The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 111 Not working hard at the beginning of the month

Chapter 111 Not working hard at the beginning of the month

Things from the past flashed before my eyes. I thought I had already talked about it last time, but I didn't expect...

Hua Mingce still refused to let her go.

"It's okay, there is no interest relationship between us."

"Even if she wants to use Jiang Nianzi to disgust me, as long as I don't care, there is no threat. Besides, I can't be angry."

Tang Jiu reacted and understood.


Jiang Yixuan now also occasionally participates in music comprehensives and prepares for new albums and concerts.

She wants to move towards the goal of a professional singer, and Xingyue wants to make money, so she will do whatever she wants to make money, and Jiang Nianzi is likely to turn into an actor.

They don't conflict at all.

If the two of them accidentally participated in the same variety show, it would be unavoidable...

As long as Jiang Yixuan is not overwhelmed, Hua Mingce will naturally feel that Jiang Nianzi can't play this role, and after one or two trials, there will be no more.

"Ah Jiu, how are you preparing?"

"Everything is ready, when shall we go?"

"Just next Monday, take advantage of the good weather to send the things there, it may be busy for a while later."

After receiving a variety show, I have to prepare a new album.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

After Tang Jiu left, he searched for Shi Shuo's nickname and wrote it in the notes.

[I'm Tang Jiu, Yixuan's assistant. ]
In the afternoon, Shi Shuo was making up the length of the live broadcast, still with the familiar title.

【Quiet Learning Technology Live Room】

In the live broadcast room, except for the sound of the game, it was the sound of the game. Shi Shuo didn't say a word. If it wasn't for his teammates talking to him and he occasionally responded, then he couldn't hear his voice at all.

The fans are a little sad.

When will Shuoshen, who talked a lot in the live broadcast like last time, see her again!

Shi Shuo broadcasted for eight hours, and at zero o'clock, he and his teammates lined up for two games before downloading.

It's like this every time, and I will finish broadcasting it in a few days at the end of the month.

Don't want him to broadcast for 1 more minutes.

Fans asked their souls: Do all professional players dislike live broadcasts so much?
Answer: Yes!
If there is water, there will be water, and the end of the month will end, and I will see you at the end of next month.

As soon as the crystal exploded, Shi Shuo immediately downloaded it without even saying good night.

He flipped through his phone casually, and there were some reminders requesting to add friends.

He didn't even know how these people found him.

Shi Shuo just ignored him.

Tang Jiu found out that her request hadn't been passed the next day, so she asked several times, but she still didn't agree.

She hummed into the phone.

"I wanted to tell you about Yixuan's itinerary, but you didn't even agree to my request. You can regret it later!"

She has already added her on her own initiative, and he didn't want to save face. Next time, he will let him add her himself!

A new month arrives.

When Shi Shuo went online, he found Jiang Yixuan was there.

Jiang Yixuan was also thinking of getting bored and went online to play two games to score performance points. After the game, she saw Shi Shuo's invitation and immediately clicked in.

"Let's take you to the national server this month."

"Okay, but I may not be able to go online for the next two days, the signal is not very good."

"Where are you and the signal is not good?"

Jiang Yixuan didn't intend to hide it from him, "I'm going to a school in the mountains to deliver some stationery and necessities to the children there, and teach them to sing."

"do charity?"

"Probably." Jiang Yixuan's tone was shallow.

It is not easy for children in the mountains, so please help as much as you can. That school cannot be called a school.

And some of those kids really like to sing.

(End of this chapter)

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