Chapter 174
I don't know if it's because I'm feeling bad or something, but the old lady's voice was very loud, as if she was about to break through the roof, and seeing that she was about to walk in front of Xie Simei, Duan Zihan stepped forward to protect Xie Simei in a few steps.

He looked coldly at the old lady who rushed over.

Seeing the officials standing in front of her like a wall, Mrs. Xie's complexion was not very good. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she just signed and signed, and she didn't say the last sentence.

Xie Si was beaten black and blue by those reckless men, the old lady Xie looked distressed, reached out to take the note, threw it on Gu Ci, and said fiercely.

"Take it! Give me the money!"

Xie Sining's eyebrows twitched fiercely when he heard this, it sounded like his family owed her money.

Sitting on the chair, Gu Ci's face remained unchanged: "Wait a moment, everyone."

After speaking, he stepped out of the main room, and when he came back again, he held a few bank notes in his hands.

Xie Si looked at the banknote in his hand, couldn't even move his eyes, and watched Gu Ci hand the banknote to Fugui Tianan's boss.

The boss narrowed his eyes with a smile, took the bank notes and counted them a little, "Not bad, not bad, this is the amount."

Now that the money has been obtained, there is no need to stay here anymore, the boss of Fuguitian swaggered out of the Gu residence with his followers.

Mrs. Xie looked anxiously at the slightly whitish bank note left in Gu Ci's hand.

Glancing coldly at the old lady, seeing her smiling towards him, Gu Ci also smiled slightly, and followed her previous appearance, throwing the banknote into her arms.

"take it."

Xie Sining, who was standing at the door, burst out laughing, this man really holds a grudge.

The old lady Xie's face became gloomy, and she looked at the silver ticket in her hand. It was the first time she saw this thing, it was very precious, although she couldn't understand the numbers on it, she still stuffed it into her bosom.

He hurried over, picked up the scissors and untied the rope on his precious son.

The group of people finally left, Xie Si felt relaxed all over, and then panted heavily along his chest. It felt really good to be free once.

Getting ready to make a big splash.

"Now that everything is settled, pack up and go, don't be an eyesore to me."

Looking at Xie Simei whose eyes were still red, Xie Sining's words were very blunt.

Xie Sinu pointed at the third sister, her face flushed.

Fortunately, my mother still had money in her own hands, so she didn't want to rely on others, so she snorted coldly and dragged Mrs. Xie out.

"Hey! You little bastard, don't drag me! There's still luggage left, just wait and wait!"

The old lady hastily broke free from her son's hand, rushed to her own room, and walked out with a big bag on her back. When she walked to the door, she didn't know what to think, and she rushed in into Xie Simei's room in the east room.

Now the outsiders have dispersed, and the yard is full of people from our own family.

Xie Sining frowned as she rushed into Xie Simei's room, but didn't want to say anything.

It wasn't until the old lady Xie walked away contentedly, that Xie Sining looked away lightly, walked to the door of Gu's house, and closed the door.

Looking back, I saw Xie Simei sitting in the main room with a dazed face.

"Second sister..."

Xie Sining called out softly, but did not hear a response, and then gently stroked her back to show comfort.

Xie Simei sat in front of the door trembling slightly, with a dazed and confused expression, is she free?She can finally get rid of that home?Finally don't have to be insulted by that old lady anymore?
Asking myself one sentence at a time, my scalp was a little numb, full of excitement, but tears flowed down uncontrollably.

But on the street here, without Xie Simmei busying around, the old lady Xie was carrying a lot of things, walking panting, Xie Si walked on the street with his hands behind his back, like a young master of.

The old lady muttered as she walked: "They are all heartless white-eyed wolves. If you can't live with them, you can live with them. My mother, I have my own home! My son, we don't care if we go home and live with them!"

Her voice was vicious and full of resentment.

I haven't recalled it until today.

Xie Si frowned when he heard that he was going back to live in the country, going to the country?

Just like our Xie family’s broken thatched house, it rains and leaks, and the wind leaks.

When I went out, there were paddy fields, and the fields were full of cow dung. The girls in the village were as dry as firewood, and some of them were fierce and fierce. A teenage girl got angry and had sex with a street-swearing shrew. no different...

Xie Si recalled the days in the village in his mind, and then his head felt like a rattle.

"No, no, mother, I'm not going back!"

Although Mrs. Xie dotes on her son, she is a little angry now!

"What's the matter, come to the city to live a good life for a few days, and you can't think of it anymore, don't you want to go home?"

She was so angry that her chest felt stuffy, and when she realized that her mother was really angry, Xie Si quickly coaxed her with a smile.

"Don't be angry, mother!" Xie Si hurriedly moved closer to the old lady, erasing the distance he deliberately opened before, and even took over the burden she was holding.

"Look, mother, your son is a handsome man, and he is a handsome man. He will definitely become a high-ranking official and earn a lot of money in the future. If he returns to the village, he will have to face the loess and his back to the sky. He will be either a cow or a chicken and a duck all day long." Yes, what can I do if I go back to the village?"

Seeing that the old lady's expression was a little loose, as if she had listened a little bit, Xie Si continued to work hard.

"What's more, old lady, look, whoever can do business and make a fortune is wandering outside, so let's stay in the town, don't you still have money in your hand? Let's rent a small courtyard, and the life can be better than that of the Gu family. Have a bad time?
He has a hippie smile and a very seductive voice.

But all of this is just to cover up my longing for the prosperity of the town, or to put a layer of embarrassment on it. The old lady thought about it for a long time and felt that it made sense.

So he nodded with a bad complexion, "I only have thirty taels of silver, you can spend some flowers for me, and we have been in the town for a long time. When we went out, we only told your father to come to the town. Stay here for a few days..."

"If you want to rent a house here for a long time, you have to ask someone to send a message and go back to the village to tell your father."

Mrs. Xie said while thinking.

Xie Si naturally agreed to everything now, "Mother is absolutely right!"

The old lady saw her son like this just now, what else can she say?The whole person was coaxed to float, and when they reached the gate of the city, they saw the people in their own village, and sent a letter to the old man Xie in the village. After that, Xie's mother and son wandered around the city.

Earlier, the old lady took a fancy to an ordinary homestay, and the family of three rented out the wing room that they couldn't live in, but Xie Si was used to living in the small courtyard of Xie Sining's house, so why would she like this?Immediately took the old lady away.

"Mother, look at that family." Xie Si complained all the way: "Old, old, lame, even that little daughter-in-law doesn't look honest, living with such a family, the days to come Some are noisy, some are breaking up?"

(End of this chapter)

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