The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 234 The Silver Mermaid in Blue Tears

Chapter 234 The Silver Mermaid in Blue Tears

The tickets given by Jiang Yixuan are all located in the front, where she can see them at a glance.

Shi Shuo wore a black fisherman's hat and a black mask to completely block himself, and stood on the stands after entering.

In his hand is a special light stick for field control.

He leaned against the railing to turn on his phone, and on the screen was a message sent to him by Jiang Yixuan.

He had said before that he was training, and she would feel strange and worried that it would appear here, but he really wanted to come and see her concert.

The training match is gone, and I don't want to miss her most dazzling moment.

Xuanxuan: Are you training?

Shi Shuo: Well, it's almost time, your side is about to start.

Xuanxuan: Well, the final debugging equipment is ready to go on stage.

Shi Shuo: Be careful, the concert is going well.

Xuanxuan: Yes, you can do it too!

Shi Shuo: Good.

Jiang Yixuan put on her ears and took a deep breath. Although it's a pity that he can't come this time, it doesn't matter. She will have many concerts in the future, and there will always be opportunities.

It was almost eight o'clock, the sky was dark, and the beam of light hit the center of the stage.

Numbers began to appear on the large screen behind.

The full audience held up light sticks and shouted as the numbers flickered.

Hidden in the crowd, the light and shadow were dim, Shi Shuo also shouted along with him.




As the music started, Jiang Yixuan appeared on the stage in a long white dress holding an exclusive silver microphone. She was elegant and beautiful with exquisite makeup.


"Jiang Yixuan!"

"Jiang Yixuan!"

"Jiang Yixuan!"

The enthusiastic cheers surging like a wave immediately returned to calm the moment her ethereal singing sounded, and they consciously waved the light sticks in their hands and sang along in a low voice.

Her cheering color is Moon White.

At this time, it looks like a blue tear on the calm sea under the night, the mermaid is sitting there on the reef not far away, the bright moonlight kisses her hair, the silver fish tail ripples in circles, the mermaid The voice then sounded.


Under the light and shadow, no one could see the obsession in his eyes. She was really beautiful on stage.

She is so beautiful that he wants to monopolize her but also wants more people to see her charm, conflicts and entanglements.

But the moment I saw her smile, everything had the best answer.

Shine bright!
At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause and cheers.

Jiang Yixuan calmly raised her hand, confidently controlling the field.

"We haven't held a concert for a long time, do you miss me?"

"miss you!"

Shi Shuo responded loudly by waving a fluorescent stick.

"I miss you too." Jiang Yixuan smiled, "Everyone has worked hard to come here, thank you for coming, I am very happy to see fans and friends."

"The next song will be sung with me, okay?"

"it is good!"

A soothing song sounded, and the soft voice soothed their tiredness.

Everyone spontaneously shook the light sticks in their hands and sang along, including Shi Shuo.

In fact, after following her silently for so many years, he has long been her most loyal fan, so why can't he sing her songs?

The songs in the cappella list are the songs she sang for him, just for him.

She completely dominates this concert.

In the middle, I kept changing costumes and came on stage to sing, and I was still in good condition after singing many, many songs.

Shi Shuo could tell that she was enjoying the stage.

In the last song, she changed into a black dress to reveal a beautiful and slender neck, with a black feather in her hair, she looked like a black swan.

"Next is the last song."

She pursed her lips and lowered her eyelids, showing a happy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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