiled lightly, playfully and coquettishly, "Go! Let's share the money when we enter the house."

When she said this, everyone laughed.

Several people smiled and walked towards the house.

When they arrived in the main room, several people were seated.

After Xie Sining divided the money one by one, seeing the sincere smiles on the faces of several people, he felt very gentle, "I never thought that I could see so much money in this life." Uncle Li was amazed.

"We should move out tomorrow."

As soon as she said this, everyone fell silent immediately, and the fat aunt bowed her head a little uncomfortable.

Gu Ci also sat on a stool beside him and listened.

Xie Sining looked at the fat aunt feeling uncomfortable, and also felt a little uncomfortable, glanced at the man sitting opposite, and said.

"There are still a lot of fields at home. After we moved to the town, no one took care of them..."

Hearing her words, Madam Sun seemed to be aware of something, raised her head, and looked at Xie Sining seriously.

"That's why my husband and I plan to hand over our family's property to you."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone looked at each other.

"Well, how did this work?" Fat Aunt was the first to speak out.

Xie Sining didn't speak, but just took the previously signed document from his sleeve to the table. After everyone looked at it, their faces were full of confusion.

None of them can read here.

"This is signed again with the county government after paying the grain today." Xie Sining simply said in shock.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this!There are speculations in my heart, but I can't believe it, and everyone is full of anger.

"Afterwards, you take care of the fields, and sell the grain you grow to the county government." Xie Sining said slowly.

"But this field, it's not good to just give it to us like this?" Old man Li said with a slap in the face.

Everyone also nodded in agreement.

Xie Sining was about to speak when Madam Sun interrupted.

"I'm ashamed, I have a bad conscience."

Looking at the people in front of her, she felt speechless, and looked at Gu Ci with helplessness in her eyes.

"Anyway, it's okay to help you take care of the fields, but we can't plant your fields for nothing."

Among the villagers sitting in front of them, none of them were willing to take advantage of it.

"Yes, rent what should be rented, and pay what should be paid. This can't take advantage of this."

Fat Aunt finally said.

Xie Sining wanted to say something more, but Gu Ci spoke at the right time.

"Since everyone is so persistent, we won't force it. How about this? The price of three renminbi per mu of land is ridiculously low. Uncle Li frowned and was about to speak.

Gu Ci added with a smile: "There will be no bargaining."

Several people were amused by their appearance.

The uncle's face was flushed red, and then he laughed out of anger, and pointed at the two people, "You guys...

She continued to speak, but she knew that they had good intentions, and she couldn't say anything else besides being moved.

The couple looked at each other, full of smiles.

"Okay, that's the deal, three qian per mu, after you take over the land, you will take over the orders from the county government."

Xie Sining smiled and made the final decision.

The rest of the people were only moved.

And Xie Sining is not worried that nothing will grow in the field after she leaves. She has thoroughly irrigated the field with space water many times before, and after that, she only needs to come back once every six months and water it quietly once.


"Huh?" She was thinking about something, when she heard the voice and raised her head, she saw Gu Ci standing in front of her with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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