Chapter 286 The Black Fans Are Loving

He Wangxuan showed an innocent expression to the camera, and his fingertips landed on the keyboard.

[All] AST Xuan Shao (mirror): Isn't this what Shuo God wants?

[All] Young Master AST Xuan (mirror): I am apologizing.

Shi Shuo stared at these words for a while and sneered.

Just say why he suddenly agreed to fight him one-on-one.

It turned out that I wanted to disgust him.

[All] LXY worry-free (mirror): If you don't want to fight, you don't have to.

Shi Shuo manipulated the mirror in his hand to clear the pawn line, and brought the pawn line towards He Wangxuan.

He Wangxuan cleared the line of soldiers and guarded under the tower, and cleared them one after another. The time was delayed for a long time. He seemed to want to use this method to annoy him.

The corners of Shi Shuo's mouth were stretched into a straight line, his eyes were dark as night and sullen.

He deliberately played with him!
When Shi Shuo was at level [-], he jumped over the tower and killed him directly, tearing down the defense tower to end this absurd farce.

The first thing to do when you exit is to delete him.

When Shi Shuo received the call, He Qi was not surprised at all. Shi Shuo heard the voice from He Wangxuan's live broadcast room on his side.

"Hey, why did Shuoshen leave? Two out of three games as agreed?"

He ignored the curse words on the screen, and said helplessly: "Since Shuo Shen ran away, forget it, he won anyway, although I didn't use all my strength, this is respect for seniors."

After saying this, no matter how dirty the barrage was, he just turned off the live broadcast.

Heqi's side also returned to calm.

He watched the live broadcast in his room.

"I thought it was too simple, my fault." He Qi spoke first.

"It's nothing to do with you, I'm just angry now!" Shi Shuo kicked the railing, "I've been tricked! Wasting my time!"

The sullenness between the words is hardly too obvious.

He Qi laughed twice, it was a long time since Shi Shuo was so angry.

"stop laughing!"

"Okay, okay, don't laugh, if you're okay, we'll go fry fish in five rows, let you vent your anger?"

"Success, then hit two."

"Okay, I'll call them."

Of course Ah Jun, Migratory Bird and Chen Shi had nothing to disagree with, they started chirping about recent interesting things when they entered the room.

Shi Shuo felt much better when he heard it.

They broke up after two fights.

Although Ah Jun and the others didn't see He Wangxuan's live broadcast, they saw it when they were shopping in Chaohua.

There are all screen recordings of He Wangxuan's live broadcast.

There is also a screen recording of their fifth row helping Shi Shuo calm down.

Compared with each other, the two are more intense.

Their eyes met, and they could see the haze in each other's eyes.

It's too dirty to play!

too disgusting!

Because not only these, but also some sailors who don't know where they came from.

These sailors said that Shi Shuo would choose Jing, Lan, and Yao, all three heroes he was good at, even if he won, it would be invincible.

He said that He Wangxuan didn't give his best in today's solo, and he made it clear that he was letting Shi Shuo do it. In a real fight, he might not be able to win.

He also said that He Wangxuan kindly released the water, but Shi Shuo didn't appreciate it.

What bullshit talk.

Ah Jun was so angry that he wanted to kill those farting people with a tuba on the spot.

Chen Shi stopped him.

Having such a ticking time bomb in the club really makes them powerless.

But in fact ...

Chen Shi drew a further distance down, "Look, when it comes to trolling people, they really can't compare to the fans in the competition circle."

Not only Shi Shuo and the fans who liked AST in the past, but also their fans and fans of other teams were scolding.

First they spoke rationally, and then they scolded after discovering that they were all sailors who only knew what to say and didn't listen to it.

A dozen scoldings are all different.

There is even one that says——

[Although I am a villain's black fan, you guys are going too far, you can't see whose fault it is because of sulfuric acid in your eyes, right? 】

Shi Shuo's encounter——

Being framed, wages deducted, youth training not allowed to participate in KPL transfer, youth training huge transfer money...

After beating He Wangxuan personally, he did this trick again.

It's really the degree of love for black fans.

The fighting power of the fans is indeed not to be underestimated. The owner of the most pleasing comments did not reply, and his comments were completely captured.

[No way, the navy didn't buy enough, so it won't work. 】

[They really think that we can't understand the game like them, and pretend to be fans, tsk tsk. 】

[The contestants are stupid and sweet, do you really think we are stupid and sweet too? 】

They have the upper hand here.

Shi Shuo didn't look at these things at all, he didn't want them to affect his mood.

It was He Wangxuan who cared.

He saw that the navy he bought with money was so weak, so he didn't say much.

Anyway, he no longer cares about scolding or not.

Enough of being scolded, whatever.

knock knock knock.

Opening the door, He Qi looked calm with his hands in his pockets, and he spoke in a calm tone.


Joking flashed across He Wangxuan's eyes, "What do we have to talk about?"

"You used me."

Simple and straightforward.

"Strictly speaking, no, I meant it at the time, but after I went back to my room and thought about it, I changed my mind."

"Tell me."

"I really shouldn't care too much about the comments on the Internet. It was because they affected my mood before that I couldn't show my strength, and I was more afraid of Shuoshen."

He Wangxuan said calmly, "After thinking it through..."

He bent his lips and smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"I have endured so much to get to where I am today, why should I turn back, even if it is a road to the dark, I don't want to stop here."

He didn't want to be labeled as being beaten and crushed by Shi Shuo all the time.

"At that time, it will be regarded as my repaying his previous target, and I don't owe him anything." He Wangxuan said as he stroked the corner of his lips.

His blow was very real, and it hurts a little now.

He Qi felt ridiculous.

With so much harm caused to Shi Shuo before, he just said that he didn't owe Shi Shuo anything, so he can continue to hurt Shi Shuo wantonly?
"One more thing." He Wangxuan raised his head, "We really lost because we were not like a team, so you guys, you can get ready to look at the water dispenser."

Anyway, these people only have Shi Shuo in their hearts!
Since they can't help him win the championship, there is no need to play again.

He Qi really laughed out loud this time.

"Do you really think this is your word?"

He Wangxuan didn't speak, the light and shadow flickered on his face, and a sentence was written confidently on his face.


He really felt that he had the final say here.

But in fact, this company belongs to his father.

He Qi said without emotion: "Then I wish you all your wishes come true."

"of course."

He Qi didn't say anything else, he walked to the corner of the stairs and looked at the four people discussing together on the first floor.

Casually took a disposable cup from the water dispenser, opened the thermos cup when Chen Shi poured out a cup of mellow black tea and drank it.

Chen Shi, who was too focused on checking Weibo, didn't see it.

When he was thirsty and ready to drink tea, half a cup of black tea in the cup was gone, He Qi shook the cup in his hand, smiling calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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