Chapter 278 Is This My Sister?

Looking at the phone, he saw a picture of a kid.

It is an admission letter.

Kid: Brother, I’m admitted to university, I’m better than you~
Little Ghost: [Tsundere.jpg]

Shi Shuo took a closer look, and found that she did very well in the exam, and she majored in vocal music.

Shi Shuo was slightly surprised.

Shi Shuo: Are you studying vocal music?
Kid: That's right, I'm not tone-deaf like you.

Kid: Brother, you are the one, you are with my favorite singer without telling me, you are mad at me!

It was after she finished the exam that her parents allowed her to watch her mobile phone and play games, and then she went to Chaochao to find out that her idol had a boyfriend.

She cried for a while and felt that no one was worthy of her idol, but who would have thought that it was her own brother who was with her idol!
Good guy, she was stunned on the spot, not knowing whether to be happy or continue crying.

Kid: Anyway, I've finished the exam, so I'll come and play with you.

Kid: By the way, my idol wants an autograph!Still want to take a photo!

Shi Shuo made a direct phone call, and Shi Can happily picked it up, "Brother!"

This kid only calls him so obediently when he is needed.

Shi Shuo twirled the headphone cable in his hand, "What idol is it called, sister-in-law."

"Also, I'm devoting myself to training and playing games and don't have time to take you with me, so don't come."

"Go out to do a summer job by yourself, don't always think about asking for living expenses from me, I already made money to support myself and you when I was your age."

Shi Can: "Oh, our situation is different, my parents won't let me go out to work."

Shi Shuo sneered twice, thank you, you don't need to poke my heart.

Shi Can said with some confusion, "As soon as I knew that my idol's boyfriend was you, I...could not say that sister-in-law. Brother, I don't think you are worthy of my idol."

Shi Shuo: "..."

Shi Shuo heheed twice, "I don't think you are worthy of my living expenses, so don't make trouble for me. Your sister-in-law has gone abroad to study, and you won't see her when you come."

"Be honest."

After Shi Shuo finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Is this his own sister?
no!It was definitely a mistake at the time!
The phone was hung up, but Shi Can kept sending him messages.

Kid: I am right, my idol sings so beautifully, look at you, you are tone deaf.

Kid: I showed the video of your singing last time to my classmates, and they all asked us if we were biological.

Kid: Also, my idol is so beautiful, look at you again, how can my idol like you.

Pushed the nose on the face, right?

Shi Shuo: Very good, I also don't think it's my own.

Shi Shuo: [Smile.jpg]

Shi Shuo directly blocked this brat, and if he couldn't speak, don't speak, she was really used to it.

After listening to the song again, Jiang Yixuan, who was at the top, sent a message, so he quickly clicked on it.

Xuanxuan: I watched the game and played very well, as expected of Shuo Shen~

Seeing these words, the depression in his heart just now dissipated completely, and he smiled unconsciously. He could even imagine her expression when she said these words.

Must be very cute.

Shi Shuo: I'm your boyfriend, so of course I can't let you lose face.

Jiang Yixuan couldn't help laughing when she saw this, she remembered the time when they first got along.

At that time, Shi Shuo often said this to her arrogantly, and she also liked to tease him with it.

Looking back now, it turns out that there are already many things worth remembering between them.

Xuanxuan: Well, with you as my boyfriend, I am the most handsome.

Shi Shuo's heart was agitated by her words, he clenched his fist against his lips to block the unstoppable upwards.

He thought for a while and took a screenshot of this sentence, and by the way, released his money-losing sister from the blacklist, sent the screenshot and blocked it again.

Let that brat take a good look at what her sister-in-law said!

Shi Shuo: Are you all right over there?

Xuanxuan: Very good. I learned a lot and got used to it well.

Xuanxuan: I'll give you a surprise when I get back.

Shi Shuo: Well, when the time comes, I also have a surprise for you.

They chatted in the car for a while and Jiang Yixuan said she had to go to class so she hung up first and asked him to rest early so he wouldn't be too tired, the dark circles under his eyes were almost comparable to pandas.

Shi Shuo complied with her words,'s not time to relax yet.

It was twelve o'clock when we got back to the club.

All of them went to the training room, and the coach and Shi Shuo analyzed the replay of tonight's game together, what needs to be improved and strengthened.

It was not until three o'clock in the morning that they all dispersed and went back to rest.

When Shi Shuo arrived at the new club, he didn't plan to start a live broadcast for the time being.

He also duly completed the business assigned by the club, after all, the boss of LXY at that time extended a helping hand to him.

They are actively training and preparing for the race.

In a bo1 game, it is enough to wait and see who the four teams win in the final result.

Time soon came to the draw ceremony for the World Championship.

A total of twelve teams are divided into two groups, A and B.

KPL's Champions and Asia are directly divided into two groups.

DK and QMX can only meet in the quarterfinals if they both advance.

The coaches and players of each team rushed to the venue to watch the draw ceremony.

Jiang Yixuan was also watching.

Every time they play games at night, she can watch them during the day, which is a bit better.

[The exciting world championship draw is coming again! 】

[Sakushen definitely wants to be in the same group as AST! 】

[If we really want to be together, there are so many topics to talk about, the grass team's traffic has won a lot, okay? 】

[I don’t know if there is a group of death this year. 】

[I'm a little looking forward to whether there will be any unlucky eggs this year, haha~]

I don't know if it was intentional, but the seat of AST is very close to that of LXY.

Ah Jun and the others were very happy when they saw Shi Shuo, they dragged him and chatted for a while, and no one looked at He Wangxuan who had an ugly face behind him.

Shi Shuo also introduced to his current teammates, and they happily added him as friends.

In the eyes of these teammates, Ah Jun, Migratory Bird, He Qi, and Chen Shi are all champion players with several championships, and they wanted to know each other before.

The camera came at the right time.

The barrage is full of nostalgia, sighs, feeling beautiful and regretful.

The teams below were all chatting among themselves, and they hadn't seen each other for a while. You came and laughed at each other, and some team members laughed from ear to ear.

In such an atmosphere, the draw ceremony officially began.

The champion of the spring split was drawn first.

Group A: QMX.

Group B: DK.

The next step is to draw other teams from the big pool.

There are six teams in each group, bo3 points system, the top four in each group enter the next round, which means that four teams will be eliminated after the first round.

It is generally believed that the strength of the KGL team is weaker than that of the KPL.

So if there are two or three KGL teams in the team, it is better to advance.

On the contrary, it is the KPL civil war of the death group.

Now, there is another uncertain factor of the LXY that is sometimes present.

This year's World Championship must be very beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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