Chapter 310 A Grand Show of Love
Their number is marked as a master and apprentice.

It was the first time Jiang Yixuan heard him say in the game that he wanted to take his girlfriend away.

My heart is warm and satisfied.

Shi Shuo turned off the microphone, but the WeChat calls between the two of them continued.

"Shi Shuo, should I play Yao or..."

"Let's play Cai Wenji."

"it is good."

Shi Shuo thought for a while and asked, "Xuanxuan, have you seen the CG of Lan and Cai Wenji?"

"No, do they still have a CG?"

"Well, I'll send it to you later, you can take a look if you have time."

"Ah good."

The teammates are very enthusiastic, and they are always excited to take a group photo, saying how much they like Shi Shuo so that he must work hard on the field.

With such a fanatical male fan, Jiang Yixuan felt that she couldn't get in the way.

But she was happy.

It's great that so many people have seen Shi Shuo's goodness!

The orange-blue skill special effects are accompanied by very small daylilies, and the ultimate move is also a giant blue shark surrounded by flowers, domineering yet gentle.

The action of returning to the city is to gently sniff the flowers but not to break.

Jiang Yixuan followed Shi Shuo the whole time, watching him easily manipulate each child.

Just like flying with her back then.

His play was as good as ever, if not better.

Shi Shuo took her to fly a few times, and Jiang Yixuan called her, so she quit the game and went to work.

When Shi Shuo looked at WeChat, he exploded.

Crane Qi: [Smile.jpg]

Heqi: You understand.

Chen Shi: Brother Shuo, the new skin is out, why don't you arrange it?
Migratory Bird: Brother Shuo, your FMVP skin finally came out, you don't plan to show your affection on my face?

Ah Jun: Brother Shuo, don’t you think my shark’s clothes are a bit old?

All kinds of hints, express.

There are others.

Chi'an: Shi Shuo, you can't make some arrangements, right?

Ah Zhao: Shi Shuo, are you going to give me one?I only need a new skin to hold your Lan fight.

Xiao Ke: Although I am a mid laner, I play Lan very well.

All of them are waiting for the skin to come out and make him bleed profusely.

Shi Shuo laughed and scolded: "My wife is still saving money, so she just wants to cheat me."

He tweeted again.

[If you take my skin, you have to use it on the field. 】

The pros were quick to leave comments.

AST Jun: Brother Shuo, I want it too, but why not.

DK Chi'an: Do you have to send it first?

QMX Xiaoke: Okay, I will apply with our coach, and when Lan is selected, I will be switched to the jungle position.

TLG Azhao: I've been practicing Lan hard recently, and with the new skin, let's go solo again!
The comments are pretty funny.

Shi Shuo really bled a lot this time, and sent a whole group of people away.

The whole AST team, even the last merchant also gave away.

LXY's current teammates, needless to say.

The junglers of each team were all sent along with these well-connected professional players, a few commentators and coaches.

On this day, the canyon is full of daylilies in full bloom.


After Jiang Yixuan finished her work, she clicked on the cg sent by Shi Shuo, and after reading it, she understood.

It turned out that he asked her to choose Cai Wenji because of this reason...

It's really a teenager's little thought.

Shi Shuo saw Jiang Yixuan's news after the resumption.

Xuanxuan: Jusha waited for his girl.

Xuanxuan: She said she would always be with him and would not leave.

Xuanxuan: This time Dongguan also needs to work hard.

Shi Shuo laughed happily, yes, he got his girl.

With this sentence, he still has nothing to worry about.

"I will work hard." Shi Shuo whispered.

His teammates and boss were satisfied with the previous results, but he was not very satisfied.

After all, if you have climbed to the top, you are not willing to stay two steps below the top of the mountain.

This time for Dongguan, they can accumulate a lot of money.

This time, there was no calculation or injustice, only a contest of strength.


Tang Jiu brought fresh meat wontons, "Let's have some for supper."

Glancing at her mobile phone screen, she sighed curiously, "This seems to be Lan, jungler. Why are you playing jungler all of a sudden? Can you play?"

"It's really not very good." Jiang Yixuan pursed her lips and chuckled.

"Yo yo yo, I see why you are secretly happy, what's the matter?" Tang Jiu sat beside her, "Did something happen that I don't know about?"

Jiang Yixuan lowered her voice, unable to hide her joy.

"This is Lan's new skin, last winter Guan Shishuo's FMVP skin."

"Yo, I said so."

"Also, look at this flower, it's day lily."

Tang Jiu's eyes were almost glued to the screen, and he confirmed that it was indeed day lilies.

She completely understood why Jiang Yixuan was so happy.

It was a proof of existence that she was with him and that he cared about her.

"I see. There are only two of us in this room. You don't need to speak so softly."

Jiang Yixuan opened her eyes wide and realized it later, and smiled embarrassedly.

Her subconscious reaction.

"Look, you used to say that Xing Yan gave me a gift and I could have fun for a long time, but you are not the same now."

"I really didn't understand before."

Tang Jiu smiled triumphantly and looked at the skin model of Lan Lan again.

"However, I have to say that the young people nowadays have a lot of thoughts, and they can think of these."

"It can be seen that he really likes you."

When faced with this kind of honor that can be customized, the first thing he thought of was of course how to show his own style, but he took Jiang Yixuan into consideration.

Jiang Yixuan turned the skinned Lan model over and over again.

"Ok, I know."

She touched the ring on her finger lightly.

Tang Jiu urged her to say that the skin will always be there, so let's eat quickly, or it will be cold later.Jiang Yixuan reluctantly withdrew.

Tang Jiu looked at the calendar.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, do you still plan to stay here this year? Shuo will stay with you then?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yixuan was also a little apprehensive, she squeezed the spoon tightly.

"This year, I plan to go back with Shi Shuo to meet his parents."

"Is that what he meant?"

Jiang Yixuan nodded, "It's what he and his family meant. I've met his sister, a cute little girl, who kept telling me that her parents are very good people."

She knew that being able to raise such brothers and sisters must be good parents.

"Is it really decided?"


Tang Jiu leaned against the sofa and stretched his arms with an ouch.

"Although I know that once you start a relationship, you are very serious, but I didn't expect it to progress so quickly."

"I've seen my parents."

"Yixuan, it's great to see you like this."

Such an expression and tone would never have appeared on her before. These small actions told her that she was really happy now.

It's time for her to suffer too.

Jiang Yixuan held her hand, her eyes were full of gentle light, "We will all be fine."

"Yes, we'll all be fine."

Tang Jiu smiled heartlessly and said: "It's really impossible, you still have me, and I still have you, right!"

Jiang Yixuan laughed, "Yes, Ajiu is right."

(End of this chapter)

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