Chapter 207 What do you regret?
After mediation, Jiang Xiu became more honest when he heard that he would be locked up.

"Yixuan, can Mom have a conversation with you?"

"Yixuan." Shi Shuo looked at her worriedly.

Jiang Yixuan smiled and signaled that he needn't worry, she, Chen Qiuyan and Jiang Nianzi might all need one last talk.

Everyone else went out, only Jiang Yixuan and Chen Qiuyan were left.

"Yixuan, I really just want to see you today, I have no other intentions. I didn't expect Jiang Xiu to think like that."

Facing Chen Qiuyan, she was already very calm now.

"I believe you don't know, what do you know that you have been pampered all these years?"

"But when she insulted me, did you say a word for me?"

Chen Qiuyan recalled the situation at that time and moved her lips without being able to say a word, with a little guilt in her eyes.

"You didn't." Jiang Yixuan answered for her.

"You just stood by and listened to her insulting me, and you told me not to say too much to her. Have you ever cared about my situation?"

"You hated me so much in the past but now you want to see me so much. It's nothing more than Jiang Nianzi not listening to you and not going home. You are too lonely by yourself, so you think of me as a daughter."

"But why do you think that as long as you lower your profile and wave to me and give me those belated cares, I will accept you as a mother again?"

"What I have lost can no longer be made up for. If you really still have a little bit of guilt towards my daughter in your heart, then please never bother me again."

"Because of me, no need!"

Her tone was sonorous and firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

Even with the air conditioner turned on in this mediation room, she felt icy cold, and her face turned pale as paper.

The little girl who used to always like to call her mother sweetly to give her the best now only looks indifferent to her.

She really has no feelings for her anymore.

Chen Qiuyan's eyes were flushed with thousands of emotions, but he wanted to say it but couldn't.

Because she couldn't refute it.

Jiang Yixuan doesn't care what she's thinking now, but...she still has a question she wants answered.

"I just want to ask you, have you ever loved my dad, and have you ever regretted the divorce?"

Her father missed her when he died, and loved him so much!

These words reminded Chen Qiuyan of the face that had been covered by her for a long time, but now she can't remember it clearly.


"I do... regret it a bit."

Seeing that she directly skipped her first question, Jiang Yixuan only felt that it was worthless for Jiang Yan.

To love or not to love is indeed a personal choice, but if you don't love and wantonly hurt others with the love of others, that's her fault!
Now I start to regret it again.

"What do you regret?"

What does she regret?
Chen Qiuyan opened her mouth and threw it but couldn't utter a word. If Jiang Yan wasn't about to go bankrupt, she wouldn't have divorced him so quickly.

But he was doomed to bankruptcy.


Jiang Yixuan sneered and got up and turned around not to look at her anymore, now her heart is really completely cold because of her.

"No matter what happens in the future, don't come to me again. If I don't have you as a mother, you also don't have this daughter. Anyway... don't you still have one?"

"That was born between you and the person you like."

"Do you agree?"

Jiang Yixuan's words just now kept echoing in Chen Qiuyan's ears, and she felt that all her strength was gone.

She moved her dry lips, "Okay."

Jiang Yixuan left satisfied.

This gate completely cut off their blood relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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