Chapter 147 Let me see first
"What? When your mother and younger brother came home, you didn't invite us in and just let us stand at the door?" Mrs. Xie glared at Xie Sining and asked loudly.

Her voice was a little loud, and the courtyard next door couldn't help but open the door to reveal a small head, staring straight in this direction.

Seeing that someone finally looked over, Mrs. Xie immediately looked at Xie Sining proudly.

It was still early today, the father and son probably hadn't woken up yet, Xie Sining was still a little sleepy, so he stretched out his hand and yawned.

In the original owner's memory, the old woman in front of her had always had this face since she was a child.

The emphasis on sons over daughters is to the extreme, but three of them are daughters, and finally gave birth to a son, and they don't treat daughters as human beings even more.

It was not until two or three years after the original owner was born that he finally had a son, not to mention spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and took three older sisters as servants.

The two elders of the Xie family never cared about it, and even took it for granted, Xie Si's arrogance was even worse when he had someone to back him up.

"We came here early in the morning to see that your legs and feet are sore, why don't you invite us in for a sit-down?" Old Madam Xie said as a matter of course, looking at the small courtyard standing behind Xie Sining with salivation.

Xie Sining's complexion was dark, making it hard to see his thoughts, but his body stood aside to make room.

Seeing that she was quite sensible, Mrs. Xie and Xie Si glanced at her with satisfaction, and walked in with their heads held high.

As soon as he entered, Xie Sining was amazed, and Xie Sining also turned around and closed the courtyard door.

The two stood in the yard, commenting on the ornaments inside, while Xie Sining stood in the corner with his hands behind his back and watched coldly.

"Third sister, you are really not mean. You live in such a nice courtyard, and you don't think of us." Xie Si said with a sad face: "I don't care, my mother and I are staying with you today. Arrange a good house, and find me a job tomorrow."

Xie Sining stood by and looked at them as a matter of course, and his memory couldn't help being pulled back to a long time ago.

What the original owner remembers most is that this Xie Si didn't learn well at a young age, and sneaked around in the village.

He also let this kid hook up with a flower in the village. His good friend's family is poor and he has an older brother.

The daughter of the Wang family was quite scheming, she was indeed pretty, she told Xie Si that she wanted to marry into the Xie family, unless Xie Sining married her brother as his successor.

Her elder brother is a husband who married a daughter-in-law in the early years. He would not work all day long and would come home drunk and beat his daughter-in-law. Several villages around him knew that this was a fire pit, and their family couldn't pay for it. One is willing to marry a daughter into this kind of family.

And Xie Si was intoxicated by the tenderness of women at that time, so he naturally agreed to everything, and just pushed his own sister into the fire pit.

The two of them made such a plan that they let Wang Xinghua's brother enter the original owner's boudoir, thinking that it would ruin Xie Sining's innocence, and he had to marry if he didn't marry.

The funny thing is that Xie Si was the one who came up with this idea, and I don't know if the old woman Xie Si knew about it.

If it hadn't been for the old man Xie who happened to happen suddenly later, and ran home from the field just in time to encounter this incident, the original owner would have been humiliated and thrown himself into the river long ago.

"Yes! You are so lucky and you must not forget that your mother's family is a married woman after all, and the only one who can support you in the future is your younger brother!" Mrs. Xie echoed while looking at the small courtyard.

Xie Sining's thoughts were pulled back, and when she heard her words, she looked at the two of them with a faint light in her eyes, and finally said something.


The two of them didn't expect this person to agree so quickly. They thought it would be a waste of time, but seeing her know each other so well now saves a lot of trouble.

At this moment, the door of the east room was pushed open, and Gu Ci, dressed in white, stepped out of the room slowly.

The two people in the courtyard looked up one after another, and were shocked for a moment.

In a short period of time, he didn't dare to speak, not to mention his appearance, just looking at his temperament, he was naturally aristocratic, just looking at him from a distance made him unattainable, like a son from a wealthy family.

The old lady Xie couldn't help swallowing, and turned to look at her daughter, "This, this is?"

They have guesses in their hearts but dare not take them seriously.

"I have seen my husband..."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them were stunned!
Gu Ci stood in front of the house with his hands behind his back, looking at the woman at the bottom of the steps who lowered her eyebrows and bowed her eyes in salute, the depths of her eyes changed from doubts to dotted smiles, but in line with her face still being as cold as ice, he slid from his throat. He spit out an um, and asked after glancing at the two people in the courtyard.

"How is this going."

I didn't expect that I would be asked about myself. The old lady Xie rolled around in the village, killing pigs and cursing everything. I have never seen her son-in-law with such a fairy-like appearance. color.

"Husband, this is my mother and younger brother who want to stay here for a while."

When Mrs. Xie heard this, she cursed secretly in her heart, and couldn't help but say, "Hey! This is your son-in-law."

As he spoke, he exaggeratedly looked at Gu Ci's whole body: "Look at this person who is full of nobility, it is really incomparable to us country people..."

The old woman sighed with emotion as she spoke, but she had already mentioned her attitude to her mother-in-law during the words.

Hearing the voice, Gu Ci looked over.

Perhaps it was because of his cold eyes and indifference, Mrs. Xie couldn't help it, so she forced a smile, "That's the thing, my Si'er is 13 years old now, and she is going to marry a wife soon. How can he have the money to marry a wife? This is not to take him into the city to find a job."

"Not long after entering the city, I ran into people in the village who said they saw my third girl here! I couldn't believe it at first, I didn't know until I came to see it."

She opened her mouth to explain, but she was a bit reluctant, Gu Ci still didn't speak, Old Madam Xie's face was about to freeze with a smile, and finally gritted her teeth and said.

"My son-in-law is so supernatural, I wonder if I can arrange an errand for my brother-in-law?" After saying this, the old lady Xie looked at Gu Ci without blinking, her heart beating like a drum.

However, Gu Ci seemed to have heard some joke, so he couldn't help sneering. Hearing his laugh, the mother and son standing beside him were already half-hearted.

The man standing in front of him changed his mind, looked at the mother and son and said, "It's not impossible."

Xie Si looked up in surprise: "Really? Brother-in-law!"

Xie Sining who was standing beside him couldn't help but click his tongue when he heard him calling brother-in-law.

This person has never called the original owner a sister since he was a child.

"Really." Gu Ci replied.

Seth was ecstatic!
"Thank you brother-in-law! Brother-in-law is really a good person."

Even Mrs. Xie, who was standing next to her, beamed with joy.

Gu Ci's eyes were still dim, and he saw them pointing to the west direction like this: "There are only two rooms on the east side, if you want to live, only the room on the west side is empty."

How can these two people care about the east house and the west house now?Hearing Gu Ci say this, he quickly responded with a smile!

Only Xie Sining who was standing aside couldn't stop laughing.

She knew very well what the rooms on the west side looked like from the outside, but the inside probably hadn’t been lived in for a long time, and there were a lot of damp and dark insects and ants, and they looked like they were empty-handed, and there were no extra quilts in the house. , This man is really dark-bellied.

(End of this chapter)

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