Chapter 240 They are a team
Sometimes the key game can be seen just by looking at the state of the players on both sides.

The faces of the players on DK's side were lighter, as if they were still joking, while AST's side was rather dull, especially He Wangxuan didn't say a word.

He Qi was the calmest, and even smiled at Shi Shuo in the audience.

Dinghaishenzhen must first be stable himself.

He Qi is actually the most important existence in their team.

When I am impulsive, I will call them not to go up.

In many cases, he survived to the end to defend the base.

Misen came up with a lineup that was strong in the early stage of this round and also relied on in the late stage.



The coach got off the stage and sat next to Shi Shuo and handed him the headphones, "Do you want to listen?"

Shi Shuo had a half-smile, "Has the coach not even listened to the intercom?"

Mi Sen only said, "You will know it after you hear it."

The coach's headset was cut off from the conversation with his teammates after the game, but he could listen to the communication of the players throughout the process.

This is also convenient for the coach to detect their emotional changes and command right or wrong in time, so that they can adjust in time.

Shi Shuo didn't refuse anymore.

He took the earphone and hung it around his neck, picked up one side and put it next to his ear.

Sure enough, loud command shouts exploded in my ears.

If you wear headphones directly, you may be deaf.

"In the early stage, we had a strong lineup and entered their blue zone."

He Wangxuan: "Is it possible? They are not weak."

"Okay, enter the wild area, come quickly."

"It's too slow, it's impossible to reverse. Hurry up and clear the pawn line and finish the wild area to take the tyrant."

In the early stage, due to He Wangxuan's hesitation, the deployment was delayed and time was delayed. Now the games are played at a fast pace, which delays the development time.

"Let's harass and change the dragon directly."

"Tachibana Ukyo hurry up to fight the dragon, pay attention, they are rushing over!"

After only listening for 6 minutes, Shi Shuo returned the earphones to Misen.

"How about it?"

"The coach knows why he didn't say it just now?"

"With such a score, we can only encourage them to win this game first."

They are a team.

If He Wangxuan can't keep up with the rhythm of the whole team, it will inevitably implicate the other players in slowing down the rhythm for him.

However, your teammate's rhythm is faster than yours, so you are destined to be the one who is always led by the nose.

Now we can only hope that DK makes a mistake and AST can seize the opportunity.

Either slow down the opponent's rhythm, or control the situation on their side.

Both Shi Shuo and Mi Sen watched the current situation on the small screen seriously.

DK is very stable, and they will immediately make up for small mistakes in other places. AST can't find a chance.

What I can do in this kind of aggrieved situation is to find opportunities by myself.

This is a two-way bomb.

The one with the best opportunity to blow up is the opponent, if he fails and is killed, the one who is blown up is himself.

Risk and opportunity coexist.

In the past, Shi Shuo did not do this kind of operation less often, and was sometimes praised and sometimes scolded.

This time, He Wangxuan did not succeed.

Chi'an seized the opportunity given by He Wangxuan to catch the jungler and take advantage of the situation, and AST lost the master again.

DK directly advances all the way through this master.

The outcome of this BO7 is already obvious.

The time came to 7 minutes.

"Congratulations to DK! 4:0 into the winner's bracket final!"

The popularity of AST has always been very high, and DK is an old rival. This time, it was 4:0 and you don't need to look to know what the Internet said.

This post-match interview was with He Wangxuan.

Shuo didn't listen carefully when he asked the specific question, but just returned to the rest room and glanced casually, his expression was not very good.

(End of this chapter)

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