Chapter 133 Officially Recognized CP
Jiang Yixuan swiped her finger past Yao and tapped Cai Wenji.

"Didn't you say you want to take me to the national uniform?"

Shi Shuo said inexplicably, "I want to play the national server with a tuba, and I'm suspended. After playing this tuba, I'll take you to the national server."

Shi Shuo opened his eyes and talked nonsense, but he already had a plan in mind.

This means he wants to play Lan and Cai Wenji first.

Officially recognized cp!

Seeing that Jiang Yixuan was here, Song Yan wanted to show off a bit, so he chose Gongsunli, and the opponent backhanded Sun Shangxiang and Taiyi.

At the beginning, Jiang Yixuan subconsciously went to the wild area to fight Shi Shuo after helping the middle lane to grab the line.

I played too many times, and it formed a solid memory.

Shi Shuo twitched the corner of his lower lip, and swiped the screen to see Gongsunli, who was alone in the bottom lane to resist the pressure, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of complacency.

After Shi Shuo reached the fourth level and opened the dragon, he took Jiang Yixuan to squat on the grass in the middle lane, and then went to the top lane to cooperate with the side lane to kill.

Jiang Yixuan sat in a small float behind to give him blood.

Open interference to cooperate with his various tower jumping kills.

Shi Shuo never went down the road.

Gongsunli was already fragile, and he happened to meet Taiyi and Sun Shangxiang, and Shefu seemed to be stuck together.

He was very aggrieved by being pressed and beaten the whole time.

"Yixuan, follow me, I really can't stand the two people opposite me."

It would be embarrassing not to show off.

Jiang Yixuan took a look at Shi Shuo's record and economy. He was the first in the game, so he should be fine by himself.

Looking at Song Yan's record again, he thought for a while and said softly, "Shi Shuo, shall I follow Song Yan?"

Shi Shuo didn't speak, she thought he agreed, so she drove the little float down the road.

As soon as she left, Shi Shuo rushed into the red zone guarded by four people by himself and was beaten to death.


A man rushed in to grab the dragon and was beaten to death again by the group.

Without the rhythm of the jungler, their advantage is gradually decreasing.

And Jiang Yixuan and Song Yan are having a hard time here, because no one cares about Sun Shangxiang and Taiyi helps to increase the money. Sun Shangxiang's economy is also very high, and Jiang Yixuan can't even get milk.

The bottom duo both died in battle.

Jiang Yixuan finally found out that something was wrong after Shi Shuo once again exchanged one out of five and was beaten to death.

"Shi Shuo, don't hit too many, you won't be able to beat him."

Shi Shuo's lazy voice sounded, "I can handle multiple pieces of equipment."



Jiang Yixuan was taken aback.

The teammates seemed to be unable to stand it anymore and turned on the microphone.

"Cai Wenji, follow Lan. Anyway, you can't beat Gongsunli. It's useless for Gongsunli, a hero, to fight in a team. Don't worry about him dying by himself."

"Gongsunli, you can resist the pressure, Cai Wenji and Lan keep pace."

Shi Shuo's voice sounded again, "How to say?"

Jiang Yixuan's tone was slightly smiling, "Okay, I'll follow you."

She swayed to Shi Shuo's side in a small float.

The bottom of the clear eyes are the ripples reflected by the light, Shi Shuo did it on purpose, right? He is fighting for favor?

How can it be so cute.

With Jiang Yixuan, Shi Shuo was completely different from before, and the rhythm was in his hands again.

Seeing that Gongsunli was killed and dived to the bottom lane that he hadn't been in the whole round, he took the heads of Sun Shangxiang and Taiyi.

Song Yan looked at the dark screen and then saw Shi Shuo's behavior, remembering what he said just now, and finally realized something.

This boy, he did it on purpose.

He was hostile towards him, and deliberately sent his death to let Jiang Yixuan follow him.

Does he... like Jiang Yixuan?
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(End of this chapter)

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