The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 106 I'm Sister Jiang Yixuan

Chapter 106 I'm Sister Jiang Yixuan

The matter of plagiarism is being dealt with in an orderly manner.

The latest news can be seen in Jiang Yixuan's studio.

Jiang Nianzi has been paying attention to this matter recently, and she curled her lips in disappointment when she saw such a follow-up.

Jiang Yixuan's luck is really good, no matter what happens to her, she can turn bad luck into good luck and get favored. How can such a person not be envied.

It's not like they didn't stop calling her to go to her studio after that incident, but...

The phone call did not release them from the blacklist, and the studio no longer allowed them to enter.

They didn't know where Jiang Yixuan lived.

The weather outside was too hot, Chen Qiuyan was too hot to go out anymore.

Anyway, they still have more than 10,000 yuan in their hands now, as long as the expenses are not too big, they can still bear it, and they are going to go through the hot weather first.

Jiang Nianzi could only continue to submit resumes by herself.

She was waiting in a decent purple and pink dress.

Finally, she went in for an interview.

Similar to previous interviews.

Her appearance is fair, and her grades in school are not bad, but she hasn't won any awards.

They asked Jiang Nianzi to sing a song and listen to it.

It's nice, but has no character.

Nowadays, both actors and singers are like crucian carp in the river. There are too many good singers. If there is no memory point that can make people remember you, then you can't go far.

For singers.

Either a great creative ability, or a unique tone.

Coincidentally, she doesn't account for either of these.

There is really no need for cultivation.

"Okay, we all know the situation, you go back and wait for the news."

Jiang Nianzi had heard such words too many times, and there must be no news after returning.

She hastily added: "I am Jiang Yixuan's younger sister!"

Although the interviewees were a little surprised, they were more puzzled.


what do you want to say?
You don't have the skills of your sister, if she really cares about you so much, why doesn't she sign you to her studio?

Obviously, she doesn't care about your sister.

The interviewees were all good people. At this time, they just raised their hands with a smile on their faces to indicate that she could leave if she finished speaking.

Jiang Nianzi didn't expect that this would not work. She took her resume in frustration and walked out with a smile on her face.

As soon as he closed the door, he met a pair of scrutinizing eyes.

Holding the coffee, Hua Mingce asked interestingly, "You said you were Jiang Yixuan's younger sister just now?"


"Then why have I never heard her mention that she has such a younger sister? You should know that your older sister was an artist in our company before."

"Yes, I know!" Jiang Nianzi nodded.

If Jiang Yixuan can become a shining star in Xingyue, so can she.

Hearing that she didn't answer his previous question, Hua Mingce thought for a while, "Come to my office."

"it is good!"

She must seize every opportunity!

Hua Mingce put the iced coffee on the table, raised his hand, "Sit."

"Tell me about your relationship with Jiang Yixuan."

Jiang Nianzi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and when she raised her eyes, they were full of gentleness and obedience.

"She and I are indeed sisters, but half-brothers."

half father...

It seems that the relationship is indeed not very good, otherwise Jiang Yixuan would not have never said it, nor would she not introduce it to her.

Such a person signed into the company...

To a large extent, it can add trouble to Jiang Yixuan.

"Okay, I'll sign you."

(End of this chapter)

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