Chapter 290 Shi Shuo, I'm Back

Although LXY is there sometimes, but after all, the other four players are still a bit short in experience and mentality, and some systems have not been fully practiced.

In the end, LXY stopped in the semi-finals of the World Championship.

But this is also a pretty good result.

The boss was quite satisfied, and gave them the promised bonus for them to make persistent efforts.

The qualifying round for entering the KPL will be held after the World Championship.

Shi Shuo and the others strengthened their training while watching the game.

On the third day after the end of the World Championship, the competition for the last fixed seat in KPL began, and LXY lived up to expectations and won the victory.

Officially become a new KPL team with a seat.

This kind of inspiration has also brought many fans to LXY.

#LXY enters KPL#
#Once the villain is back! #
On this day, the other [-] teams under the official blog came to welcome and celebrate.

The boss happily took them out for dinner.

The double happiness came when Shi Shuo received the news from Jiang Yixuan.

Xuanxuan: I'll be back tomorrow.

Then there is a screenshot of the flight, the arrival time is in the morning.

Shi Shuo clenched the phone tightly, and a smile unconsciously appeared on his brows and eyes. After three months, she was finally coming back!
It's just that this smile hasn't formed yet and received a fucking message.

Mom: You are such an adult, why are you still having a temper with your sister? Hurry up and get your sister out of the blacklist!

Mom: Your sister starts school tomorrow, you take her to sign up, take care of your sister, understand?

That kid starts school tomorrow?
He replied yes and released Shi Can from the blacklist. To be honest, Shi Can didn't tell him, and he forgot about pulling her into the blacklist.

Kid: Brother, you think of me.

Shi Shuo: Mom sent me a message, you start school tomorrow?

Kid: Yes.

Shi Can sent a screenshot of the flight, which happened to be about the same time as Jiang Yixuan.

Shi Shuo: I have something to do tomorrow, so I will ask my teammates to pick you up.

Kid: Brother, don't you think it's troublesome?I don't know you, what do you have more important than picking up your sister!
Kid: I don't know the place where I live, are you going to abandon me?
Little ghost: [Heartbreaker.jpg]

Shi Shuo's forehead twitched, wishing he could hit her forehead.

Shi Shuo: Speak well.

Kid: Oh, so what is it that makes you willing to abandon your lovely sister?

Shi Shuo: Your sister-in-law is back.

Shi Can immediately sent a voice message, very excited.

"Ah? My idol is coming back! Really? Really? Brother, you are too much, I am so lucky to meet my idol and you will not bring me back!"

Shi Shuo: Her status is not suitable to accompany you to school.

"Then I don't want my idol to send me to school. I want contact information, autograph and photo, and see her in person! No, no, I want to meet my idol!"

Shi Shuo snorted, if he had known, he would not have told her.

But in this case, they should be able to get along well.

Shi Can kept posting expressions.

Shi Shuo didn't bother to type anymore, so he pressed the small microphone and spoke.

"Okay, let you see, after reading it, report it obediently, and don't cause trouble for my teammates."

Kid: OK!
Shi Can rolled happily on the bed, and immediately stood up like a carp to look for the peripherals she bought earlier.

Shi Shuo also told Jiang Yixuan about this.

Jiang Yixuan readily agreed, Shi Shuo's younger sister should be a pretty cute girl.

He went downstairs and looked at Meng'an, who was playing the top game, "Are there any arrangements for tomorrow?"

"No, didn't I have two days off, I want to have a good sleep!"

"Accompany me to pick up someone tomorrow."

"Ah? Pick up who, Captain?"

"Very important person."

Meng An nodded thoughtfully, smelling gossip, "Okay, I'll go with the captain tomorrow!"

Shi Shuo patted his shoulder, "Thank you."


They arrived at the airport half an hour before the flight, and Meng An was still a little drowsy leaning against the pillar.

Holding a bouquet of brilliantly blooming roses in his hand, Shi Shuo looked expectantly at the bustling crowd coming out of the room.

Many people cast amazed glances at his appearance, but retreated when they saw the expression on his face.

It should already be the owner of the famous grass.

A girl carrying a pink box saw Shi Shuo walking over quickly, and Meng An, who was leaning on the pillar, also opened her eyes.

The girl has the same pair of peach blossom eyes as Shi Shuo, and when she smiles, there are two small dimples, cute and charming coexist.

Meng An stared blankly for two seconds.

Shi Can smiled, "Brother, you didn't give these flowers to me, did you?"

"You are self-aware."

Shi Can puffed her cheeks but she was not angry, she stood beside him and looked at the exit with the same expression as Shi Shuo, "Has my idol come out yet?"

"No eyes?"

"Brother, you have such a vicious tongue and you don't know how my idol fell in love with you."

Shi Shuo lightly raised his eyebrows and slapped her on the head, "It's not polite at all, call someone."

Shi Can covered her head and muttered softly, "You didn't introduce me yet."

"Meng An, this is my sister, Shi Can."

Shi Can stuck his head out from Shi Shuo's side and waved, "Brother Meng'an, hello, I'm Shi Can."

"Hello, hello." Meng An bowed and nodded flattered.

Shi Can burst out laughing.

Meng An scratched her head a little embarrassed.

Shi Can's eyeballs rolled around, seeing him like this seemed easy to deceive.

She leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Brother Meng'an, is my brother usually very aggressive in your club? Tell me the truth about whether he has been punished. Do you really dislike my brother in your heart?"

"My brother's temper really stinks!"

Shi Shuo glanced at her coolly, "I can hear you."

Shi Can lowered her eyelids, stuck out her tongue and made a face at him, then looked at Meng An curiously.

Meng'an was a little stunned, what the little sister said was completely incompatible with the captain he knew.

He answered honestly, "No, the captain is pretty good, not fierce."

"Huh? He's the only one who can still be the captain?" Shi Can's tone was quite disgusting.

"Brother Meng'an, do you dare to be angry because he is here and dare not speak out for fear that he will put shoes on you?"

Meng An thought it was quite funny, this brother and sister must be Huanxi enemies, the younger sister looked down on her elder brother so much, the older brother seemed to dislike the younger sister too.

He explained helplessly, "Really not."

"Ah, okay." Shi Can lowered his head in disappointment, but his eyes were full of smiles.

"You're almost done, or I'll just get you into the car."

Shi Can snorted but didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, a man with a black box came out, wearing a hat and a mask, his long hair fluttering in the wind.

When he met those eyes, he recognized it immediately.

Jiang Yixuan quickened her pace, Shi Shuo also took the initiative to meet her, and Shi Can watched her eyes shine from behind!

Shi Shuo handed her the flowers.

"Shi Shuo, I'm back."

"Welcome back, my little princess."

He embraced Jiang Yixuan emotionally and refused to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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