The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 222 Strength is my best capital

Chapter 222 Strength is my best capital
in the club.

In the training games these days, Xuan Shao has always played against them, and Shi Shuo has played against them.

Although Xuan Shao's performance was not good enough compared to Shi Shuo, he was indeed improving. The teammates thought he was just a kid, and they all encouraged him.


Shi Shuo looked at the itinerary in his hand and frowned, "Didn't there be so much business before? Why are there so many this season?"

Advertisement shooting, magazine shooting, spring game start video, sponsor publicity...

This is simply too much, and the arrangement is very tight.

"Can't you put off some work? How can there be time for training? The game is about to start, and the game is the most important thing."

The manager said indifferently: "No, these have been discussed a long time ago."

Shi Shuo casually put the notebook aside.

How could it be possible that it was all discussed long ago. When talking about activities before, I would ask his opinion first. If I really don't want to accept it, then I won't accept it.

What is the situation now.

Shi Shuo directly sent a message to the boss.

After a meeting.

Sister Lin: I'm sorry Shi Shuo, I sold AST, and I won't be your boss in the future.

Shi Shuo: Did something happen?

Sister Lin: There is something wrong with my headquarters, so I can only sell the AST branch.

Sister Lin: I discussed with him, and the staff will not be laid off, but the old employees are still there.

Sister Lin: The acquisition and name change should be announced after a while.What did you find me for?

Shi Shuo took a look at the long business arrangement and finally understood.

Shi Shuo: It's okay, Sister Lin.

Sister Lin: That's good, you guys fight hard, come on!
Shi Shuo: Good.

He is clear about the sudden arrival of Young Master Xuan, the uninterrupted training matches, and these business affairs.

Although it is said that everything cannot be thought of in the worst direction, it is really hard not to think of the bad in such a situation.

That way it's clear what happens next.

But the spring season is about to start, and the transfer is already too late.

Xuan Shao and four other teammates came out of the training room, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Xuan Shao came over and obediently called Shuoshen to see the business mark and wowed enviously, "Shuoshen is indeed a star player, he has a lot of business!"

"I envy you?"

"Shuoshen, don't be joking. What people value is your commercial value. How can I be a substitute who has never played before?"

Ah Jun and the others also took a closer look, and the smile on their faces disappeared immediately.

"Brother Shuo, why are there so many businesses, is it a mistake?"

The migratory birds were also very puzzled, "There were not so many before, and some of them were taken by us together."

Now why does it show that Shuo Ge is all alone?This is so tiring.

Master Xuan smiled even more when he heard this, "We used to shoot together and now Shuoshen shoots alone, which proves that Shuoshen's influence is even greater. This is a good thing!"

He Qi glanced lightly at Xuan Shao, who was happier than he himself had gotten so many business deals.

"Do you really think this is a good thing?"

Xuan Shao innocently tilted his head, very puzzled, "Huh?"

Chen Shi replied silently, "It takes a lot of energy to shoot so many business affairs, especially the time target is basically in the morning."

"After we finish the training match, what time is it in the morning in the rematch game? If we have to get up early and rush to do styling, the body will be very tired, and it will affect the player's state and mentality over time."

"The training match is okay, but it will be hard to say when it comes to the main match."

"What's more, if you don't cooperate with the training for such a long time, you will not be able to keep up."

Although the five of them had no problem cooperating after fighting for so long, Chen Shi wanted to tell all the possibilities.

This business arrangement is unreasonable.

"Ah, that's it." Xuan Shao nodded half-understanding, then looked regretfully at Shi Shuo and muttered in a low voice.

"But... this is what star players need to bear, and they can only work hard."

"Shooting so many commercials is also a good reward, it's not bad."

Ah Jun snorted, "My Brother Shuo played e-sports for the sake of his dream, okay, what money is not, Brother Shuo wished he would not accept any business!"

Xuan Shao asked curiously, "Is Shuoshen's family also rich?"

This is not so easy to handle.

Shi Shuo: "No."

Ah Jun looked at Young Master Xuan strangely, "Why do you have to be rich in your family to not care about money so much? Can't you be a pure dream chaser?"

"Ah, that's not what I meant."

Xuan Shao felt annoyed that he had said the wrong thing, "Probably because of my upbringing environment, so I think it may take some capital to chase my dreams, I'm sorry, Shuo God."

"Nobody blames you."

Only at this time did Ah Jun realize that the cute boy in front of him was actually a rich young man.

He was a little friendly these days and they all forgot his status.

That is indeed understandable.

While typing on the keyboard, Shi Shuo raised his eyes suddenly, there was no trace of amusement in his eyes, he looked at Xuan Shao with a sonorous and confident tone.

"My strength is my best capital."

Xuan Shao was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Of course Shuo Shen's strength is beyond doubt."

But is there really no other aspect besides strength?

This face is also his important facade.

Of course, there is no way to be jealous by nature, just like his family has money, and his capital is the pampering of his family.

He Qi and Chen Shi took a second look at Xuan Shao.

They also noticed something was wrong.

Ah Jun and Migratory Bird are still worried.

"Brother Shuo, it will be very hard for you if you continue like this. Is the itinerary unchanged?"



"It's okay, let's just leave it at that. Don't worry about me standing here like a log. Hurry up and make up for the live broadcast time. Don't make up for it when the game starts."

"Then... okay, Brother Shuo, pay attention to rest."

Young Master Xuan followed them and climbed onto Migratory Bird's shoulders, "Brother, Shuo Shen, is he the captain?"

The migratory bird was puzzled, "Why do you ask that?"

"I think everyone listens to Shuoshen's words very much."

"Ah, our team doesn't have a captain, but we're all used to listening to brother Shuo, so there's no conflict."

"Everyone really trusts Shuo Shen."

The migratory bird replied without thinking, "Isn't it the right thing to do?"

The arc of Xuan Shao's mouth slowly rose, "Yes."

Maybe... he misunderstood him?Refusing to accept the gift is not to exclude him, and people with bad character will not get so many heart-to-heart friends.


After all, only one of them can be on the field.

He doesn't need business or anything, he just needs to go on stage to play well and even win honors!

It's not that he took the initiative to talk to his dad about the arrangement now, it's his dad's own decision. As for him, he can't control these things now.

Just pretend not to know.

(End of this chapter)

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