The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 318 2 Love Rivals' Heart-to-Heart Talk

Chapter 318 A Heart-to-Heart Talk Between Two Love Rivals
Song Yan's expression changed slightly when he saw the pattern, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was slightly bitter.

This boy is declaring his sovereignty.

After showing almost everything, he raised his right hand and shook Song Yan perfunctorily, "Shi Shuo."

"I know you." Song Yan nodded friendly and brought over his untouched cup, "Drink this."

"How embarrassing that is."

He took it as soon as he said it.

Song Yan: "..."

He thought this young man was quite interesting, and he was so hostile to him without doing anything.

He looked at the expression on Jiang Yixuan's face.

She said helpless and indulgent.

Taking a closer look, she also has the exact same tattoo as Shi Shuo's on the hand holding the lyrics.

Ring finger of left hand.

Ring tattoo.

That's clear enough.

Besides, it looks like Jiang Yixuan got the tattoo first, and Shi Shuo got it later.

It was the first time he had seen her willing to pay so much attention to a person of the opposite sex, it seemed that he really had to.

Seeing that Song Yan's gaze had been fixed on Jiang Yixuan, Shi Shuo turned sideways to block it unhappily.

It was dark in front of her eyes, Jiang Yixuan raised her eyes suspiciously and met his unhappy ones, the grievances in her peach blossom eyes were about to overflow.

Jiang Yixuan pinched him and lowered her voice, "Don't think about it, go and wait for me?"

"Okay, don't disturb your work."

Shi Shuo put on an attitude that I am very sensible and generous, you have to feel sorry for me, which made Jiang Yixuan a little bit dumbfounded, but her heart was also sweet because of it.

Song Yan saw all the interaction between the two of them.

With so many hot searches, he had seen most of them, but this was the first time he saw the two of them standing together in person.

See them you Lennon me Lennon.

Tang Jiu patted him on the shoulder to bring Song Yan back to his senses.

He smiled at Tang Jiu, "I know."

He had no chance a long time ago, and he was never in her consideration. He was also happy to see her so happy now.

There are so many people here that it is inconvenient for Tang Jiu to say anything.

But it's best for him to think clearly.

The staff in the recording studio spoke up, "The two teachers should sing a cappella to familiarize themselves with the words first. Let's see if there is anything else that needs to be adjusted."

"it is good."

Jiang Yixuan pinched Shi Shuo's little finger reassuringly, and then went to Song Yan's side to discuss.

They have heard the demo, and now they watch the words and sing a cappella to adjust the details.

What they said were some professional words, Shi Shuo couldn't understand at all, but this didn't prevent him from focusing on Jiang Yixuan.

Such focused eyes cannot be ignored.

Jiang Yixuan only lowered her eyes and smiled deliberately not to look at him.

Song Yan took a look.

That peach blossom's eyes were full of tenderness.

Song Yan was thoughtful.

Because Shi Shuo was there, Jiang Yixuan paid more attention to the distance with Song Yan.

The recording of this song was quite smooth, Jiang Yixuan passed it twice, but Song Yan took a little longer.

Coming out of the recording studio, he smiled embarrassedly, "It's been a long time since I recorded a song seriously, and the mistakes are holding you back."

"You have improved quite quickly after going abroad."

"It's okay, your main job now is an actor, and I can't compare to you in terms of acting."

Song Yan smiled warmly.

Yes, even when he was a singer, he had nothing to say, let alone now that he is an actor.

But she and that boy had a tacit understanding.

As far as he knows, the e-sports teenagers don't have much rest time, but their relationship is still very good.

Some things really cannot be changed over time.

They listened to it again, and it worked out pretty well.

Song Yan now also has a car.

A group of people walked out together, and Song Yan called Shi Shuo to stop when they were about to part ways.

"I'm sorry, Yixuan, to take up a little of your boyfriend's time."

Song Yan smiled and asked: "Can I ask a professional player to help me adjust the settings? I always feel that something is wrong when I play games recently, but after all, I am not a professional and I don't know what the problem is."

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows, "Yes."

He turned around and said gently to Jiang Yixuan: "It's cold outside, you go to the car and wait for me, it will only take a few minutes."

"it is good."

Seeing Shi Shuo follow Song Yan into the car and close the door, Jiang Yixuan's expression is calm.

Tang Jiu was curious, "Yixuan, do you think what they are talking about is really just a game?"

Jiang Yixuan: "No matter what it is, it's always good."

She can still trust Song Yan's behavior.

Tang Jiu nodded in agreement, "Yes."

There was a faint smell of men's perfume in the car, Shi Shuo lazily leaned on the back of the chair and said nothing, he waited for Song Yan to speak first.

Seeing his gesture, Song Yan knew that he guessed that he was not looking for him to talk about games.

"I have pursued Yixuan before, from high school to university."

The windows were closed tightly and the air conditioner was strong enough, Shi Shuo felt that a fire was burning in his heart.

The light came in from the car window and jumped on Shi Shuo's thick eyelashes, but it still couldn't enter his eyes.

The atmosphere in the car was a little gloomy.

Song Yan recalled all the past, his eyes were a little nostalgic.

"She is different from other girls, she seems to confine herself in a small protective shell and stay in her safe zone."

"No matter what I do, I can't make her open even a crack."

"I have been chasing her all this time, and she has never been interested in me. I can see that she is different only when she treats you."

"Her shell is completely opened in front of you, and she will show the posture of a little girl if she is no longer so strong."

Song Yanchang sighed and smiled.

"Seeing that she has found happiness now, I am very happy for her, so I don't want you to misunderstand."

"Shi Shuo, take good care of her, she has suffered enough."

Shi Shuo didn't expect him to tell him everything so frankly.

That's good, it proves that he should no longer be attached to Xuanxuan.

Shi Shuo's tone was brisk, with his usual confidence and publicity.

"You don't have to tell me these things, and I will treat her well. I have known about your relationship for a long time. You are just wishful thinking."

wishful thinking...


"But we are in love with each other." When Shi Shuo said this, his expression was happy and arrogant.

"I know better than you how miserable she is. I knew her much earlier than you."

"Your worry is unnecessary. I believe in her and only in her. I also wish you to find your own happiness as soon as possible."

When Shi Shuo opened the car door, he seemed to think of something again, and smiled sincerely at Song Yan, "Anyway, thank you for taking care of Xuanxuan before."

Song Yan looked at Shi Shuo's leaving back and shook his head with a smile, leaning against the back of the chair and closing his eyes.

It turned out that he was worrying for nothing.

At first I thought he was an immature, jealous and possessive boy, but in fact he was like a bright mirror in his heart.

Those expressions of jealousy are because he deliberately wants Yixuan to pay more attention to him.

That was a little fun between them.

He is troubled.

Yixuan, your boyfriend is really nice.

(End of this chapter)

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