The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 199 How can there be so many coincidences?

Chapter 199 How can there be so many coincidences?
Ah Jun's laughter was extraordinarily wild and joyful, Jiang Yixuan couldn't help laughing because of his laughter.

Jia Luo took advantage of the black screen to continue typing.

【All】White Peach Oolong Tea (Jialuo): I'm still a child!
Can the means be milder?

Ah Jun laughed so hard that he almost lost his temper.

[All] My cat is the prettiest (Luban No. [-]): Who is not a child?

[All] My cat is the prettiest (Luban No. [-]): 嘤嘤嘤~

Jiang Yixuan and Shi Shuo looked at each other, "Your teammate is quite cute."

"Huh?" Shi Shuo approached, "Who is cute?"

"You, you are the cutest."

No matter how jealous this teammate is.

Jiang Yixuan explained, "I just..."

"Take him as your younger brother?" Shi Shuo answered, "You still regarded me as your younger brother~"

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

She looked away guiltily and stopped talking. Back then, she really thought that his younger brother was too gentle and considerate and a little arrogant and wanted to treat him better. Who knew...

"Well, I want a blue." She quickly changed the subject.

Shi Shuo smiled indulgently, "Okay."

He wiped out his own wild area and took Jiang Yixuan directly to the opposite wild area to beat Lan to blood, and Jiang Yixuan accepted them one by one.

Then he beat the red face to Jiang Yixuan until there was a trace of blood.

There are a total of four buffs in the canyon, two at Shishuo Hanxin's feet, and two on Yao's body above his head.

Ah Jun talked with that Jia Luo for a long time, but he chose not to hear their conversation. This swipe screen saw the grand scene of these four buffs.

"I'll go, Brother Shuo, why didn't you give me mana when I was playing support before!"

He used up all the Sun Bin blues from playing before, Shi Shuo just got his own blue mana, he thought he would go get the opposite mana mana and go on without going home, who would have imagined that!

Time came for his tough ace to half blood.

Originally, he thought that Shi Shuo wanted to help him because he saw that he was fighting too hard, but who knew that he would finish the fight twice and pay a slap just in case.

A thank you just got stuck in my throat, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Ah Jun's voice sounded extremely resentful.

Shi Shuo said in a lazy voice, "To be a human being, you must know your weight."

Ah Jun: "..."

Jiang Yixuan smiled, "I'm his only apprentice, I should be favored."

Ah Jun thought about it carefully. He didn't seem to be Shuo's only support, but he was also a quarter of his teammates!

"Miss, don't be fooled by Brother Shuo, Brother Shuo has already accepted an apprentice before accepting you as an apprentice!"

Ah Jun's tone was somewhat personal.

Since Brother Shuo is so ignorant of affection, don't blame him for exposing his faults!hum!

Shi Shuo slightly raised his eyebrows and let him continue talking indifferently.

"I saw it with my own eyes when I was about to play the exhibition match, and Brother Shuo still tried to hide it later, so it can be seen."

"Brother Shuo was mainly wearing earphones and playing games with that apprentice during that time. You taught him patience!"

"There were several times when he was tired after the training and asked him to rest, so he went online to check it out, and then he started teaching again."

"He often logs into two accounts on the training machine and his mobile phone and waits, so be careful!"

Jiang Yixuan looked in Shi Shuo's direction.

It turned out that no matter when she was online at that time, she could always see Shi Shuo online because he had been waiting for her.

Yes, there are so many coincidences, it's just that someone is waiting silently in a place you don't know, approaching you silently.

(End of this chapter)

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