Chapter 103 We Are In Love
The teammate this time is very interesting, Jiang Yixuan couldn't help laughing when she saw this conversation.

Hearing Jiang Yixuan's laughter in the earphones, Shi Shuo's pursed lips slightly lifted.

"Do you think it's interesting?"

"is a bit."

"Look at it, you won't be able to joke around when the wind blows."

Shunfeng good brother, headwind mmp.

Jiang Yixuan nodded, "I know, if you are insulting when you are against the wind, you should scold you back and block them all. If you don't see it, you don't see it."

Shi Shuo remembered that encounter in the game.

Her voice was so familiar, it took him a while to confirm it.

At that time, after she finished scolding, she blocked that person.

Shi Shuo's voice was a little aggrieved, "But I'm a professional and can't swear."

Ah, yes, it seems that you can’t curse at people, play badly, or order to surrender in a profession. There are quite a lot of hard and fast rules.

Being scolded can't be scolded back, especially when most of the gamers are irritable brothers, this is really uncomfortable.

Shi Shuo chuckled, "If someone scolds me, will you scold me back?"

Jiang Yixuan thought for a while and said helplessly, "But I'm also a public figure."

Last time it was the person who scolded her and couldn't hold back for a while. Fortunately, no one knew that she was under the ID. It's different now, everyone knows now!

"Ah, what should I do then?"

"Well, if you are scolded next time, you can tell me and use me as a place to listen."



After the words fell, Shi Shuo laughed first.

Jiang Yixuan wondered, what's so funny about this?She didn't say anything wrong.

"Just kidding, I'm used to being scolded. I never take those words to heart. There is no need to affect my mood and state because of the words of those unimportant people. The most important thing is to be happy."

It sounds more like comforting her.

"Okay, I see, you are not so easily influenced and overwhelmed, and neither am I."

This is his answer.

Shi Shuo: "Yes."

It's good to know, don't think about those troublesome things, everything will be fine.

While they were talking, what the others were talking about was really lively.

They chatted and said hi, and took the initiative to care about the two of them who were silent, trying to pull them into the group chat.

But just...

I'm Die (Marco Polo): Lan, you and Yao are not as high as me and my wife.

I am Die (Marco Polo): I saw it at the beginning, we are the eleventh level.

Jiang Yixuan thought, you are really looking for something to talk about.

It just hit the point that Shi Shuo had just said to her about meeting.

She was still thinking about what to say, when Shi Shuo's voice sounded.

AST-villain (Lan): Well, you are an old couple and we are passionately in love.

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

What a strange comparison.

What surprised her even more was that this Marco Polo thought it was quite reasonable after thinking about it.

I am Die (Marco Polo): Come on brother, I wish you to become an old husband and wife soon.

Shi Shuo replied without blushing.

AST-villain: Thank you.

I am Die (Marco Polo): Hey, but we are indeed an old husband and wife, you guessed it right.

I am Die (Marco Polo): I guessed it from seeing how fast you are~
Ha ha.

Shi Shuo moved his lips with a fake smile, and the next moment.

[All] AST-villain (Lan): We Marco said that you are all single dogs, so let's envy him, the eleventh-level couple.

(End of this chapter)

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