Chapter 76 Tracking
"Gu Ci, Gu Ci." Xie Sining touched Gu Ci's face and called his name a few times.

Gu Ci slowly opened his eyes, and saw that her face was full of worry, and her throat moved to speak, but found that she couldn't pull the strength up.

"Gu Ci, listen to me, I have to help you pull out the arrow in your chest, it will hurt a little, bear with it, it will be fine soon."

At this time, Gu Ci's consciousness was not so clear, but he also knew the severity of his injury. He opened his mouth and said, "Just pull it out. If something happens to me, Ye'er will... entrust it to you... "

"Don't say bad things!" Xie Sining's voice was trembling, "Ye'er is still so young, he already lost his mother, do you still want him to lose his father?"

Gu Ci looked at the speaker with complicated eyes. He closed his eyes without saying a word, his face became more and more ugly, and then he nodded as hard as he could.

This is Xie Sining. I won’t say anything more. After washing the knife with spirits, I held it in my hand and glanced at Gu Ci who had his eyes closed. Then he took a deep breath and used the knife to cut the wound deeply bloom.

This kind of skin-cutting pain is not something ordinary people can bear, Gu Cijiao frowned and snorted, but he was able to resist not moving for a moment.

After cutting the wound by an inch and a half, Xie Sining put down the knife, took herbs to stop the bleeding and applied it around the arrow wound, then held the arrow body, closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down, then with one force, with a puff, the whole arrow was pulled out The moment the arrow was pulled out, blood spurted out, and Gu Ci finally passed out again out of control.

Regardless of asking about Gu Ci's situation, Xie Sining threw away the arrow, and hurriedly gave him medicine to stop the bleeding. It took a long time to finally stop, and then he went to feel Gu Ci's pulse, and saw that it was still beating, just breathing It was a little weak, temporarily holding his life, and then he sat down paralyzed, as if his strength had been drained.

Fortunately, the arrow didn't hit the heart, otherwise she would never have dared to pull it out so hastily.

"Girl, you are really brave and careful. With such a serious injury, let alone an old man, there is no one with some medical skills, but I dare not draw the arrow like this. You also know how to treat such a serious injury?" The old man looked at her. From treating the wound to pulling out the arrow, the operation was not half-sloppy, and I thought she was also a doctor.

However, just as Xie Sining recovered, she shook her head when she heard the old man's question, "I'm just trying my luck, old man, my husband won't be able to move for a while, and I'm afraid he'll be here for a few days."

"It's okay, I'm the only old man here. This house is empty. I can settle it down for you, my husband, and we'll talk about it later." The old man also sees their husband and wife as pitiful, so he is willing to keep them here temporarily. .

Xie Sining thanked him repeatedly, and then forced some money to the old man, after all, he couldn't live here for nothing.

Then Xie Sining left the meeting in a hurry, went to the nearest village, found a barefoot doctor, gave Gu Ci a diagnosis and treatment, and prescribed some medicine for his injuries.

"Fortunately, the wound was treated in a timely manner. Otherwise, your husband's life may be in danger." The doctor said while taking the medicine, and then took three sets of medicine from the medicine box and gave them to Xie Sining.

"One dose of this medicine a day, drink twice a day, one dose of medicine can be decocted twice, his wound must not touch water these days, the herbal medicine is changed every day, the wound will heal soon."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Xie Sining took the medicine, thanked the doctor, and sent the doctor back.

The mountain road was not very flat, since she was the one who picked it up, she had to send it back. Before leaving, she asked the old man to help fry the medicine, and it happened to be ready when she came back.

After sending the old doctor back to the village, Xie Sining let out a sigh of relief and walked towards the family where Gu Ci settled down.

On the small stove in the corner of the kitchen room, the medicine was already gurgling and smoking, Xie Sining hurried over to take the cloth towel that was placed beside him and lifted the lid off.

The fragrance of the medicine poured out to see that the medicine inside was already boiled, she hurriedly extinguished the boiling fire in the stove, and waited for the medicine to stop boiling so much, then took a bowl from the cupboard, filled the medicine and brought it into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw the man's face was pale and his forehead was full of sweat. Xie Sining frowned, put down the medicine he was carrying, and raised his sleeve to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

Gu Ci felt the movement coming from his face, slowly opened his eyes and saw Xie Sining's worried face, couldn't help curling his lips, opened his mouth to speak but his throat was dry and he couldn't say anything.

Seeing this, Xie Sining hurriedly fetched the medicine, picked up the pillow from the side of the bed, carefully rested his head on his head, tried not to touch his wound, helped him sit up slowly, and then gave him the spoon one by one. Hey.

After taking a mouthful of medicine into the throat, the dryness and sting in the throat finally stopped, Gu Ci said.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Xie Sining raised his head and looked at him while feeding the medicine, his face was three points paler than that of flour, so he smiled and said it's all right?She glanced at him angrily, but didn't want to argue with him as a patient, took two deep breaths and remained silent, continuing to feed him medicine.

Seeing this, Gu Ci knew that he had annoyed her by rushing up to block the arrows, so he smiled wryly in his heart and stopped talking.

After feeding a bowl of medicine to the end, Gu Ci felt his head was a little heavy, and his eyes were about to narrow uncontrollably. Seeing this, Xie Sining wiped his hands, put down the bowl, helped him lie down again, and covered him with the quilt. Speaking of.

"Drinking the medicine will make you drowsy. You have suffered too much bleeding and are weak. Take a good rest."

Gu Ci heard someone say such a sentence in his sleep, and then he lost consciousness and slowly passed out.

He walked out of the door with the medicine bowl in his hand, closed the door gently, and finally let out a long breath, finally settling down.

Today, I ran out for a day, and met those bandits, and then ran here with people on their backs, busy going to the doctor, covered in sweat, Xie Sining frowned when he smelled it, his body was sticky.

Walking into the stove house, he washed the bowls filled with medicine just now. The old man wandered somewhere and is not at home now.

Xie Sining gently closed the courtyard door, thinking about going back to the village to change clothes, Gu Ci's current appearance, I am afraid that he will not be able to move for a while, and the little Gu Ye at home has to find someone to settle down.

Thinking about Xie Sining, he felt that there were still a lot of things to be busy, and he quickened his pace with some headaches.

When we got back to the village, it was already midnight when we entered the courtyard. Little Gu Ye, who heard the noise, pushed open the door and rushed out, throwing himself into Xie Sining's arms.

Xie Sining was thrown into his arms by the child, and couldn't help but hug him with both hands.

Gu Ye muttered, "Mom, why are you coming back now?"

At this time, he should have been sleeping soundly, but his parents never came back, and he didn't want to sleep at the fat aunt's house, so he ran back. The fat aunt stayed with him for a while and was too sleepy, so he let the fat aunt sleep with him. Go back and rest first.

Gu Ye couldn't help turning his head to look behind Xie Sining, but he didn't see his father's shadow. He couldn't help but wondered: "Mother, where is father? Didn't he come back with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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