Chapter 237 Who owes whom?

Jiang Yixuan's concert this time made several hot searches.

Field-controlled Xinghai chorus, beautiful styling and the confession of the last song.

This made many people bring up the couple Jiang Yixuan and Shi Shuo again, and more and more people liked them and wished them well.

Everyone accepted it.

They like it so much and they are so suitable, so what qualifications do they have to say against it?

Seeing this, Chen Qiuyan also smiled in relief.

After that she fell ill.

The dull white walls and ceiling in the three-person room, the smell of disinfectant was very pungent, and the medicine irritated the blood vessels, and the slight pain made her feel panicked.

Jiang Nianzi called countless times, but didn't answer.

There are also old people lying on the hospital beds on both sides, but they are accompanied by their children, and the meals are brought by the children, who are concerned and worried.

Only her, no one around.

Finally got through the phone.

"Zizi, I'm hospitalized, you..."

"Who asked you to tell Jiang Xiu where I work! Don't you know her temperament yet? Do you want to cause trouble for me?"

"You like to stay with her, just stay by yourself and don't come to harm me, okay?"

"I told you that I'm busy at work, don't call me, don't bother me all the time! If you don't want to work, I will!"

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Nianzi scolded her head and face, and hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

From beginning to end, she was never asked why she was hospitalized.

Lying on the bed, loneliness surged up, and the infusion hand was cold for a while.

She had been sick before too.

She lives in a single room, and her favorite perfume lily is placed on the table, which is changed every day.

No matter how busy Jiang Yan was, he would take the time to look at it. He changed the flower himself. He always asked the doctor about her condition and asked her what she wanted to eat if she felt uncomfortable.

But she never cared about the tiredness on his face.

Jiang Yixuan also came to see her after school, and told her softly about school affairs, saying that she was obedient and studied hard.

The gift she bought for her was put aside by her in disgust.

In the past, I really felt that their existence was too intrusive, but now... I want to see them but I can't see them again.

Wrong to the point where it is now, there is no going back.

Xuanxuan, she also completely gave up on her.

After returning from the hospital, she wanted to see Jiang Yixuan even more strongly, but she had already promised that she would not disturb her again.

You can only check her status through Weibo.

Seeing how successful her concert is now, she felt relieved.


Jiang Nianzi was next to her at this time, and also saw the content on Weibo.

These days, she was so troubled by Jiang Xiu that she didn't see her caring about her, but she was so happy to see Jiang Yixuan so successful.

What the hell is going wrong.

She had always stood by her side unconditionally before, and she had said that Jiang Yixuan was just her stepping stone, why did she care so much about Jiang Yixuan now!
"Mom, do you feel sorry for Jiang Yixuan? But you did all those things on your own initiative."

"Why are you starting to regret it now? Did Mom forget what you told her at the beginning?"

She was curious.

Of course Chen Qiuyan remembered.


Looking back now, I can't believe that she went so far.

"Zizi, let's have a good time in the future, don't bother Yixuan."

"Ha, how can we live a good life, now you are full of Jiang Yixuan and want me to support you, how can we live a good life?"

The mother she raised was thinking of someone else, the one she hated the most, how could she be reconciled!

"Do you know how hard I've been living these days!" Jiang Nianzi complained, "If you hadn't been indulging Jiang Xiu, why would she come to my work place to mess around!"

"If you hadn't given her money all the time and developed her bad habit of thinking that she could get the money as long as she found us, why would she not be able to get rid of it now!"

She was working, and Jiang Xiu just appeared.

In front of so many people.

"Xiao Zi, my aunt is here to see you."

Jiang Xiu's laugh made her feel sick, as long as she showed up, nothing good would happen.

"Xiao Zi, you can subsidize your cousin's tuition. When your cousin is successful, he will definitely not forget you as a sister. You are also an investment."

To put it nicely, this is simply nonsense.

She can see what kind of person her cousin is better than Jiang Xiu!

"Impossible, don't come to me if you can't get money from Jiang Yixuan, if you pester me again, I will tell you about you being arrested and sent to the police station for making trouble!"

Jiang Xiu looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Xiao Zi, if you want to say that, I will say that you told me her address. You have always disliked her, and you used to pretend it! Who do you think has the greatest influence?"

Jiang Nianzi's eyes darkened, what she was most afraid of was running into such a rascal, if she did, she would still pester her!
"Oh, it's true that Jiang Yixuan and I have nothing to do with each other, but we are uncles and nephews."

Jiang Nianzi couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "If you bother me again, I will call the police!"

"I didn't do anything, why did you call the police? It's not good to take up police resources."

After what happened last time, Jiang Xiu became a lot smarter, and stopped going straight and rolling.

She did not come to ask her to pester him, but...

As her aunt, she caused troubles everywhere and bossed around the staff around her, which made her extremely unpopular!
She knows what she wants.

If this fight continues, she will be the one who suffers the most damage.

She can only give that money!
It all started because Chen Qiuyan gave her money!
Chen Qiuyan couldn't understand hearing such accusations.

"Zizi, you didn't say you couldn't give her the money when I gave her the money, why is it all on me now?"

"I just thought she was your father's biological sister..."

Jiang Nianzi was already tired of hearing these words.

Since she loves her father so much, why didn't she go with her, so as not to cause her such trouble!
Do you think that treating her better can make up for the fact that she was not by her side when she was a child and left her to her father?These are what Chen Qiuyan owes her!
If she wasn't useless, why did she work so hard.

Back then, the money wasn't hers, so she had nothing to hold back and nothing to give up!Anyway, if it's gone, I'll just look for Jiang Yixuan.

But what she spends now is what she earned with great difficulty!

Does she understand?

Not much speculation.

"I shouldn't have come back today. Since you miss Jiang Yixuan so much, you can spend your days with your phone!"

"She doesn't want to see you at all!"

Jiang Nianzi slammed the door and left in agitation, but had to greet her with a smiling face when she went out.

In terms of seniority in the entertainment industry, she is far from qualified.

Chen Qiuyan was startled by the loud closing sound, and sat there in a daze, her eyes gradually became moist, and the turbulent emotion made her sob unceasingly.

(End of this chapter)

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