Chapter 307

AST lost, He Wangxuan clicked into Chaochao with dark thoughts and faint excitement.

He thought he would scold Man Tianfei and share the blame, but he didn't!

[Go back and review the game carefully, I played very well today. 】

[This wild king is really good, he will look for opportunities. 】

[Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it won't be much worse, at least the atmosphere of the team is good for the naked eye. 】

He Wangxuan didn't understand.

Why are these remarks completely different from when he played before? These people are deliberately targeting him!
He Wangxuan seemed to have forgotten that it wasn't that he didn't help him in Chaohua before.


After the game, Jiang Yixuan came directly to the backstage lounge.

Shi Shuo, who was playing with his mobile phone on the sofa, looked up and saw Jiang Yixuan standing at the door, immediately got up and strode over to hug her in front of everyone.


The teammates and staff behind him booed one after another, Jiang Yixuan didn't expect his move, and quickly buried her face in Shi Shuo's arms, and gently pushed him.

"You, let go first."

"It's not loose, I hug my own girlfriend and they don't care."

Shi Shuo directly held her hand and led her away to the stairwell where there was no one and no cameras.

The young man's scorching breath rushed towards his face, and Jiang Yixuan crumpled his team uniform.

Shi Shuo breathed unsteadily and kissed her lips again, with a slightly wronged tone, "Xuanxuan, I miss you, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"I miss you as well."

Jiang Yixuan had a bright smile on her face.

They were all looking at each other seriously.

Shi Shuo stroked Jiang Yixuan's cheek pitifully, "I lost weight, is it because I didn't have a good rest because of that incident?"

"No, it's mainly because I've been a little busy at work recently." Jiang Yixuan said, "Don't you think it looks better to be thinner?"

"Who is talking nonsense, fatter looks better."

Her wrist is too thin, as if it can be broken with a little force, it is better to grow some flesh.

Health is the most important thing.

"Okay, then I'll eat more."


They chatted about what happened recently, and Jiang Yixuan suddenly realized that it had been a long time since they came out.

"I just came to see you, you should go back quickly, don't let your teammates wait for you for too long."

Shi Shuo glanced at the chat message and smiled.


It's a message from the coach.

Bai Yang: Shishuo, I don't think you'll be back for a while, I guess you don't like the dishes at the dinner place, so we won't wait for you.

Bai Yang: Go back to the club before two o'clock.

"The coach gave me the green light, and now I can stay with Xuanxuan in a fair manner."

In fact, it didn't take long. They started the game at [-] o'clock, and this time they played very fiercely. It's already half past eleven.

Only about two hours of interaction time left.

Shi Shuo happily shook hands with her, and led her out.

"What would Xuanxuan want to play?"

"You haven't eaten, so find a place to eat something with you first."

"it is good."

Jiang Yixuan found a small restaurant and ordered some food, Shi Shuo was really hungry.

I usually don’t eat anything before a game, so as not to get sleepy and slow down my reaction during the game.

Shi Shuo looked at a bowl of white rice, "Aren't you going to eat it?"

"You eat, I'm not very hungry."

"Then let's have a bowl of soup." Shi Shuo rolled up his sleeves and scooped up a bowl of soup for her, "That's why I promised to eat more."

"Okay." Jiang Yixuan took it with a smile.

Shi Shuo quickly ate a mouthful of vegetables and rice, Jiang Yixuan saw him as if he was reincarnated from starvation, and was afraid that he would choke herself.

"Eat slowly, I won't fight with you."

"No..." Shi Shuo's cheeks were bulging, and he spoke in a very cute way.

He found that he couldn't speak clearly, so he quickly swallowed the meal.

"I just want to finish eating quickly and don't want to waste time."

It's been a long time since we saw each other, and we don't have much time to spend together. He doesn't want to spend all of it on eating.

Jiang Yixuan was slightly taken aback, propping her chin and chuckling lightly.

"Where is the time delay, am I not here with you?"

"Such a simple thing is life. I actually feel at ease looking at you."

It doesn't have to be something to do. Seeing him well and happy, she will be very happy too.

Ripples appeared in Shi Shuo's eyes, and he nodded, "Okay, I see."

The romance and peace of mind she wanted, he gave.

What she wants is simplicity and happiness, so can he.

The two had a simple meal like that, Shi Shuo held Jiang Yixuan's hand and walked with her on the street.

The street lamps stretched the figures of the two of them very long, and gradually overlapped together, intimate and warm.

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

They walked on the street from time to time, people looked over, and some even raised their mobile phones to take pictures.

Jiang Yixuan and Shi Shuo didn't care about this at all, they just went shopping holding hands like ordinary couples.

Shi Shuo bought two cups of milk tea.

"What does Xuanxuan's taste like?"

Before Jiang Yixuan could answer me, Shi Shuo had already taken a sip from her straw.

"I think mine tastes better, do you want Xuanxuan to try it?"

He handed over his share expectantly, Jiang Yixuan couldn't stop smiling.

She took a sip as he wished, "Well, it's very sweet."

Shi Shuo lightly bit the straw and took a sip, "It's really sweet."

Jiang Yixuan couldn't hold back a chuckle, "Aren't you childish, little, brother, brother~"

Shi Shuo raised his brows lightly, leaned close to Jiang Yixuan's ear and lowered his voice, "Don't you know, my little sister?"

Jiang Yixuan: "!!!"

The hot air that slapped her ears rushed to her face along her snow-white skin, and she glared at him.

This guy's mouth is becoming more and more uncontrollable!
Shi Shuo narrowed his eyes slightly, begged for mercy, and pulled him into his arms while tugging.

She probably didn't know that when she glared at her, she wasn't threatening at all, but rather shy and coquettish.

"How am I doing today?"

"What performance?" Jiang Yixuan froze for a moment.

"Of course it's the performance on the field, otherwise what would Xuanxuan think? Huh?"

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

She didn't think much about it at first, but she didn't react. When he said it in such a tone, it was as if she was really thinking about something bad.

"Time! Shuo!"

"I'm very serious."

He pretended to be confused.

He squinted his peach blossom eyes, he really looked like a fox.

Jiang Yixuan wanted to run away from what he said, but the fox held her hand tightly so that she couldn't break free.

Jiang Yixuan didn't dare to look him in the eye, being watched by his affectionate eyes, she would soften her attitude unconsciously.

"You played well, you always gave your best on the field."

Shi Shuo looked at her seriously and listened to her praise, the corners of his happy mouth almost went behind his ears.

He has always been so good in her heart.

Jiang Yixuan took a deep breath and slowly raised her eyes.

"Shi Shuo, try to stay on the field for a while longer."

(End of this chapter)

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