The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 140 Shishuo, I feel uncomfortable

Chapter 140 Shishuo, I feel uncomfortable
Jiang Yixuan comforted Tang Jiu and sent her away. She drank the medicine and wanted to go to sleep for a while, but now she had a severe headache, and she didn't want to care about anything else.

Let things ferment and screen out some so-called fans.

Let Chen Qiuyan and Jiang Nianzi proudly think that they have succeeded before pulling them down.

The original divorce agreement was that Chen Qiuyan did not want her custody rights, and she gave them the money because of her father's deathbed instructions.

Feed their appetites.

She made them cling to her and then pulled away until they wanted to cling to her like bloodsuckers.

She also gave them a chance to leave, as long as they don't bother them anymore, they can live their own lives, but selfish people like them, how can they give up the way to get a good life without working hard.

She watched the two leeches sucking blood, and now they had a complete fight, and the prepared salt could be sprinkled on.

The headache was severe, and the phone rang. It was a special reminder.

Shi Shuo: Yixuan, are you okay?
She was so dazed that she didn't realize it, she was too lazy to type and clicked the voice directly.

The feeble voice sounded very fragile, and Shi Shuo's heart ached for being so fragile.

"I am sick."

Shi Shuo directly made a voice call.

A gentle and concerned voice sounded.

"Have you taken the medicine? Should you go to the hospital to see if the symptoms are serious?"

"Fortunately, I've taken medicine, and I'll be fine if I sweat a little after I sleep."

Probably sick people are really easy to become sensitive and weak, Jiang Yixuan's words are completely instinctive.

"Shi Shuo, I feel bad."

The slightly crying voice made Shi Shuo's heart feel like being squeezed tightly by a big hand, making it extremely uncomfortable.

He put down his voice very softly, for fear that if it was too heavy, she would break like porcelain, "I'll be with you, and you won't feel uncomfortable after sleeping."

"Shi Shuo, I feel bad, I feel so bad~"

She was really uncomfortable, her head hurt so much and her heart was uncomfortable, Jiang Yixuan felt in a daze that she had suffered a great grievance.

"Then let me tell a story to Yixuan, okay? After listening to the story, let's have a good sleep and everything will be fine when we wake up."


Shi Shuo said softly, "Once upon a time there was a little princess, she was beautiful and kind and the best girl in the world.

But some people denied her beauty because of jealousy, which made the little princess very sad. The young boy who admired the little princess for a long time told her not to see the princess sad...

'The princess is as beautiful as the moon in the sky, worthy of being looked up to.Those who don't like you and belittle you are all villains, princess, don't be sad because of them, it's not worth it. '

'Princess deserves the best in this world, should be held in the palm of your hand and loved, and should be happy all her life. '

The little boy summoned up his courage to follow the princess and catch up with her step by step. He stretched out his big hand towards her and told her with a blushing face...

'Princess, I like you, let me protect you from now on and give you your only preference, okay? '

'Princess, I like you. ' The boy said firmly over and over again. "

Shi Shuo murmured, "Yixuan, I like you."

"Then, the princess agreed to the little boy, and they lived happily together."


There was no sound over there, Shi Shuo didn't hang up the phone immediately, and waited for more than ten minutes, thinking that she must have fallen asleep, and then hung up the call.

But ah, he couldn't even show a difficult smile.

She said that her uncomfortable voice echoed in his ears over and over again.

His heart also felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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