Chapter 266 But she loves me the most
Chen Shi asked curiously: "Brother Shuo, does she know your birthday?"

The expression on Shi Shuo's face paused.

"I do not know?"

"No, I didn't ask."

When he saw her, he just wanted to hold her in his arms, how could he remember these things.

Compared with her, these are not so important.

"Ah, then..."

"Watch the stage." Shi Shuo interrupted him, not wanting to dwell on these useless things.

He was already very happy to be able to spend this 20th birthday with her before she went abroad.

The scene entered the countdown.

Under the eyes of everyone, Jiang Yixuan came up from the lift.

The shy look in front of him in the background had disappeared, and Jiang Yixuan appeared on stage with a bright and confident smile.

It was still the silver microphone.

With the backup dancer behind her, she did a few simple moves coolly and flirtatiously, and the brisk and warm music immediately lifted the atmosphere of the concert.

Ah Jun and the others were infected by this atmosphere even though they couldn't sing.

Vigorously waving the light stick in his hand.

The yelling behind him should not be too loud.


"My wife I love you!"

"I love you more!"

"I love you most!"

There were male and female voices in these contests, and everyone who heard them felt sore throats.

Shi Shuo hummed and responded silently in his heart, "But she loves me the most."

At the last part of the song, Jiang Yixuan made a shooting motion in the direction of the audience towards Shi Shuo.

The purple stars specially painted on the corners of her eyes added a bit of charm to her.

Shi Shuo covered his heart and leaned back slightly, pretending that she hit his heart.

Jiang Yixuan laughed softly, bright and dazzling.

She said that he was always shining in her eyes, but in fact she was the same in his eyes.

He watched her approach her, and finally embraced his own light.

The next few songs are more enthusiastic songs.

And the song "Zhao".

Jiang Yixuan put the microphone on the microphone stand and supported the microphone stand to sing in a low voice, but her pitch rose in vain.

She looked at the teenagers in the audience with a smile, "Shi Shuo, I'll sing Zhao Zhao to you."

The camera came to Shi Shuo at the right time, and the boy on the big screen seemed to have expected it, but his eyes were still full of emotion, and his ears were slightly hot.

There were cheers at the scene.

Dog food is here again.

The lighting on stage changes with the ebb and flow of the song.

Hearing this song written by Jiang Yixuan for him at this moment aroused those unyielding emotions in his heart.

He won't just fade away and disappear!

He had to be worthy of the song she wrote!
Ah Jun on the left and the migratory bird on the right pushed him at the same time. Shi Shuo smiled so much that the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his ears, so he didn't bother to pay attention to the two of them at this moment.

After the opening song, she changed into a new set of clothes, and the music that followed was more soothing.

The fans at the scene spontaneously sang a chorus, and they can feel the beauty in it.

Jiang Yixuan harmonized for them, waving her arms to beat the rhythm.

Blue Tears was also bewitched by the mermaid's voice, surrounding her and illuminating her.

During the three-hour concert, with more than 30 songs, Jiang Yixuan broke out in sweat after singing.

She sat on the edge of the stage and had a soft voice.

"I may disappear for a while, will everyone wait for me to come back with new works?"


"I'm a little bit reluctant for everyone now."

"We miss you too!"

There seemed to be water in Jiang Yixuan's eyes, she said softly: "I sang so many songs today, can everyone sing me a song?"

(End of this chapter)

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