Chapter 155 Let Me Come

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking of Wang Xiucai in the village!Claiming to be a scholar, he has sage books on his lips all day long, and he lives in poverty, so it's better for him to be happy and happy. Thinking of this, he couldn't help curling his lips.

In front, Xie Sining was also admonishing in a gentle voice.

"After learning a new private school, you should study hard, get along well with your deskmates, and don't quarrel, you know?"

The little guy nodded, seeing what Xie Sining actually wanted to say, don't let yourself suffer even if you quarrel, and finally just said: "Be smart, if you are wronged, tell me and your dad when you get home."

Walking by and listening to the mother and son talking, Gu Ci's eyes fell on Xie Sining softly, and he also told Gu Ye, "Ye'er must listen to your mother."

The little guy's hand was originally held by Xie Sining, and when he heard the two of them whispering instructions in his ear, he took his father's hand with a roll of his eyes, and immediately the family of three walked in the middle.

He took the hands of the two of them, and jumped up vigorously from time to time, so that his whole body was suspended in the air.

Seeing his appearance like this, Xie Si Ning wanted to laugh more than helplessness in his eyes.

The private school is located in a small courtyard in the east of the city, and the place is a bit remote. If people who don't know it don't know that there is a private school here, it seems a bit hidden in the city.

When he reached the place, Gu Ci stepped forward and knocked on the courtyard door, and the courtyard door was opened with a creak soon after.

"I don't know who the four are?" The porter looked at the family in front of him and couldn't figure it out and couldn't help asking.

Hearing the question from the door, Gu Ci replied: "I, Gu Ci, agreed with Mr. Sun before that I will send my son to study in a private school today."

"It turned out to be Mr. Gu." Hearing what Gu Ci said, the porter suddenly said quickly: "Mr. has told you earlier, if you come, please treat me nicely."

Xie Si, who was standing at the back, couldn't help but glanced inside, and immediately sprinkled the few melon seeds he was holding in his hand with a jerk, and hurriedly stood up straight. Although he didn't like Wang Xiucai in the village, he could hear people reading inside. Still a little nervous.

"Mr. Gu, please, my husband is teaching you at this time, so please sit down for a while, let me pass it on."

Gu Ci nodded.

The concierge greeted the family of four and entered the door. After a few words of hospitality, he gave a deep bow and then backed away.

Xie Si looked at the academy full of scrolls in front of him, he seemed to be able to hear the sound of the students next door reading, and he seemed to be able to smell the fine fragrance of ink at the tip of his nose, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva dryly, feeling a sense of awe.

I can't help but think of when I was a child, lying on the window of the private school in the village to listen to the people inside, but I was blown away because I had no money and couldn't get in. I felt annoyed in my heart, but now I feel a little proud.

After walking for a long time, Xie Sining is now sitting on the chair next to him and straightening the little guy's clothes, looking over there inadvertently, and seeing Xie Si's serious face.

"Since you are in the academy, you should study hard. When Mr. Sun comes, please correct me. Don't play around anymore, do you hear me?"

Seeing the real face-to-face now, how dare Xie Si not listen?He nodded like a pounding garlic.

"I know Third Sister, I won't embarrass you and brother-in-law."

It was rare to see him with a decent attitude, but Xie Sining was quite surprised, and immediately stood up when he saw a man stepping towards him from outside the door.

"Mr. Sun..."

Gu Ci bowed slightly, and the person opposite quickly stopped him, "Why do you and I talk about such hypocrisy?"

Then he gave a slight nod to Xie Sining, turned his head to look at Gu Ye who was standing obediently, "Surely this is Ye'er?"

"Gu Ye pays homage to Mr.

The little guy politely made three bows.

Mr. Sun didn't stop him now, and several adults stood there watching.

Seeing this elegant gentleman in front of him, Xie Si was inexplicably nervous, and when he saw Gu Ye bowing to him, he hurriedly followed suit and bowed respectfully three times.

Only then did Mr. Sun look at Xie Si, but he didn't say anything, and nodded slightly, "A gentleman establishes the foundation, and the foundation is based on Taoism. Now that you have come to the private school, calm down."

"I would like to listen to the teacher's instruction."

After the bluffing little guy came to the private school, he seemed to be a different person. Xie Sining stood by and watched. When the little guy faced Mr. Sun, his whole body was upright, with lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes, respectful.

I couldn't help but secretly sighed in my heart: If you really become a teacher for a day, you will be a father for life, and the ancients would not deceive me.

But the little guy looked a bit like Gu Ci, thinking so in his heart, he couldn't help turning his eyes to the person standing beside him.

Sensing the woman's gaze, Gu Ci glanced slightly sideways and asked: What's the matter?
Xie Sining just laughed.

When Gu Ci contacted Mr. Sun earlier, he had already explained their academic background, so it also avoided the need to take the exam again.

After both of them entered the study, Mr. Sun looked at Gu Ci: "It's rare to see my nephew, why don't you stay for a while before leaving at night?"

"No, Ye'er is studying with you, so there will be fewer opportunities in the future?" Gu Ci refused.

Mr. Sun was not embarrassed when he was rejected, instead he stroked his beard with a smile, "That's fine, that's fine!"

"Then Ye'er and my brother-in-law will trouble you."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two said their goodbyes, and when they walked out of the deep alley, they returned to the crowded long street. Gu Ci held Xie Sining's hand and walked together.

And in the private school.

Gu Ye and Xie Si walked into the study together, and the moment the door was opened, everyone inside couldn't help looking out, with curiosity and scrutiny in their eyes.

There is a screen in front of the study in front of you, and a desk behind it. The walls of the study are full of bookcases. The inside is different from the countryside, it is full of books, and there are dozens of scholars standing in the study.

Gu Ye only glanced at it and then looked away. Among the dozens of scholars, there were many people with bad mouths and good things. They watched the two people who came in and the people around them discussing something in a low voice.

Until the sound of footsteps came again, Mr. Sun stepped into the study, and after scanning the eyes around everyone, everyone in the study fell silent, lowered their heads, and suddenly a needle could be heard.

Only then did Mr. Sun turn his attention to Gu Ye and Xie Si, "You two go find a place to sit first."

The little guy's tender face was serious, and he arched his hands solemnly, "Yes one by one"

On the other hand, Xie Si stood beside him, and now he seemed a little anxious and didn't know how to put his hands and feet. When he heard Gu Ye's salute, he quickly followed suit and cupped his hands.

"Yes, sir..."

After both of them sat down, some people would still involuntarily turn their heads to look back. It wasn't until they were stared at by the cool gaze from the husband that they turned their heads to read in peace with a shiver.

It wasn't until the end of a class that Mr. walked out of the study that the atmosphere in the room relaxed again.

Gu Ye was still reading the book seriously, the carved wooden window next to it was propped up, and there was a breeze from time to time.

In front of the desks in front, several people gathered together and looked at the small figure behind, muttering a few words from time to time.

"Look at how poor they are, they deserve to study with us!?"

(End of this chapter)

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