The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 249 I Have Misconceptions Earlier

Chapter 249 I Have Misconceptions Earlier

The night breeze was gentle and cool, blowing away the heat from his body and waking him up.

The smile on the corner of his lips couldn't be contained no matter what, he raised his hand and looked at the ring on his finger through the light of the street lamp and laughed happily again.

It's a pity, he hasn't reached the legal age yet, otherwise he really wants to...

Bring her home as soon as possible.

The night is dark, but the ring is bright and bright.

He suddenly remembered something.

Jiang Yixuan, who was also stroking the ring and immersed in happiness, saw the new message Shi Shuo sent her.

Shi Shuo: Do ​​you still remember what I said when I gave you the championship ring?
Jiang Yixuan: I remember, what's wrong?
Shi Shuo: Actually, the previous sentence was true at that time, and I wanted you to give me a ring too.

Shi Shuo: But it's fine if I give it away.

Jiang Yixuan thought about it carefully. At that time, he did say that he asked her to give her a ring as a courtesy, and later added a ring for music awards.

But it turns out...

It has always been the meaning of this ring.

Jiang Yixuan smiled softly.

Jiang Yixuan: "Did you harbor ill feelings towards me then?"

After a while, Shi Shuo's voice also came over.

Shi Shuo: "It was earlier."

Ah, yes, at that time he recognized her voice before he agreed to teach her, and then there were all kinds of things behind.

But when exactly?

Jiang Yixuan fumbled for the ring on her finger and whispered, "Where did we meet before...?"

She has to remember, otherwise Shi Shuo is the only one who remembers those memories and she feels inexplicably distressed.

It was already late when Shi Shuo returned to the club, but Migratory Bird and the others were still in the training room. Also, the day after tomorrow is the final of the lower bracket.

The opponent to fight this time is QMX, which was the first to make two chases and three narrow wins.

Of course you have to do a little more homework.

And DK has successfully entered the finals.

Anyway, he hasn't had a training match these days, so he won't be allowed to play on stage that day.

Shi Shuo checked Weibo, and it was actually trending.

Someone photographed him going to Jiang Yixuan's house, and the head of the article analysis said that he was there to celebrate her birthday, and later Tang Jiu and Xing Yan also went, and said that they stayed alone for a long time.

There are also pictures of him leaving later.

These people are really patient, and they don't know where they have been waiting for so long.

The comments below are mixed.

[He is now a boyfriend and girlfriend, what's wrong with the boyfriend helping the girlfriend to celebrate her birthday, take care of yourself. 】

[No, the day after tomorrow is going to be a life-and-death duel, Shi Shuo is going to help his girlfriend celebrate her birthday at this time?all day? 】

[Laughing, who doesn't know that Shuo Shen doesn't have a training match, will he be allowed to play?What's wrong with going to celebrate your birthday? It's not a night out. 】

[That is, Shuoshen has not practiced for so long, so it is clear that he does not intend to let him play. 】

[Even so, you shouldn't go at this time. 】

[Why, coauthoring you to postpone Jiang Yixuan's birthday by a few days?You are a very interesting person. 】

Shi Shuofan was a little worried when he saw these remarks.

If she saw it, wouldn't she know that he couldn't play without the training match?
Shi Shuo pinched his eyebrows.

She still has a concert going on, she should be very busy, I hope she doesn't want to watch it.

Jiang Yixuan really didn't look at these messy things on Weibo.

She packed up the rest of the things and leaned on the sofa, looking at the ring on her finger and grinning from ear to ear

Holding her curled hand over her heart, she whispered in her heart.

"Dad, have you seen it? I am very happy now!"

(End of this chapter)

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