The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 120 Yixuan tends to soften her heart

Chapter 120 Yixuan tends to soften her heart
After chatting with Tang Jiu for a while, Jiang Yixuan felt that she seemed to have thought more clearly and became less sober.

Jiang Yixuan closed her eyes for a long time and couldn't fall asleep.

She simply sat up.

It's good to think about things in the dead of night, and all she can think about now are Shi Shuo's words and actions towards her.

At that time, he was only regarded as a proud and arrogant younger brother, but now looking back, it seems... She has not been able to realize the real level.

In the game, he has been defending her and helping her vent her anger.

He said that he would not let her be scolded.

Later on, the title of his live broadcast room had already stated clearly, and there was a barrage reminder, but facing her request, he agreed without hesitation.

Where would he be short of someone to establish a relationship with him, obviously it is also possible to find a teammate.

What he said later about being in love was not for face, but for telling her.

He has been carefully pretending to approach, and then expressed his intentions.

Many things have another meaning when I think about it now, meanings that she didn't think about or didn't have time to think about before.

Her heart was so warm that she couldn't sleep at all.

He put on his coat and went out to have a quiet time, but saw a person standing under the corridor on the other side.

A touch of scarlet in his hand made Jiang Yixuan frown.

The sunset glow has receded, and there are occasional thunder and lightning with billowing clouds this day, and it is probably going to rain soon.

"You still smoke?"

When he heard this voice, Shuo subconsciously squeezed out the cigarette in his hand and stood to the side.

"No, I'll just tap it, no smoking."

"That would be even worse."

Isn't that the same as smoking secondhand smoke?
Jiang Yixuan found that Shuo retreated when she came over, and finally stopped and looked up at him suspiciously.

Shi Shuo said with some embarrassment, "It smells like smoke, it's choking."

Jiang Yixuan's expression softened in an instant, and she took two steps towards Shi Shuo and stood beside him, "I'm not afraid of the smell of smoke."

"Why did you suddenly light up a cigarette? It's not good for your health. You guys are not allowed to drink or smoke while playing a job."

"...Yes." Shi Shuo nodded like a child who has done something wrong and assured her, "There will be no next time."

Tang Jiu came out to meet him with a meaningful sentence in his ears.

"Yixuan tends to soften her heart."

He looked even more pitiful with his eyes downcast.

Jiang Yixuan sighed in her heart, "Didn't I already promise you to give you a chance? Why are you still hiding here and lighting a cigarette?"

Shi Shuo suddenly raised his head, "You, you said you would give me a chance?"

"Didn't you say that?"

He did, but that was because he interrupted her at a critical moment to prevent her from saying no.

Now she told him to his face that she was willing to give him a chance.

How can this be the same!

Shi Shuo also took a tentative step towards Jiang Yixuan, fixing her gaze with burning eyes, "Seriously? Don't lie to me?"

"Well, seriously."

"But I am very difficult to chase after. Sometimes I will make trouble for no reason, and I have a lot of minor problems."

"No." Shi Shuo frowned, "We think Xuan is the most obedient child."

The heart under the thin shirt was beating like a drum, and a flash of lightning illuminated the faces and tender eyes of the two of them.


Thunder resounded through the sky, Jiang Yixuan was taken aback, Shi Shuo vainly supported Jiang Yixuan who was about to explode, and chuckled in her ear.

"Snoring and snoring, don't be scared."

(End of this chapter)

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