Chapter 232 Always be the best brother
"That's it... ok."

Her tone was still somewhat disappointed, Shi Shuo didn't know how to reply her.

"It doesn't matter. I still have a chance in the future. I will have time after my concert is over. Then I will come and watch your competition."

Shi Shuo: "Okay, don't worry about me. During this period of time, you can concentrate on the concert and pay attention to safety and food."

Jiang Yixuan chuckled, "I know~"

Afraid that if he continued talking, he might reveal something, Shi Shuo didn't say anything, but sent a very cute emoji.

He leaned against the wall, put on a bluetooth headset and clicked on his playlist.

There are only a few songs, which are the recordings of the songs Jiang Yixuan promised to sing a cappella and the song specially written for him.



The first song was two tigers, which she sang casually, probably because she didn't want to reveal her identity.

The voice was soft with a touch of sweetness, he thought it was so cute, and later set it as an incoming call notification tone after expressing his affection.

Every time I hear it I feel better.

As he listened to each song, his mood gradually returned to calm.


The sudden ice on his cheek made him open his eyes abruptly, meeting He Qi's smiling eyes, he shook the ice coke in his hand.

Shi Shuo took it and unscrewed it, took a sip, bubbles bubbling in his mouth like a cry of refusal to admit defeat.

He Qi was leaning against the wall next to him, and collided with his Coke with the Sprite in his hand.

"I remember you said before that when you were depressed, drinking a Coke would make you feel better. How do you feel now?"

Shi Shuo scoffed coldly, "How can you tell that I'm depressed, this word doesn't fit me at all, okay?"

He Qi shook his head, just be stubborn.

But the state is indeed better than he thought.

"Honestly, how are you doing now? The migratory birds are all worried about you, but they are afraid that talking about it will make you sad. Let me ask."

Although they spend most of their time training in the club and have little contact with the outside world, they are not fools, not to mention that this time it has something to do with the game.

The identity of He Wangxuan in Chaohua was revealed.

The second son of the current boss.

Some things, sometimes really make you feel powerless.

Everything has been foreshadowed.

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows to see him and smiled indifferently, "Then they are too good at imagining, so such a trivial matter is not worth my sadness."

He Qi looked at him silently.

Shi Shuo, arrogant and unwilling to show his vulnerable side, boasting that nothing can trouble him.

He also laughed, "That's right, the big stars have been chased by you kid, and there is nothing that can trouble you."

"No matter what happens in the future, we are all good brothers anyway."

He held up the Sprite in his hand.

Shi Shuo looked at him and smiled and nodded.

Cola and Sprite collided, and the most stable Dinghaishenzhen on the field and the fiercest and most beautiful rhythm leader looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

Always the best bro.

Ah Jun, Migratory Bird and Chen Shi who were hiding in the corner were relieved to see this scene.

"It looks fine."

"Who is Brother Shuo, he can shine everywhere, so he won't be depressed because of it!"

"I suddenly felt that Brother Shuo and He Qi were a good match."

Chen Shi and Ah Jun looked at the migratory bird at the same time, and gave him a blank look.

what the hell.

What time is it to say such a thing, I really want to give him two punches.

The migratory bird asked back without knowing it, "What are you looking at me for?"

Three people: "..."

The migratory bird was hit on the head suddenly, and turned around to meet Shi Shuo's half-smile expression.

"What are you doing sneakily?"

(End of this chapter)

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