Chapter 131 Who is Shi Shuo?

Jiang Yixuan was recording the song with all her heart, and Song Yan, who was leaning on the table, noticed that her mobile phone on the table was on.

Shi Shuo: Shall I take you to the national server?
National service?game?
Didn't she say that she couldn't play the game and then uninstalled it and haven't played it for a long time?
Pick it up again?

It just so happens that he quite likes playing this game.

Maybe, this is an opportunity.

But... who is Shi Shuo?
The screen has gone black, Song Yan cast his eyes on Jiang Yixuan again, she still hasn't changed at all after all these years.

It just got brighter.

very nice.

Her vocals reverberated in the recording studio, adjusting the articulation and emotion over and over again.

Her technology is already very mature, and she can record a long section of a piece, which the recording teacher feels is too troublesome.

It's not very good for Song Yan, he can only record one or two sentences. He really has been neglected for too long.

The recording parts are all separate, and finally the recording teacher will edit these together.

It took five hours to record the song before it was finally finished.

Song Yan and Jiang Yixuan left the recording studio together. He looked at the time, and it was already past eleven o'clock.

"How about I treat you to supper?"

Tang Jiu politely refused, "It's better, Yixuan has a bad stomach, it's better to eat less oil when ordering this."


"It's not too early. I've been tired all day. You should go back and have a good rest."

Song Yan couldn't see Tang Jiu's attitude, it would be rude to pester her any longer.

He nodded, "Okay, then I'll go first, you guys should be careful and rest early on the way."

"OK, bye."

"See you."

Song Yan got into his car, watched Jiang Yixuan's car leave slowly, and then turned on his phone.

He has been filming in closed mode for the past few months, and he has missed a lot of news about her, so he has to search carefully.

After watching everything that happened during this period, Song Yan leaned on the back of the chair, and the complex emotions in his eyes were incomprehensible.

It turned out that she had also been targeted so much.

That Shi Shuo was her fan, so for protecting her, he would also like to thank him if he had the opportunity.


He clicked on the QQ that he hadn't chatted with for a long time, and after thinking for a while, he slowly typed a paragraph and sent it.

The night was dark, there were still many hurried pedestrians outside the window, and the neon lights flashed past her sight. She picked up the phone and saw the message Shi Shuo had sent her.

She texted back right away.

Jiang Yixuan: I was recording a song just now, can I play it when I get home?

There was a quick reply there.

Shi Shuo: Okay, I'll wait for you.

Jiang Yixuan raised a shallow arc.

Tang Jiu glanced at her in the rearview mirror, "Yixuan, you look very happy."

"well enough."

"Seeing Song Ziyu today, you don't have any other ideas?"

Song Ziyu...

Jiang Yixuan said in a calm tone without any special emotion, "He is Song Yan now."

Let those embarrassing moments before disappear with the name Song Ziyu.

"Then you treat him now..."

"I've always regarded him as a friend, that's all at most. If I refused, I made it very clear back then."

I am very grateful for his little care at that time, and if there is a chance, she will return it, but that is all.

Not to mention that Song Yan has already stepped into the entertainment industry.

In all fairness, even if it was work, she couldn't accept the ambiguity between her significant other and other women.

What she wants is consistent care and preference.

(End of this chapter)

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