The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 229 It was humiliating to fight today

Chapter 229 It was humiliating to fight today

The migratory bird ran over and put his elbow on Ah Jun's shoulder, teasing with a smile, "If Brother Shuo likes it, you can leave it alone, haha."

Ah Jun echoed: "Yes, yes, Brother Shuo is happy~"

Shi Shuo laughed angrily, "Are you still going to interview? Let's go."

They laughed and followed.

After the interview, Shi Shuo and Xuan Shao were interviewed separately. The questions they asked were all about the rotation of the jungler in the team. It was clear that they wanted to bring rhythm.

But neither of them sounded wrong.

After the game, I chose a place to celebrate and ordered a table of dishes.

Shi Shuo has now developed the habit of taking pictures before eating, and after taking a picture, he sent it to Jiang Yixuan and told her to eat on time.

Jiang Yixuan returned him with a good expression, the little rabbit hugged the carrot and kept nodding, it was very cute.

During the game, the players seldom go to Weibo, especially Chaohua.

Sometimes even if you win the game, you will be scolded, not to mention how fierce the speech will be if you lose.

The rest of the people were relaxing, only He Wangxuan entered the super chat on the trumpet.

Most of the remarks in it are celebrating the success of the second chase and the third, saying that they are so excited, but there are still some remarks...

[The fight tonight was so exciting! It cured my hypotension for many years, and it's really cool to let the second chasing the third!Shuo God is too powerful. 】

[If it weren't for the first two, we could have faced each other 3:0. 】

[I hope the coach will stop engaging in Shuoshen's mentality like this in the future. Isn't it because Shuoshen loses the key game that the rhythm is all on Shuoshen's body!That's not how newcomers practice. 】

[To be honest, the rookie's jungle operation is not bad, but Shuoshen is more suitable for the team. 】

[I don't mean anything, I just like Shuo Shen more. 】

【Me too. 】

The comments in Chaohua were almost one-sided, and after exiting the page, I saw a message from his father.

Dad: Is this your strength you want to show me?
Dad: It's embarrassing to beat today.

He Wangxuan glanced at it with a smile on his face and lowered his eyelids while he kept typing.

He Wangxuan: I know, Dad, you let me get used to it. I haven't trained with them for long. It's normal that the tacit understanding is not as good as it is.

He Wangxuan: Dad, I will be very sad if you deny me so much~

The words he uttered with a heavy heart were full of ridicule and lightness.

When moving the chopsticks, He Wangxuan smiled and toasted everyone and ate a lot, with a joyful smile on his face all the time, but it's unclear whether the same is true in his heart.

Back at the club, He Wangxuan read the words sent by Father He several times.

He didn't reply to him again.

In his father's eyes, he has always been the one who has no knowledge and skills, and it is already very good to be able to get a job in the company.

He went against his words and came to the e-sports circle to fight for himself.

Looking at the white wall that dazzled his eyes, he sighed, "I don't want to go back."

He Wangxuan found some more professional second-lane commentators from former coaches to watch today's game again.

Focus on writing down some comments about him and Shi Shuo.

Two junglers from the same team playing in the same big game will inevitably be used for comparison, so there are many discussions about them.

"Xuan Shao, a jungler, looks very similar to villain in style, but this Xuan Shao is a rookie after all, and some temporary decisions on the field are not as mature as villain."

"Also, viewers, you can see that villain's operation is very delicate, and also relying on the entire team, the cooperation is very good, everyone trusts each other..."

(End of this chapter)

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