Chapter 201 Going both ways?

Shi Shuo squeezed his wrist, this fellow Ah Jun has ruined his old background today.

"Yixuan, wait a minute."

"Okay." She answered without knowing why.

Shi Shuo pulled Ah Jun into a 1v1 room, "Didn't you say you want special training? I'll practice with you for a while!"

Ah Jun: "..."

His voice immediately became aggrieved, "Ah, Brother Shuo, I was wrong."

"Brother Shuo, it's not easy!"

"Old Chinese New Year, I'm still a child..."

Ha ha.

"It's all here, let's fight."

Use the way of the person to treat the person's body.

Shi Shuo had already ordered the start, and Ah Jun had no choice but to choose a hero.During the selection, he emphasized again and again, "I'm a support player, which hero do you want to compare to?"

"Zhong Kui."

Ah Jun: "..."

This hero can't play the game at all right now.

Brother Shuo, if you want to punish me, just say it straight, why bother to be so roundabout.

Two people 1v1 solo, Jiang Yixuan opened the package of dried yellow peaches and watched from the side.

Zhong Kui was a hero who she thought was very interesting and played a few times, but she couldn't hook anyone every time, and occasionally she caught the big move and couldn't cast it in time, and was run away by the opponent.

But the two of them had a lot of fun.

Both sides are seducing and tempting, you hooked me and her heart was raised.

Jiang Yixuan was very curious about what would happen if two Zhong Kui hooked each other up at the same time.

She played the scene in her mind for a moment.


Go both ways?

Shi Shuo opened his mouth while clearing the soldiers, "Ah."

Jiang Yixuan fed Shi Shuo a piece of dried yellow peach, Shi Shuo's happy eyes narrowed.

"The dried yellow peaches you fed me are really sweet."

Ah Jun felt that he had been hit by 1 million points.

He suspected that Brother Shuo told him that on purpose, but he had no proof.

Next, Ah Jun can hear it from time to time.

"Yixuan, I still want to eat."

"I want to drink water."

"I'll pour it for you, drink warm."

"Okay, thank you sister~"

Ah Jun: "..."

He clutched his chest and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, sobbing without tears, "Brother Shuo, if you don't take someone like you, why are you still attacking psychologically?"

Shi Shuo hooked Zhong Kui with a second skill to hook Ah Jun, and directly killed him with a big move and a second skill. He led the line of soldiers into the defense tower and demolished the tower one after another.

The moment the victory sounded, he said lazily: "Psychological quality is also very important for the game. I am doing it for your own good."

Ah Jun: "..."

Come on you.

He might as well go out to pay New Year's greetings with his dad today.

"Okay, okay, Brother Shuo, you two fight, I'm running away."

"It's good to leave."

Ah Jun ran away with bitter tears, and if he stayed any longer, he wouldn't have to eat anymore today.

Shi Shuo finally took a sip of the water that Jiang Yixuan poured, "The noisy person is gone, shall I continue to take you?"

"Okay." She smiled, "But I still want to ask, when exactly did you harbor ill intentions against me?"

She looked at Shi Shuo very curiously.

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you say you should think about the first time you met me last time? Remember?"

Shi Shuo's sudden change of subject caught Jiang Yixuan a little off guard. She didn't remember, had they really met before?
Jiang Yixuan shook her head, "You... fell in love with me at first sight?"

Shi Shuo thought about it seriously, "It's not true, it's because I couldn't help getting to know you later, and I don't know when I gave my heart."

"So I was really happy to hear your voice in the game that time."

(End of this chapter)

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