Chapter 316 Xuan Xuan Helps Me Wash

Two slender fingers, two identical tattoos.

Shi Shuo hugged Jiang Yixuan's shoulders and smiled silly, "Now we are a couple."

"Well, it's a couple now."

Jiang Yixuan originally thought that she didn't care about these formal things, but when Shuo really gave it to her, she was also happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Come on, let's go home."

"Well, go home."

The tattoo on his hand was still a little painful, but it couldn't beat the bursts of joy that surged up.

While sitting in the car, Jiang Yixuan showed him what he found, which was the precautions after tattooing.

It takes six hours before I can take a shower.

Can not eat irritating food.

Pay attention to the hygiene of the tattoo area and pay attention to disinfection.

One by one is really troublesome, Shi Shuo didn't even bother to read it, so he looked away.

"This is too complicated. Did you do the same thing after getting the tattoo?"

Jiang Yixuan nodded as a matter of course, "Of course."

"You have to pay more attention, you are going to play the game with this hand, you can't make mistakes."

Shi Shuo shook his left hand with a smile, then held the phone sideways with both hands to show her the posture when playing games.

"It's on the ring finger, it doesn't matter."

This finger is placed on the back of the phone and is not used for operation.

"You, don't be so nervous." Shi Shuo squeezed her face amusedly.

The driver in front laughed cheerfully when he heard what they said.

"Young man, you are so lucky. Your girlfriend cares about you so much. Oh, I think my wife was like this back then. I made a fuss when I got a little injury."

"I used to find it annoying, but later I realized that it was a sign that she cared about me. Young man, you should cherish it."

"I complain a lot and my wife doesn't bother to talk to me now."

Shi Shuo followed his words and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I get it, I will never get annoyed by my girlfriend."

The uncle driver sighed again and again, "That's good, that's good!"

Looking at Shi Shuo, he seemed to see himself when he was young.

Although not as handsome as him.

The conversation between the two of them didn't consider that Jiang Yixuan was still beside her at all, her face was slightly hot.

Shi Shuo leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I know Xuanxuan cares about me, but I didn't expect to care about me so much~"

Jiang Yixuan raised her clear eyes, which reflected his triumphant and cheerful appearance.

"Well, I care about you."

He is her partner in the next life, and she wants to spend the rest of her life with him.

Jiang Yixuan's blunt words made Shi Shuo a little embarrassed.

He quickly rolled down the window, his ears burning.

When they arrived at the place, Jiang Yixuan took Shi Shuo to buy some more clothes.

"Otherwise, you'd better leave some clothes with me, so you don't have to buy them every time." Jiang Yixuan said naturally, "I've cleaned up the guest room for you, just put your things there."

Shi Shuo's eyes lit up instantly.

Is this a complete tacit agreement that he can go anytime?
"Then what about your girlfriend?"

"Ajiu sleeps with me, and Ajiu doesn't come here often, so she doesn't spend the night with me very often."

"Okay! I'll save some clothes for you next time."

"it is good."

The two of them chatted and laughed and arrived at the door. Shi Shuo unlocked the lock with his fingerprints. His pair of slippers were put in the shoe bag. When he took them out, there was a smell of laundry detergent, which meant they had been washed. of.

The smile on Shi Shuo's lips couldn't stop rising.

He flipped through his phone and asked, "Xuanxuan, do you have anything to eat?"

"You are hungry?"

Shi Shuo: "Yes."

"I didn't eat before the game started, and then those people went directly to the KTV to howl. Now they have already eaten and came to seduce me."

Shi Shuo handed the phone to Jiang Yixuan.

She flipped through it, and her teammates sent him pictures of supper in the group, one after another, and even @ him specially.

Jiang Yixuan checked the refrigerator, and there were still plenty of dishes.

"You're tired from the game today, and it's not easy to get your hands wet. Let me make it for you and try my skills."

"Okay, then I'll take a shower first."

"it is good."

Jiang Yixuan flipped through the refrigerator and suddenly remembered, and hurried to hold Shi Shuo who was walking to the bathroom.

"No, you can't wash your hands until six hours later!"

"It's not that strict. I'm in good shape. I'll just try not to get wet." Shi Shuo tugged at his collar, "Although it's winter, I'm still sweating after playing too excitedly, so I need to wash it off." .”

Jiang Yixuan was still a little hesitant.

Shi Shuo lifted Jiang Yixuan's pensive chin with a smirk, and her image was reflected in his deep peach eyes.

"If Xuanxuan is so worried~"

"Xuanxuan wash for me?"

Jiang Yixuan narrowed her pupils and quickly pushed him away, "What are you talking about, it's up to you, I don't care about you."

She quickly put down her hair that was pinned behind her ears to cover her expression so that Shi Shuo could not see her current appearance.

The teasing cat was shy.

Shi Shuo laughed wildly.

Jiang Yixuan quickly pushed him, "You, don't you want to take a bath, go quickly, don't hinder me from cooking here."

"Okay, I was wrong, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry." Jiang Yixuan muttered softly.

Finally pushed Shi Shuo away, Jiang Yixuan let out a long sigh of relief.

He always loves to tease her, but every time it does what he wants.

In front of him, she was really soft and outrageous.

Jiang Yixuan took off her coat and hung it on the hanger, turned on the air conditioner, and after a while, the temperature in the room rose, very warm.

She cooked and was going to cook something simple.

She only had a meal when she picked up the kitchen knife, and she hadn't cooked formally for a long time.

If I go to Shi Shuo's house when the time comes...

Thinking of this, she made this meal very seriously, and made it while checking the recipe.It's not good until Shi Shuo comes out.

"I'll help you."

"You take a shower and don't get oily smoke, you'll be fine soon."

Shi Shuo was flattered to see her being so serious, "Actually, it's enough to just cook me some noodles, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Jiang Yixuan lowered her head and stir-fried the vegetables in the pot.

"I'm going to your house, I'm going to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner, so it's not easy for me to sit there."

He has to make a good impression on his family.

It was not because of him.

Shi Shuo clicked his tongue, feeling a little apprehensive.

"Xuanxuan, don't think so much, it's not your turn to come into the kitchen with me. If I let you into the kitchen, my mother will scold me for not bringing a new sample for an hour."

Jiang Yixuan smiled disbelievingly, "Really?"

"Really!" Shi Shuo emphasized, "Do you want to make a bet?"

"That still won't work."

What he said should be true, she didn't gamble.

Shi Shuo sighed in a low voice, his Xuanxuan was really smart and stopped the loss in time.

During the conversation, Jiang Yixuan took out the dishes.

A bowl of rice, a plate of fragrant dry fried meat, and a plate of fried eggs with tomatoes.

Very simple dish.

Shi Shuo picked up his phone and took a picture.


"Send it in the group and make those guys envious."

(End of this chapter)

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