The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 117 Give You a Chance to Push Me Away

Chapter 117 Give You a Chance to Push Me Away
Jiang Yixuan avoided his gaze, looked at by his bewitching eyes, she found that she really couldn't say a single cruel word.

"I won't," she whispered.

Companionship is the longest confession of love, she believes, but she will not be tempted by it.

"Would you or have you never tried?"


It's not that no one has confessed to her, it's just that she doesn't want to touch the emotional aspect. If someone takes a step towards her, she will take a hundred steps back.

A classmate from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, and finally admitted to the same university with her, confessed to her in the third year.

in fact……

She couldn't say she wasn't aware of it.

That classmate was really nice to her, and she could see that he mustered up the courage to confess his love to her.

But she still refused.

At that time, her career was in full swing, and it was impossible for her to give up her career for the sake of illusory love.

More importantly, she didn't have that kind of heart for him.

"okay I know."

Shi Shuo's voice brought her back from her thoughts, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the tenderness between the young man's brows like water.

"You like to be proactive."

Jiang Yixuan: "..." No!

She didn't know how to face Shi Shuo any further on this topic.

Subconsciously, she didn't really want to cut off contact with Shi Shuo.

Shi Shuo changed the subject in a measured manner.

"Show me here."

"it is good."

They strolled on the trampled road, the sky was filled with bright colors of the sunset, the rays of light enveloped them, and the shadows behind them were stretched very long.

"Shi Shuo, you're still young, things like this..."

"I'm an adult." Shi Shuo interrupted what Jiang Yixuan had been thinking about, and Jiang Yixuan didn't know what to say with just four words.

Adult, free to love.

"Shi Shuo."

Shi Shuo walked around two steps away from Jiang Yixuan and stopped, staring firmly into Jiang Yixuan's eyes, not allowing her to hide.

"Then I'll give you a chance to push me away."

"Push me away, and I'll go."

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

The clear and bright young man stood in front of her, with sincere and persistent eyes.

At this moment, many things were playing in a loop in her mind.

He approached and cared step by step.

His blatant preference and presence.

He presented her in his honor.

——"Some people are worthy of all trust once they meet. You are such a person to me."

— “But we are all adults now, adults who can take responsibility for our actions.”

——"Our Yixuan is also a very good child. Those who don't like you are blind."

I like you.

Jiang Yixuan raised her hand slowly, pushing him away meant pushing him away from her own world.

Push away all the warmth and touch he brought her.

This dazzling boy should have a better choice.

When he was about to meet Shi Shuo, Shi Shuo's voice sounded.

"time up."

"What?" Jiang Yixuan raised her eyes in surprise and met Shi Shuo's.

It clearly reflected her appearance at the moment.

Is there a time limit on this?

"When the time is up, I will treat you as reluctant to push me away."

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will work hard to catch up with you!"

Jiang Yixuan: "..."


Lin Wei's voice came from behind, "Come back soon, the food is ready, you can eat now."

Shi Shuo responded, looking at her, "Let's go back."

"……it is good."

Jiang Yixuan glanced at the overlapping shadows of the two with a complicated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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