Chapter 136
At the end of the round, Shi Shuo didn't get a pentakill, and when he was choosing a hero, he talked to Jiang Yixuan, but didn't hear an answer.

Shi Shuo lowered his long eyelashes to cover the indulgence and pampering in his eyes.

I really plan to stop talking to him if he doesn't get pentakill.

Okay, then let her have a good understanding of his strength.

Shi Shuo had brought Jiang Yixuan to beat the king before, and it was actually not easy to get a pentakill in the king's low-star game.

Some people play a game for years and only get pentakills in training camp.

But not Shi Shuo, pentakill is really not difficult for him.

The beginning is still the same, the jungler rubs the line to get resources and head development, and then waits for an opportunity to fight a big team battle.

Shi Shuo nestled in the grass and saw that the people on the opposite side were all crippled, and rushed out to harvest. The famous sword with only a little blood on his body was dazzled by him, and the last person's head was credited.

【Lan Wulian Peerless】

"Well, can you talk to me now?"

Jiang Yixuan saw that he couldn't remember what he said in the wave of operations just now, she sincerely admired, "You are too good, I am dazzled."

By the time he reacted, he was already pentakilled.



"That's good."

Jiang Yixuan's eyes were also stained with a gentle moonlight, they were always concerned about her emotions.

They didn't break up until two o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Yixuan took a shower, lay on the bed, clicked on QQ, and saw the message from Song Yan. She didn't set the QQ message to automatically jump out, so she saw it.

Song Yan: Yixuan, it's hard to get, I wish you happiness.

He saw something but didn't say it.

It turns out that her emotions are also obvious to others?
She hesitated for a moment and sent him a message back.

Jiang Yixuan: I also look forward to it.

Song Yan couldn't fall asleep even after playing the game, so he searched a lot of news related to Jiang Yixuan during this period.

I took a quick look before, but this time I looked at it seriously.

He watched the two episodes of the program with Jiang Yixuan seriously again. Things that he didn't pay attention to before, now that he knows the inside story, it seems to be a completely different feeling.

Shi Shuo, he... felt like it was planned for a long time.

He simply went to AST's Chaohuasou to find some live and interesting videos cut by fans.

Knowing about Shishuo's mutual protection during the exhibition match, and knowing exactly how they came to be a couple.

It turned out that he had thought of such a reason, no wonder both of them were famous couples but not many people really took it seriously.

Be smart.

What I didn't even expect was that there was really a cp super talk.

sworn cp.

Jiang Yixuan.

Shi Shuo.

It was very late after reading all this, but he still couldn't sleep, he was waiting for Jiang Yixuan's reply.

When the notification sound reminded him, he quickly picked it up.

With the last trace of luck, click open.

Leave with final loss and blessings.

Song Yan opened the window to blow the night breeze, and let out a long sigh of relief looking at the moon half covered by clouds.

Yeah, let's call it a day.

For the next few days, Jiang Yixuan and Shi Shuo were busy with their own affairs during the day, and would play games together after eleven o'clock in the evening.

Shi Shuo took Jiang Yixuan to the national uniform.

Because of Shi Shuo's extraordinary performance, Jiang Yixuan followed him closely every time, her record was very good and her points were very high.

It didn't take long for her Yao to be close to the Xiaoguo server.

Jiang Yixuan couldn't believe it.

This speed is a bit too fast.

"Shi Shuo, is it always so easy for you to play the national server?"

Shi Shuo's Lan is already in the third year of his country.

"The national uniform is very simple."

"It's just a question of whether I want to fight or not."

Jiang Yixuan: "..." I suspect you are in Versailles.

But judging from Shi Shuo's state of drinking water, it's true.

(End of this chapter)

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