Chapter 217 Mature Love

Studio means that.

They are indeed together, and they didn't want to hide it. They have always been getting along with each other in an aboveboard manner. This is a private matter and there is no need to make it public.

If you want to blame, you can only blame you for discovering it too late.

Such an unabashed and unambiguous statement has attracted a lot of goodwill, and there are many fans of him and Jiang Yixuan under this statement.

There are also some passers-by.

【Really together?The cp I knocked on came true? 】

【Actually, I don't think it's anything. It's a private matter. You can stay with whoever you love. 】

[Sibling love, how old is this. 】

[Believe in love, okay, I'm only five years old, is it too old?In what age are there still such remarks. 】

[Actually, I think it's pretty good, as long as you don't interrupt the training and affect the game because of dating, just talk about it casually. 】

[Hey, people who earn fifteen thousand dollars a month are not worthy of meddling in their own business. 】

Most of them are quite rational, but there are also some who are eccentric, neither Shi Shuo nor Jiang Yixuan paid attention to these words.

Xuanxuan: Did you see it?
Shi Shuo: Well, I see, it seems to be pretty good.

At least it was much better than the abuse he imagined, to a large extent because the two of them are quite famous in their respective circles now, and Jiang Yixuan is a singer.

Singers have much less public opinion than actors.

Xuanxuan: But for follow-up, we try to meet as little as possible these days.

After the love affair is exposed, there will definitely be people staring at her. They can't imagine what Yuji will do.

Shi Shuo should really focus on the competition.

Otherwise... If the grades are not good, someone will definitely use their relationship to say that it is because falling in love has affected Shi Shuo's state.

Shi Shuo: I understand.

Shi Shuo: Xuanxuan, don't worry, I know what to do.

How could he be willing to let Jiang Yixuan be scolded for his reasons, and... Shi Shuo glanced in Xuan Shao's direction.

He also has a competitor now.

Shi Shuo: Then make up another song to comfort me tonight?
Xuanxuan: Good.

Xuanxuan: I will be busy in the future, so come on!
Shi Shuo: All right, come on!

After Shi Shuo finished replying to the message, several people over there also saw it. Not long after it was posted, it was already replied by the most searched studio.

They felt a lot more relaxed when they saw the fairly good reviews.

Fortunately, they were worried at first.

They also like Miss Sister's character very much, but she is from the entertainment industry after all.

I didn't expect the comments to be quite friendly.

Ah Jun ran over to join in the fun, "Brother Shuo, why don't you both post on Weibo @一下双双?"

"It's not necessary." Shi Shuo said indifferently, "Anyway, it's enough that we're doing well."


He Qi smiled beside him, "Ah Jun, why are you so enthusiastic about Shi Shuo's matter, why don't you think about how you can catch your future girlfriend!"

Ah Jun looked sad, "Do you think I don't want to? It's not easy to chase after my future girlfriend who is still in school."

"Then you have a big heart. Are you afraid that your future girlfriend will become someone else's future girlfriend in school? You haven't even caught up yet."

"That's not afraid." Ah Jun chuckled and raised his chin very confidently.

Ah Jun often mentioned in front of them that he hadn't caught up with his future girlfriend. He said it every year, but he didn't say why he decided that girl was his future girlfriend.

Now it seems that the two should have known each other a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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