Chapter 101

Tiancheng's actions are also very fast.

They announced the withdrawal of the song Lian Fu and pushed the composer out.

After all, the similarity is the song, and the words can be filled in.

The composer @ 了 Jiang Yixuan posted an apology on Weibo, saying that he accidentally heard the melody and didn't know it was Jiang Yixuan's new song, but he didn't say a word from where he heard it, and avoided the important ones throughout the process.

In the end, he said that he would never commit another crime in the future, and please supervise and give him another chance.

Especially hope to get Jiang Yixuan's forgiveness.

Some people can't see it, but Jiang Yixuan and Tang Jiu can't see it.

Tang Jiu was so angry that he hammered the rabbit pillow in his hand twice, pointed at the rabbit doll and cursed fiercely.

"This group of people must be out of their minds. This isn't pure moral kidnapping! Believe it or not, Yixuan, if you say you don't forgive me, some 'noble' netizens will jump out and criticize you!"

"Can't we see that he is a scapegoat! The last sentence asking for your forgiveness is unnecessary!"

They can all see clearly that it is not easy for anyone, but it is too much to make them difficult.

"Yixuan, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Yixuan was chatting with the composer via private message.

She went straight to the point.

Jiang Yixuan: Did you take the money?

Originally, she was the victim of this incident, but now even an apology is pulling her to the forefront.

Do you really think she has a good temper?

There was a message soon.

Qu Yang: I'm sorry Yixuan.

Qu Yang: You should know.

He is also involuntary.

Jiang Yixuan's eyes sank little by little.

She has already asked him so bluntly, and under such circumstances, he still dare not open up and say, do you think she will take a screenshot and send it out?
Does she have to forgive him for hurting her involuntarily?
Do not!
Jiang Yixuan directly posted a message under this apology Weibo with a large number.

[Jiang Yixuan: Exactly where did you hear it. 】

Tang Jiu also discovered this key point.

Yes, he couldn't have heard of it by chance!
Originally, there were many people scolding under this apology Weibo.

[Can I use it if I don’t know who owns it?Use it if it's yours! 】

Many people also expressed their support for Jiang Yixuan's reply.

[Yeah, where did you hear it clearly? Are you sincerely apologizing for being so vague? 】

[I don't think Miss Xuan needs to forgive me for this attitude. 】

【Heh, let's just talk about it. Could it be that if Sister Xuan doesn't forgive him, can he quit the circle? 】

[It's fine if you withdraw, plagiarism is shameful! 】

The participation of a large number of fans and passers-by pushed this topic directly to the top six.

#Qu Yang apologizes#
Qu Yang himself was also frowning.

Jiang Yixuan's personality has always been very good, why is it suddenly so sharp?
How could he tell where he heard it!

Qu Yang quickly discussed with Yu Zhouhai, but Yu Zhouhai didn't expect Jiang Yixuan to be so bold this time.

It seems that this song is really important.

Qu Yang was forced to post another Weibo.

The general meaning is that he no longer remembers where he heard it. It is normal to forget it when he is very busy every day, and he apologizes again.

Finally, he said that the name "Qu Yang" would not be used again in the future.

It was originally his stage name.

His remarks are equivalent to starting over with a different ID.

Tang Jiu laughed angrily when he saw these remarks.

It's really shameless to compete one by one!
"Yixuan, they are going too far!"

Yes, because many things like this in this circle are handled in a low-key manner every time, so I don't care at all.

"Ajiu, find a lawyer." Jiang Yixuan's voice was steady.

Given the chance, they pushed their noses to their faces.

Tang Jiu punched the rabbit's face excitedly, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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